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  Message on World Humanitarian Day

学习啦在线学习网   世界人道主义日致辞

  A record 130 million people are dependent on humanitarian assistance to survive. Grouped together, these people in need would comprise the tenth most populous nation on Earth.


学习啦在线学习网   These figures are truly staggering, yet they tell only a fraction of the story. Hidden behind the statistics are individuals, families and communities whose lives have been devastated. People no different to you and me: children, women and men who face impossible choices every day. They are parents who must choose between buying food or medicine for their children; children who must choose between school or working to support their families; families who must risk bombing at home or a perilous escape by sea.


  The solutions to the crises that have plunged these people into such desperate hardship are neither simple nor quick. But there are things we can all do – today, and every day. We can show compassion, we can raise our voices against injustice, and we can work for change.


学习啦在线学习网   World Humanitarian Day is an annual reminder of the need to act to alleviate the suffering. It is also an occasion to honour the humanitarian workers and volunteers toiling on the frontlines of crises. I pay tribute to these dedicated women and men who brave danger to help others at far greater risk.

学习啦在线学习网   世界人道主义日每年提醒我们必须采取行动减轻痛苦。世界人道主义日也是向在危机前线辛勤努力的人道主义工作者和志愿者致敬的一个机会。我向那些面对巨大风险,不顾危险帮助他人的执着敬业的男女人士致敬。

  Today, I urge everyone to sign on to the United Nations “World You’d Rather” campaign. As well as raising awareness and building empathy, the campaign has a concrete goal: to raise money for the UN’s Central Emergency Response Fund and to enrol the support of individuals everywhere as Messengers of Humanity. We need everybody to demand that their societies and governments put humanity first.

学习啦在线学习网   今天,我敦促大家签名参加联合国的“你为世界做选择”竞赛,提高意识和增进同情。竞赛的具体目标是:为联合国中央应急基金筹资并调动各地人士担当人道信使,提供支持。我们需要大家要求各自社会和本国政府把人道放在首位。

  Earlier this year, 9,000 participants gathered in Istanbul for the first-ever World Humanitarian Summit. World leaders committed to transform the lives of people living in conflict, disaster and acute vulnerability. They rallied behind the Agenda for Humanityand its pledge to leave no one behind.

学习啦在线学习网   今年早些时候,9000人曾聚会伊斯坦布尔,出席历史上首次世界人道主义峰会。世界各国领导人承诺改变那些处于冲突、灾难和严峻脆弱处境中的人民之生活。各位领导人都表示支持《人道议程》及其不让任何人掉队的承诺。

学习啦在线学习网   This promise is also at the heart of the Sustainable Development Goals. With their focus on human rights, resilience and poverty eradication, these 17 global goals offer a 15-year plan to reduce needs and vulnerability and promote a world of peace, dignity and opportunity for all. To succeed on this collective journey, we need everyone to play their part. Each one of us can make a difference. On this World Humanitarian Day, let us unite in the name of humanity and show that we cannot and will not leave any one behind.

学习啦在线学习网   这个承诺也是可持续发展目标的核心。这17项全球目标以人权、复原力和消除贫穷为焦点,提出了一个旨在减少需求和脆弱性、推动为全体人民建立一个和平、有尊严和充满机遇的世界的15年计划。为使这个集体征程取得成功,我们需要大家发挥自己的作用。我们每个人都可以有所作为。值此世界人道主义日,让我们以人道的名义团结起来,表明我们不会也绝不能让任何人掉队。


学习啦在线学习网   你应该为自己感到骄傲的6个理由

  You have to be a smaller size. you have to burn more fat. you have to tighten your butt, firm your abs, fit into those skinny jeans, and do it all in 3 weeks! that just sucks.

学习啦在线学习网   你得穿更小尺码的衣服,你得燃烧更多的脂肪。为了在3个星期内能够穿上紧身牛仔裤,你咬牙拼命减肥收臀紧腹?真没劲

  If you’re tired of hearing all of this, and hearing it over and over again, maybe you need to stand your ground, rebel, and go against the tide. you are so much more than just a size or a number, but living in a culture that’s beauty- and body- image-obsessed isn’t easy. in fact, it’s downright painful, especially if you’re not a size 2.


  Most of us weren’t even born that small! if you’re tired of feeling bad, especially around this time of year when the weather’s warming up and everyone is talking bikinis maybe you do need a new look, but this one should have nothing to do with your weight, size or shape.


  This look takes cultivating what’s on the inside. it means being fearless about who you are both inside and out. it means standing up and screaming at the top of your lungs, “i’m not going to drop a jean size to be acceptable and valued, i’m actually perfect just the way i am!”

学习啦在线学习网   改变也可以是指内在气质的培养。也就是说,你得学会从里而外地接受自己,你得站起来大声宣布“我才不要为了穿上紧身牛仔裤去减肥,我喜欢自己现在的样子!”

学习啦在线学习网   Here’s a few tips on how to begin:


  1. know your heart


  We’re paying more attention to external issues than we are to our hearts. that’s why people are dying out there: if we spent half as much time noticing and tending to our hearts, we would be a lot healthier emotionally. think about how much time the fashion industry, the food industry and the cosmetic industry pay to convince you that you’re not ok, and most people buy into it, hook, line, and sinker. how do i know? because i buy it way too often as well. invest in your heart—know your value and change your world.

学习啦在线学习网   我们对外在的关注总是多于对内心的呵护。所以很多人都会在这个症结上摔跟头。如果我们匀出一半精力关注并呵护我们的内心的话,我们的心理要健康得多。想想时尚圈、食品业及化妆业花了多大精力让你觉得自己“很逊”来着?可还是有很多人上钩——咬钩、上线、中招。我是怎么知道的?因为我也上过很多次当啊!所以,还是投资自己的内心吧——去了解你的价值,然后作出改变。

学习啦在线学习网   2. cultivate it


学习啦在线学习网   How do you tend to your heart? by paying attention to what’s happening to it as the losses of life unfold. by feeding it with good kind things. by spending time with yourself and learning who you are and what your strengths are.


学习啦在线学习网   3. be fearless


学习啦在线学习网   Find your strengths and you’ll become fearless. utilize the gifts you’ve been given, and impact your world with them. be humble. be a friend. be generous. give your heart away, and lead others.
