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  Singapore Lssues Casino License


  Singapore's first casino won regulatory approval to open, paving the way for the debut of gambling in the squeaky clean city-state as early as next week's Lunar New Year holiday.

学习啦在线学习网   新加坡监管当局批准该国首个赌场开门营业。博彩业最早将于农历新年期间在这个一尘不染的城市国家登台亮相。

学习啦在线学习网   The opening of the casino by Malaysian gambling company Genting Singapore PLC---ahead of Las Vegas Sands Corp.'s much-delayed showpiece project in Singapore's downtown---would bring a formal end to the Singapore government's decades-long opposition to gambling.

学习啦在线学习网   该赌场由马来西亚博彩上市公司——新加坡绅士经营,拉斯维加斯金沙集团 (Las Vegas Sands Corp.)在新加坡市中心的示范项目严重滞后,未能抢得先机。意味着新加坡政府数十年来反对赌博的政策正式结束。

  (1) It also establishes an important new front for the growth of the booming casino industry in Asia, roping in new gamblers even as it seeks to take business away from Macau and smaller gambling operations in Malaysia, Cambodia, the philippines and elsewhere.

学习啦在线学习网   (1)新加坡此举为亚洲蓬勃发展的博彩产业建立了重要的新阵地,不但能吸引新的赌客,还力图从澳门以及马来西亚、柬埔寨、菲律宾等其他地方的小赌场吸引生意。

  It comes as the city-state seeks to find a competitive edge amid a nascent boom in outbound tourism and business travel from China, India and the rest of the region.


  (2) But bringing casinos to Singapore also raises a number of sticky questions for the cautious government, which is barring under-21s from entering a casino, proscribing automatic-teller machines from the casino floor and blacklisting anyone deemed to have gambling problems. Authorities are also trying to dissuade Singaporeans and permanent residents from gambling by forcing them to pay a US entry fee to casinos---a levy from which tourists are exempt.


  Singapore's Casino Regulatory Authority posted a notice announcing the approval of the license Saturday. While the approval was expected, its timing was unclear. Lim Kok Thay, chairman of Genting Singapore's Resorts World Sentosa said in a statement that he was "happy to have received the casino license."


  While largely a formality, Singapore regulators said they wouldn't grant a gambling license to either of the city's two resort operators until a certain proportion of the broader property is finished. Last month, Genting opened four luxury hotels at its project and has been giving private tours of its casino floor, which has been fitted out in anticipation of the license approval.


学习啦在线学习网   The company has long hoped to launch its casino operations ahead of the Chinese New Year holiday, which begins on Feb. 14 and is a time when many people in the region will be traveling or on holiday. The company has booked Stefanie Sun, the city's best-known homegrown pop singer, for Feb. 16.

学习啦在线学习网   该公司一直希望赌场能在中国农历新年假期之前开门营业。中国农历新年假期开始于2月14日,届时该地区将会有许多人出门旅行或度假。该公司已经预订了新加坡最著名的流行歌手孙燕姿于2月16日作为嘉宾到场。

学习啦在线学习网   The centerpiece of Resorts World's family-oriented attractions, a large Universal Studios theme park, is also expected to open.


  The timing of gambling's arrival in Singapore could prove to be lucky, both for Singapore and for the global gambling industry. (3) Growth prospects remain uncertain in Las Vegas and across the US, while policy uncertainties continue to hover over Macau, the Chinese enclave that delivered most of the industry's revenue growth since 2002.

学习啦在线学习网   对新加坡及全球的博彩业而言,该国开放博彩业的时机极佳:(3)拉斯维加斯及全美的增长前景仍不明朗,政策不确定性问题继续困扰中国澳门。自2002年以来,整个博彩业的收入增长大多来自于澳门。

  In this environment, Singapore's casinos could open a big untapped market in Southeast Asia---a fast-growing region of 600 million people---and in doing so help Asia further eclipse the US-based gambling industry.



  Leaders Who Use Humour and Charm to Reach the Top


  Humour and charm are a surprisingly powerful combination as a means of ascent in life.

学习啦在线学习网   作为人生发迹的手段之一,幽默和魅力是一对效力惊人的组合。

  I have met a number of entrepreneurs who have built fortunes on the back of their wit and general popularity -and not much else. They disarm us with self-deprecation, we enjoy their company-so why wouldn't we want to do business with them? Of course, it all has to be done well; sycophancy and flat jokes do not weave the same spell.


  The British feel that some light relief amid the drudgery is essential for existence to be tolerable. It seems to be a cornerstone of our psychology and culture. In London, to say someone has no sense of humour is to condemn them utterly. Many important meetings I attend start with a little friendly banter to break the ice, a ritual to remind us that we are all human-rather than simply robots of commerce.


学习啦在线学习网   I am sure foreigners must think our levity is baffling. My defence is that Brits subscribe to Horace's view: "A jest often decides matters of importance more effectively and happily than seriousness."


  Some years ago, a partner of mine practised what I called "management by laughter". He motivated and inspired by making the atmosphere at work fun, rather than the bullying and intimidation common in many workplaces.


  But the 21st-century office can be a minefield for the amateur who enjoys a giggle. I was recently warned about a trap being sprung by a professional gang from eastern Europe. They plant an attractive female staff member in an organisation. At roughly the same time, a male co-conspirator also gets a job; the connection between them is unknown to the employer. After a little while, he sends a series of highly suggestive internet jokes to the pretty female. (1)She complains of harassment and threatens to bring an embarrassing employment tribunal involving sexual discrimination-and, once she reveals that she has hired expert legal advisers and PR agents, the victim business settles quickly.


