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学习啦在线学习网   你不得不知的“网络礼仪” 英语百科知识


学习啦在线学习网   Are manners dead? Cellphones and social networking may be killing off the old civilities and good graces, but a new generation of etiquette gurus is rising to make old-fashioned protocols relevant to a new generation.

学习啦在线学习网   礼仪已死?尽管手机和社交网络可能正在扼杀传统礼节与优雅举止,但新一代的礼仪专家们正在致力于将似乎已经过时的礼仪变得与新一代人的生活息息相关。

  Their goal: to help young people navigate thorny, tech-age minefields, like invites on social networking sites and online dating, not to mention actual face-to-face contact with people.


  Perhaps the fastest growing area of social advice is what’s been termed “netiquette”. There are online tutorials on using emoticons in business e-mails, being discreet when posting on social networks and re-posting too many micro blog messages.

学习啦在线学习网   或许在一系列社交指南中,风头正劲的就要属“网络礼仪”部分了。网上出现了很多有关公务邮件中表情符号的使用指导、社交网站发帖以及转发微博的注意事项。

学习啦在线学习网   Young people “are getting sick of the irony and rudeness that is so prevalent in their online lives”, said Jane Pratt, editor in chief of XoJane, a women’s lifestyle website. “The return of etiquette is in part a response to the harshness of the interactions they are having in the digital sphere.”

学习啦在线学习网   “网络生活中充斥的毒舌与无礼令年轻人头疼不已,XoJane女性生活网站的主编简•普瑞特表示。“某种程度上,礼仪的回归是他们对那些令人反感的网络互动的回应。”

学习啦在线学习网   “Nice is very cool right now,” she added.


  The social quandaries seem to be endless. Are you obligated to respond to party invitations on Sina Weibo? Is it rude to listen to your iPod while sharing a ride with someone else?

学习啦在线学习网   社交难题似乎没完没了。你有义务去回复新浪微博上的聚会邀请吗?与人共乘一车时用iPod听歌是不是很没有礼貌?

学习啦在线学习网   When Daniel Post Senning, the great great grandson of Emily Post, a well-known etiquette writer in the US, was working on the 18th edition of Emily Post’s Etiquette, he found it impossible to cover technology in a single chapter. Instead, he devoted an entire book to it, Emily Post’s Manners in a Digital World: Living Well Online.

  美国著名礼仪作家艾米莉•博斯特 的玄孙丹尼尔•普斯特•森宁在编纂第18版的《西方礼仪集萃》时发现,科技方面很难用一章讲清楚。而他就这一点写出了《艾米莉•博斯特的网络礼仪》这本书。

  The book tackles questions like whether one should announce a serious illness on a social networking site. (Yes, Senning said, but medical updates should be confined to close friends and family.)


  Even the gurus who position themselves as the embodiment of Old World civility feel obliged to tackle 21st-century conundrums.

学习啦在线学习网   即使是那些古典礼仪专家们也感到自己有责任来解答21世纪的新难题。

学习啦在线学习网   Charles MacPherson runs a school for butlers in Canada. In his new book The Butler Speaks, MacPherson talks about whether one may keep a cellphone on the table during a dinner party.


学习啦在线学习网   “It is never OK to leave your cellphone on the dinner table,” he said. “If you must go out and anticipate a call, first inform your hostess of the situation and keep your cellphone on vibrate and in your pocket or on your lap. In the event that it does ring, excuse yourself from the table — don’t explain why, just a simple ‘excuse me’ — and leave the dining room before taking the call.”


  Indeed, there is a retro allure to etiquette that appeals to 20-somethings, said Pam Krauss, a publisher of several etiquette books. “There’s a whole generation of young people for whom etiquette, much like cooking, sewing, and other ‘home arts’, was not passed down from their parents or grandparents the way it would have been in years past,” Krauss told The New York Times.




  Napoleon wasn’t short, he was 5.7 which at the time was taller than average, the rumor that he was a teeny tiny man was just a piece a British war propaganda. Napoleon’s true waterloo was mean people.


学习啦在线学习网   It’s not true that humans only use 10 percent of our brains, no study has shown or even claimed that. It’s just something people say for no reason.Yeah, turns out the whole brain is important.


  NO matter what your drunk cousin Dave tells you, there’s no such thing as cow tipping. Because cows sleep lying down. Well then, what if I been getting drunk and knocking down then. Mom, I’m sorry!

学习啦在线学习网   无论你醉醺醺的表弟戴夫怎么说,推牛倒从来就不是真的,因为牛都是卧着睡觉的。那我喝醉了把牛打倒在地上不就行了。妈妈,我错了!

  Touching baby birds doesn’t make their mothers reject them, mamas love their babies. That’s right, you could have saved that bird you saw when you were 10. You let it die.

学习啦在线学习网   鸟妈妈不会因为你对鸟宝宝的触摸而抛弃她的幼儿,鸟妈妈们爱她们的宝宝。是的,你本该能救起你十岁时看到的那只小鸟。但你让它死了。

  George Washington didn’t have wooden teeth, his actual dentures were made of gold, lead, hippopotamus bones and doggie teeth. Ha! Wood. How pedestrian.


