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学习啦在线学习网   Waiting for Love


学习啦在线学习网   They had known each other for 3 years. Both of them were of conservative type, shy and introverted. Although he had never mentioned the word of love in her presence. She was able to vaguely detect burning passion for her in his different look. She dropped one hint after another to encourage him, but he remained big fool never dare to disclose to his own thought. Time passed by so quickly, 3 years later she was engaged to another young man. However, she could not drive his image away from her mind on the eve of the engagement.

学习啦在线学习网   他们相识已有三载,两人都性格内向,羞涩保守。虽然在她面前他对爱只字未提,然而她却能从他羞涩的眼神中读出那浓浓的爱意。她暗示他许多次,鼓励他说出心中的爱,然而他却傻傻地紧闭双唇,不敢将爱说出。时光飞逝,转眼三年过去了,她同另外一个男孩订了婚,在此之前却仍对他念念不忘。

  "If he comes and proposes now, I'm still willing to go back to him." She complained amidst the congratulations of her relatives and friends. Yet he did nothing of the sort at the difference of the look was a faint streak of melancholy. At least, it was the eve of marriage, nevertheless, for happiness of marriage mingled with a touch of sadness.


  "Even if he should come and propose now, I would give up all this in favor of this belated happiness." She said lo herself as she tried wedding gown, but again he was as silent as ever only his eyes betrayed great misery.


  50 years passed and passage of the time turned their hair silvery while. She was the first to collapse. In her critical condition, he come from other place to see her. Holding his hand in tight grip She asked him one question into which she had compressed the perplexities and expectations of the life lime, "Tell me, what on earth have you been waiting for? " "Waiting for you to..." he mumbled out his life long hesitations and expectations only when he made sure no one else was within hearing. "For me what? " "For you to break the ice! "

学习啦在线学习网   50年过去了,两人都已两鬓斑白。最终,她先倒了下去,临终前,他从远方赶回看她。她握紧他的手,把一生的疑虑和期待化为一句话"请你告诉我,你究竟在等什么?""我在等你…啊,"他颤抖地说道,这也是他犹豫了一生的期待。"等我什么?""等你先开口啊! "


  “Do you like my dress?” she asked of a passing stranger.


学习啦在线学习网   “My mommy made it just for me.” She said with a tear in her eye.


  “Well, I think it’s very pretty, so tell me, little one, why are you crying?”

学习啦在线学习网   “嗯,我认为你的裙子很漂亮。告诉我,小家伙,你为什么哭呢?”

  With a quiver in her voice the little girl answered. “After Mommy made me this dress, she had to go away.”


  “Well, now,” said the lady, “with a little girl like you waiting for her, I’m sure she’ll be right back.”

学习啦在线学习网   “哦,是这样,”陌生的女士说,“有你这样一个小姑娘等着她,我肯定她很快就会回来的。”

  “No Ma’am, you don’t understand,” said the child through her tears, “my daddy said she’s up in heaven now with Grandfather.”

学习啦在线学习网   “不,女士,您不明白,”女孩透过泪水说,“我爸爸说她现在和我爷爷在天堂里。”

  Finally the woman realized what the child meant, and why she was crying.


  Kneeling down she gently cradled the child in her arms and together they cried for the mommy that was gone.

学习啦在线学习网   她屈膝跪下,温柔地把女孩搂在怀里,一起为女孩离去的妈妈哭泣。

  Then suddenly the little girl did something that the woman thought was a bit strange.


学习啦在线学习网   She stopped crying, stepped back from the woman and began to sing.


  She sang so softly that it was almost a whisper.


  It was the sweetest sound the woman had ever heard, almost like the song of a very small bird.


  After the child stopped singing she explained to the lady, “My mommy used to sing that song to me before she went away, and she made me promise to sing it whenever I started crying and it would make me stop.”

学习啦在线学习网   小女孩唱完后,向女士解释说:“妈妈离去前经常给我唱这首歌,她让我答应她,我一哭就唱这支歌,这样我就不哭了。”

  “See,” she exclaimed, “it did, and now my eyes are dry!”


  As the woman turned to go, the little girl grabbed her sleeve, “Ma’am, can you stay just a minute? I want to show you something.”


学习啦在线学习网   “Of course,” she answered, “what do you want me to see?”

学习啦在线学习网   “当然啦,”她回答,“你想要我看什么呢?”

  Pointing to a spot on her dress, she said, “Right here is where my mommy kissed my dress, and here,” pointing to another spot, “here is another kiss, and here, and here.


  Mommy said that she put all those kisses on my dress so that I would have her kisses for every booboo that made me cry.”


  Then the lady realized that she wasn’t just looking at a dress, no, she was looking at a mother who knew that she was going away and would not be there to kiss away the hurts that she knew her daughter would get.


  So she took all the love she had for her beautiful little girl and put them into this dress that her child now so proudly wore.

学习啦在线学习网   所以她将所有对她美丽女儿的爱倾注在这件连衣裙上,现在,女儿如此骄傲地穿在身上。

  She no longer saw a little girl in a simple dress. She saw a child wrapped in her mother’s love.



学习啦在线学习网   Develop Your Own Helping Rituals


  If you want your life to stand for peace and kindness, it's helpful to do kind, peaceful things.One of my favorite ways to do this is by developing my own helping rituals. These little acts ofkindness are opportunities to be of service and reminders of how good it feels to be kind andhelpful.


学习啦在线学习网   We live in a rural area of the San Francisco Bay Area. Most of what we see is beauty andnature. One of the exceptions to the beauty is the little that some people throw out of theirwindows as they are driving on the rural roads. One of the few drawbacks to living out theboondocks is that public services, such as litter collection, are less available than they arecloser to the city.


学习啦在线学习网   A helping ritual that I practice regularly with my two children is picking up litter in oursurrounding area. We've become so accustomed to doing this that my daughters will often sayto me in animated voices, "There's some litter, Daddy, stop the car! " And if we have lime, wewill often pull over and pick it up. It may seem strange, but we actually enjoy it. We pick up litterin parks, on sidewalks, practically anywhere. Once I even saw a complete stranger picking uplitter close to where we live. He smiled at me and said, "I saw you doing it, and it seemed like agood idea."


  Picking up litter is only one of endless supplies of possible helping rituals. You might like holdinga door open for people, visiting lonely elderly people in nursing homes, or,shoveling snow offsomeone else's driveway. Think of something that seems effortless yet helpful. It's fun,personally rewarding, and sets a good example. Everyone wins.
