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  We Are on a Journey


学习啦在线学习网   Wherever you are,and whoever you may be, there is one thing in which you and I are just alike, at this moment, and in all the moments of our existence. We are not at rest; we are on a journey. Our life is not a mere fact; it is a movement, a tendency, a steady, ceaseless progress towards an unseen goal. We are gaining something, or losing something, every day. Even when our position and our character seem to remain precisely the same, they are changing. For the mere advance of time is a change. It is not the same thing to have a bare field in January and in July. The season makes the difference. The limitations that are childlike in the child are childish in the man.

学习啦在线学习网   无论你现在身处何方,也无论你是何等人物,此时此刻,以及我们生命中的任一瞬间,你我之间都有一点相同之处。那就是,我们并未停歇,而仍在旅途。我们的人生并不仅仅是一种存在的事实,而是一种运动,一种趋势,一种坚定不移而没有停息地朝向某个看不见的目标前行的过程。每一天,我们都有所得,也有所失。即使我们的地位和品性看似与原来无异,但实际上它们正在改变,因为时间的推移本身就是一种改变。同一片荒野,在一月和七月是不同的,季节造成了这种差异。智能上的不足,在孩子身上被视为天真无邪,而对于成人来说则是一种幼稚的表现。

  Everything that we do is a step in one direction or another. Even the failure to do something is in itself a deed. It sets us forward or backward. The action of the negative pole of a magnetic needle is just as real as the action of the positive pole. To decline is to accept the other alternative.

学习啦在线学习网   我们所做的每件事都是朝着某一个方向迈出的一步。甚至无为,其本身也是一种作为,它使我们前进或后退。一根磁针的磁极作用,无论正负都是一样的真实。拒绝也是一种接受,只不过是另外一种选择罢了。

学习啦在线学习网   Are you richer today than you were yesterday? No? Then you are a little poorer. Are you better today than you were yesterday? No? Then you are a little worse. Are you nearer to your port today than you were yesterday? Yes, you must be a little nearer to some port or other; for since your ship was first launched upon the sea of life you have never been still for a single moment; the sea is too deep, you could not find an anchorage if you would; there can be no pause until you come into port.

学习啦在线学习网   你今天比昨天富有吗?没有,那说明你变穷了点。你今天比昨天过得好吗?没有,那么你的情况变糟了一点。你今天比昨天更接近你的港口了吗?是的,那么你一定距某个港口更近了。因为,自从你驶入人生之海,你的航船至今尚未停歇片刻。这片海洋太深了,纵使你想找到一个抛锚停泊之处也难以求得。因此,在驶入港口之前,你无法稍作歇息。


学习啦在线学习网   Application and Perseverance


学习啦在线学习网   The greatest results in life are usually attained by simple means, and the exercise of ordinary qualities. The common life of every day, affords ample opportunities for acquiring experience of the best kind.

  人生最大的收获往往是通过最简单的方法或对常识的准确应用而获得的。每一个平凡的日子都会为我们提供许多机会, 并使我们的阅历有所增强。

学习啦在线学习网   Fortune has often been blamed for her blindness. Those who look into practical life will find that fortune is usually on the side of the industrious, as the winds and waves are on the side of the best navigators. In the pursuit of even the highest branches of human inquiry, the commoner qualities are found the most useful,such as common sense, attention, application, and perseverance.

学习啦在线学习网   人们常常认为:机会是可遇而不可求的。而那些懂得细心观察生活的人往往会发现:机会总是更偏向于勤勉的人,正如海风与波浪经常会与航海家做伴一样。哪怕是在对人类事业的最高追求上,实践也是最有效的途径之一。当然,顽强的毅力也是必不可少的。

  Genius may not be necessary, though even genius of the highest sort does not disdain the use of these ordinary qualities. The very greatest men have been among the least believers in the power of genius, and as worldly wise and persevering as successful men of the commoner sort. Some have even defined genius to be only common sense intensified. A distinguished teacher and president of a college spoke of it as the power of making ef forts. John Foster held it to be the power of lighting one's own fire.