  In these litigious, politically correct times, the perils of making cheap gags can be considerable. Recently, I attended a dinner at a trade conference. The speaker was a well-known executive who told a number of jokes in poor taste, some at the expense of influential figures in the room. (2) Just as a vulgar best man's speech at a wedding can strike the wrong note, so I sensed as we chatted after the speech that the jibes would not be swiftly forgotten.

学习啦在线学习网   在这种动辄法庭上见、政治上正确的时代,讲低级笑话可能会相当危险。我最近出席了一个贸易会议举办的晚宴,席间一位颇有名气的高管发表了演讲。他讲了许多低级趣味的笑话,有些还是取笑在座的显要人物。(2)演讲后我们在闲聊时,我感觉到,他的那些话不会被很快忘记,这与婚礼上伴郎讲话粗俗不合时宜一样。

学习啦在线学习网   Some one once said: "Brains, integrity and force may be all very well, but what you need today is charm." (3) This is the age of celebrity, even in the boardroom, and none of us is impervious to the presence of those legendary characters when they switch on the full blast of their glittering personality. Perhaps it is their reputation, perhaps their smile, perhaps their brilliance with words-or possibly their rapt attention.

学习啦在线学习网   曾有人说:“拥有才智、诚实和力量固然不错,但当今你需要的是魅力。” (3)这是一个名人的时代,即使在董事会也是如此。那些鼎鼎大名的人物一旦全力展现他们迷人的个性或者是名声、或者是微笑、或者是口才,又或者是专注的神情,投入能够抵御。

  I am often struck how often young children utter the phrase "Look at me!" They want appreciation, and fundamentally not much changes, even when we are 50. Genuine approval from the boss can taste better than anything-even a pay rise.


  Are charm and a sense of humour acquired traits? They certainly improve with effort and practice. Ronald Reagan used his years in showbiz to hone his performance skills before succeeding in politics.

学习啦在线学习网   魅力和幽默感能够后天培养吗?努力练习肯定会有作用。罗纳德·里根早年在演艺界干过,练得一身表演才能,后来才进入政界,成就了一番事业。

  I have sat with stand-up comics before they go on stage. The most brilliant appear almost nonchalant, rather than rehearsed or anxious, and their acts are mostly learnt word-perfect yet appear spontaneous.

学习啦在线学习网   我曾经在一些笑星登台前与他们坐在一起。最出色的笑星出场前几乎都显得若无其事,既没有背台词,也没有焦虑不安。他们表演的内容基本上都是事先背下来的,但却显得像是即兴发挥。

学习啦在线学习网   So it is with outstanding business leaders who persuade their teams to laugh and try harder: they apply themselves assiduously to the task. Most world-class chief executives possess charisma-really a captivating blend of charm and wit. And, believe me, they graft at it far more than they admit.

学习啦在线学习网   杰出的企业领导能够让他的团队既开心又卖力工作:他们自己会勤于工作。世界级的首席执行官大多魅力非凡——这实际上是吸引力和风趣机智的迷人组合。另外,请相信我,他们花费在这上面的心力,远远超过他们所承认的。


  World's Largest Cupcake


  A 4 feet cupcake weighing a hefty 1,224 pounds has been officially recognized as the world's largest by the Guinness Book of Records.


学习啦在线学习网   Unveiled on Monday, in Detroit, Michigan, US, the enormous cake -with a whopping circumference of 11 feet-was over eight times bigger than the previous record holder.


  Baked over the course of 12 hours, the gigantic cup cake was made from 200 pounds of flour, 200 pounds of sugar, 200 pounds of butter and 800 eggs.

学习啦在线学习网   这一庞大的杯形蛋糕经过12小时烘制而成,共用掉200磅面粉、200磅糖、200磅黄油和800个鸡蛋。

学习啦在线学习网   When covered with frosting and custard, the one-of-a-kind dessert boasted 2,000,000 calories. The brainchild of American firm Gourmet Gift Baskets, the cupcake smashed the previous record of 151 pounds set on July 20.


  Appearing at the Woodward Avenue Dream Cruise Classic Car Show in Detroit, proceeds from the sale of the cupcake went to cancer charity Passionately Pink for the Cure.


学习啦在线学习网   (1)Ryan Abood, CEO of GourmetGiftBaskets.com, assembled a cupcake "dream team" including master-baker George Algarin to begin making the cake on August 12, five days before the scheduled unveiling.


  "We started off with a goal of a 7,000 pounds cupcake but fate intervened on Friday morning when the baking was supposed to be complete," said Mr Abood.

学习啦在线学习网   阿布德说:“我们一开始的目标是一个7000磅的蛋糕,但就在周五早上快完工时,命运跟我们开了个玩笑。”

学习啦在线学习网   (2)"The huge 8x8 feet oven was opened and we found that the weight of the expanding batter crushed one of the main convection mbes blowing hot air into the heart of the cupcake causing cup-cake to collapse."


学习啦在线学习网   Luckily, the team managed to avert disaster by rustling up a cake with only half a day to go, still managing to beat all other cupcake records in the process.

学习啦在线学习网   幸运的是,“梦之队”在离最后期限还剩半天的时间里又重新赶制了一个,避免了一场大麻烦,而且还是打破了所有其他杯形蛋糕的记录。

  An adjudicator from Guinness had flown in from London, especially to measure the cupcake and announced the record to a crowd of hundreds at the motor show.