  There’s no medical reason to drink eight glasses of water a day. Uh, now you tell me.

学习啦在线学习网   没有任何医学道理说明一天需喝8杯水。现在才告诉我。

  Sorry stoners, undercover cops don’t have to tell you they’re cops just because you ask them. Cops are allowed to lie, that’s not a thing. Oh, wait. So are you a cop? Well, you could be a cop.


学习啦在线学习网   Vikings didn’t wear horns on their helmets, and the Iron Maiden never existed. It was a hoax that was made up in the nineteenth century. Yeah!


学习啦在线学习网   George Washington Carver didn’t invent peanut butter, Thomas Crapper didn’t invent the toilet, and Al Gore never claimed he invented the Internet. That’s correct, what I did do was sponsored legislation. Oh my god you’re so boring! Which was a predecessor of the rule……?


  Albert Einstein didn’t fail high school math. Of course I freakin’ didn’t. I was a great scientist of all time. And you jackasses think I failed math? E equals MC screw you! Nice one!


  The Great Wall of China is not visible from space. Yeah. Every astronaut looks, and none of us have ever seen it. But hey, why listen to us, we’re only “astro-nuts”. Not to mention, if you were ever thrown out of an airlock, you wouldn’t explode. In fact, you can survive up to 30 seconds, before you ran out of oxygen, and lost consciousness. So here’s a question, if none of these things are true, then why do we all believe them? Simple,because they all tell good stories. It’s so comforting and fun to think that Albert Einstein sucked at math too! Or that cops have to do what you say if you know the magic words. But, that doesn’t make it true. And nothing is more important than …the…truth.




学习啦在线学习网   If native speakers of English are not to become international corporate pariahs, they will need to learn how to speak global English – in other words, to communicate with non-native speakers.

学习啦在线学习网   如果英语母语人士不想被国际商业界所遗弃,他们需要去学习如何讲通用英语——换言之,就是和非母语人士沟通。

学习啦在线学习网   Resentment at the complexity of native speakers' English is widespread in international business. During a study carried out at Kone Elevators of Finland, one Finnish manager blurted out: “The British are the worst . . . It is much more difficult to understand their English than that of other nationalities. When we non-native speakers of English talk, it is much easier to understand. We have the same limited vocabulary.”


学习啦在线学习网   How can native speakers of English make themselves more comprehensible and more likeable? The most obvious way is to learn someone else's language. The great benefit of learning other languages is that you have some idea of what non-native speakers are up against. However, news this week that fewer than half of English schoolchildren are learning a foreign language suggests that this is not going to be a profitable route for many.


学习啦在线学习网   So what should native English-speakers do to make themselves better understood? First, slow down, but not to the point where members of your audience think you are patronising them. Second, avoid idiomatic and metaphorical expressions: that's the way the cookie crumbles, people in glass houses, and the like.

学习啦在线学习网   那么英语母语人士应该怎样做,使自己能够更好地被别人所理解呢?首先,放慢语速,但是不要慢到使你的听众觉得你是在迁就他们。第二,避免使用成语和比喻的表达方式:例如“饼干就是那么碎的”(that's the way the cookie crumbles,意指无可避免)、“玻璃屋中人”(people in glass houses,意指自身有问题和身处险境的人)等表达方式。

  Jokes are a difficult area. You will not forget the silence that follows one that is found baffling. On the other hand, when jokes work, they can be a huge success with a non-native speaking audience. If you have learnt other languages, you will know that very few achievements are as satisfying as understanding your first foreign joke. Try a few out with your non-native speaking audience; you will soon learn which ones are worth repeating.

学习啦在线学习网   笑话是一个很难理解的领域。一个让人难以理解的笑话会带来一片沉默,这会使你难以忘怀。而另一方面,当笑话起作用时,它们会为你在英语非母语人中带来巨大的成功。如果你学过其它语言,你会知道,听懂自己的第一个外国笑话,会带来一种无可比拟的成就感。试着给非母语听众讲几个笑话后,你会很快明白哪些是值得重复的。

学习啦在线学习网   It is often unnecessary to avoid longer words such as “association” and “nationality”, which are common to the Romance languages and will be widely understood in Europe and Latin America.

  通常没有必要去避免较长的单词,例如“association”(协会、联合) 和 “nationality”(国家、民族),这些词在拉丁语系中很常见,在欧洲和拉丁美洲都能被广泛理解。

  Listen to verbal responses for signs of whether you have been understood or not. Make sure your non-native speaking colleagues have the chance to talk; they will often be paraphrasing your words in an attempt to satisfy themselves that they have grasped what you said.

学习啦在线学习网   从人们的反应中找寻自己是否被人理解的迹象。让非母语同事有机会说话,他们常常会重复你说过的话,以此肯定自己已经理解了你表达的意思。

学习啦在线学习网   Always remember that the greatest friend of the non-native speaker is repetition. Find more than one way of getting your point across and summarise frequently.

学习啦在线学习网   切记,非英语母语人士最好的朋友就是重复。不要只用一种说法来表达自己的意思,同时要经常进行总结。