学习啦在线学习网   天赋并不是获取成功的制胜法宝,即便是天才也同样会意识到常识的重要性。事实上,一些伟大人物往往是那些最不相信天赋的人。真正的智者和成功人士也并非在哪一方面特别出众,甚至他们曾被认为是缺少天赋的人。没错,他们之所以能够获得成功正是凭借着扎实的基本功,对基本常识的强化训练。一位校长兼优秀教师曾说过,他的成功源自不懈的努力。约翰•福斯特则把这种力量称之为“点燃生活的火焰”。

  Newton's was unquestionably a mind of the very highest order, and yet, when asked by what means he had worked out his extraordinary discoveries, he modestly answered, "By always thinking unto them." At another time he thus expressed his method of study: "I keep the subject continually before me, and wait till the first dawnings open slowly by little and little into a full and clear light." It was in Newton's case, as in every other,only by diligent application and perseverance that his great reputation was achieved.

学习啦在线学习网   无可争议,牛顿的头脑是最高才智的头脑,但当我们问及他是通过什么方法取得了如此重大的发现时,他非常谦虚地答道:“全靠对那些问题不断地深思。”另一次,他这样表述他的研究方法:“我从未停止探索的脚步,当我看到第一缕曙光后,坚定的信念支 持着我最终看到了清晰的世界。”正是通过勤奋和实践,牛顿才最 终获得了不朽的名誉和伟大的成就。

  Dalton,the chemist,repudiated the notion of his being "a genius," attributing everything which he had accomplished to simple industry and accumulation. John Hunter said of himself, "My mind is like a beehives; but full as it is of buzz and apparent confusion, it is yet full of order and regularity, and food collected with incessant industry from the choiceset stores of nature. "

  英国化学家道尔顿对世人称他为“天才”的做法进行了批判。 他认为自己之所以能获得成功完全凭借自身的不懈努力和对知识的不断积累。约翰•亨特也曾说过:“我的思想如同一个蜂箱,常常嗡嗡作响,甚至还会出现混乱,但通过不懈的努力,嗡嗡声已经消失了,蜜蜂们也都恢复了正常的秩序,而且还学会了如何从大自 然的宝库中寻找食物。”

  We have, indeed, but to glance at the biographies of great men to find that the most distinguished inventors, artists, thinkers, and workers of all kinds, owe their success, in a great measure, to their indefatigable industry and application.

学习啦在线学习网   我们同样可以在诸多人物传记中看到:大多数杰出人物,无论是发明家、艺术家、思想家、工人,还是社会各界人士,都无一例外地将自己的成就归功于勤奋和实践。



学习啦在线学习网   The very in the creed of common sense is Obedience.

学习啦在线学习网   生的第一信条就是:学会服从。

  Perform your work with a whole heart.


学习啦在线学习网   Revolt may be sometimes necessary, but the man who tries to mix revolt and obedience is doomed to disappoint himself and everybody with whom he has dealings. To flavor work with protest is to fail absolutely.


  When you revolt, climb, hike, get out, defy, tell everybody and everything to go to hades! That disposes of the case. You thus separate yourself entirely from those you have served, no one misunderstands you have declared yourself.

学习啦在线学习网   当你的内心充满了愤懑的情绪时,千万不要将这种情绪发泄 到他人身上!只有这样你才不会众叛亲离,才不会被他人误解。 否则的话只会使事情变得更糟。

  The man who quits in disgust when ordered to perform a task which he considers menial or unjust may be a pretty good fellow, but the malcontent who takes your order with a smile and then secretly disobeys is a dangerous proposition. To pretend to obey, and yet carry in your heart the spirit of revolt is to do half hearted, slipshod work. If revolt and obedience are equal in power, your engine will then stop on the center and you benefit no one, not even yourself.


学习啦在线学习网   The spirit of obedience is the controlling impulse that dominates the receptive mind and the hospitable heart.

学习啦在线学习网   我们必须通过一种自制力,使自己的思想与内心完全接受服从心理。

学习啦在线学习网   There are boats that mind the helm and there are boats that do not. Those that do not, get holes knocked in them sooner or later. To keep off the rocks, obey the rudder.


  Obedience is not to slavishly obey this man or that, but it is that cheerful mental state which responds to the necessity of the case, and does the thing without any back talk unuttered or expressed.


学习啦在线学习网   The man who has not learned to obey has trouble ahead of him every step of the way. The world has it in for him continually, because he has it in for the world.The man who does not know how to receive orders is not fit to issue them to others. But the individual who knows how to execute the orders given him is preparing the way to issue orders, and better still to have them obeyed.

学习啦在线学习网   一个不懂得服从的人必定会四处碰壁,他与世界为敌,世界必定也会与他为敌!一个不懂得服从的人根本不配让他人服从自己。反之,越是懂得服从的重要性的人,越有权利得到他人的服从。