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学习啦在线学习网   Japanese Inns Take You Back in Time

学习啦在线学习网   302 传统日式客栈 重温昔日生活

  Fukuzumiro Ryokan in Hakone-machi offers 19 traditional rooms in a three-story wood building.

  位于箱根丁的 Fukuzumiro日式客栈是一幢三层的木制小楼,有19间传统房间。

学习啦在线学习网   Heading back to the room for dinner and a hot soak may sound like the act of a defeated tourist, but in a traditional Japanese inn -- or ryokan -- those activities can be as intriguing as anything along the sightseeing trail.


  "People going looking for a sort of nostalgic, old-fashioned, traditional view of Japanese life will find it most easily in a ryokan," said Peter Grilli, president of Japan Society of Boston, Massachusetts.

学习啦在线学习网   美国马萨诸塞州波士顿市日本社团的会长彼得·格理利说:"想要寻找日式生活中怀旧、老式、传统的一面,去这样的日式客栈最好不过了。"

学习啦在线学习网   Many ryokan sprang up in the 17th century to accommodate feudal lords traveling along the Tokaido highway to Edo (now Tokyo). Today tourists looking for a taste of the country's historic lifestyle find varying levels of understated elegance in ryokan throughout the country.


学习啦在线学习网   A typical stay starts with a greeting from the inn's staff and a change from street shoes into slippers. An attendant escorts guests to their rooms, where slippers are removed before walking on the rice straw flooring, called tatami.

学习啦在线学习网   典型的入住场景是这样的:客人一进门,客栈的工作人员就会上去打招呼,然后客人脱下旅行鞋,换上拖鞋。接着,服务员会把客人带到房间,客人脱掉拖鞋后才能走在叫做"榻榻米"的稻草垫上。

  Shuffling along behind a kimono-clad attendant on the creaky wood floors of Fukuzumiro ryokan's hallways is like stepping back in time. The inn was established in 1890 by a former samurai.


  Tim Paterson, 33, a banker living in Tokyo, has stayed at several ryokan. The New Zealand native leaves feeling relaxed and culturally enriched.


  "I think it's quite good mixing culture with history and not just going to see it, but living in it, staying in it," he said after a recent stay at Fukuzumiro.

学习啦在线学习网   最近,他在Fukuzumiro客栈投宿后表示:"我认为这里是文化与历史的完美结合。我们不只是参观,而是在此居住,逗留。"

  Sliding glass doors line the inn's rustic hallways, bringing in the sound of trickling water and the serenity of the stone and tree-filled courtyards outside.

学习啦在线学习网   透过客栈颇具乡村风格的走廊上的玻璃拉门,依稀可以听到外面的涓涓流水声,看到铺着石头、郁郁葱葱的宁静的庭院。


  Is It Smart to Marry for Money


学习啦在线学习网   (1) 0ver at our fellow WSJ blog, The Wallet, there's a provocative Q & A with the authors of a new book called smart Girl Marry Money, a satirical self-help book which has a serious mission: to get women and men to talk more about marriage and finances.

学习啦在线学习网   (1)在《华尔街日报》网上博客"The Wallet"中,新书《聪明女孩嫁给钱》的两位作者与读者之间进行了颇有争议的问答。这是一本讽刺性自助书籍,它的一个重大使命就是:让女人和男人多谈谈婚姻和财务状况。

  The book came into being when the two working-mom authors, Ford and Drake, M.D., met while picking up their young children from preschool. (2)They noticed that the moms who were able to spend the most time with their kids were the "moms who hadn't necessarily taken their careers seriously and married someone with money," said Dr. Drake in the interview. "It became a joke that if we were smart, we would have married for money."

学习啦在线学习网   这本书的两位作者福特和德雷克都是上班族妈妈。她们从幼儿园接孩子的时候碰上了,这本书就这样诞生了。(2)德雷克在接受采访时说,她们注意到,能花最多时间和孩子在一起的妈妈们并不一定是在事业上兢兢业业的人,而是嫁给了有钱人的女性。她说:“聪明的话就嫁有钱人这个说法曾一度成了笑话。”

  The authors aren't saying that every woman should aspire to marry a rich guy. But they argue that marriage shouldn't just be about love---it should also be an economic partnership (as marriage traditionally was for centuries.) Women and men should be more upfront about marriage and money, instead of entering marriage starry-eyed without considering the financial future.


  Dr. Drake, in the interview, also asserted that women shouldn't abandon their careers, in case of a spouse's illness or divorce. "It's an important asset," she said. (The full Q & A can be found here.)

学习啦在线学习网   德雷克在采访中还主张,女性不应该放弃自己的事业,以防伴侣生病或是夫妻二人离婚。她:“这是一项重要的资产。”

  The interview struck a chord for me: I happen to know quite a few women, especially back in New York, for whom the net worth of their potential spouses or at least their earning potential-was an important factor in determining suitability for marriage. I'm not saying these women married solely for money, but it was a key consideration. Now, after having children---or in some cases, after marriage none of these women work.

学习啦在线学习网   这个采访让我深有同感:我碰巧认识很多女性,特别是在纽约的时候,对她们来说,潜在伴侣的净资产——或至少他们的赚钱潜力,是决定是否适合婚嫁的重要因素。我并不是说,这些女性纯粹为了钱而结婚,而是说钱是一个重要的考虑因素。现在,这些人在有了孩子之后(有些人在婚后)没有一个在工作。

  Readers, do you know women or men who have married for money? How important, honestly, were financial considerations when evaluating your partner?

学习啦在线学习网   读者朋友们,你们认识为了钱而结婚的女性或男性吗?坦白地讲,金钱因素在评估另一半时有多重要?


  The Rise of the Poorgeoise


  Brooks dubbed them "BoBos," the "bourgeois bohemians" who created a new antiestablishment establishment. (1) They were the specialty-cheese-eating, sport-utility vehicle-driving environmentalists who railed against the elite even as they became one of themselves.

学习啦在线学习网   布鲁克斯称他们为“披波族(又译布波族)”,即“中产阶级波希米亚人”,他们创建了新的反正统的正统体制。(1)他们吃着特制的奶醋、开着SUV,还标榜自己是环保主义者,他们苛责精英阶层,即便自己就是其中之一。

  They were, in a sense, the antirich rich.

学习啦在线学习网   在某种意义上,他们是仇富的富人。

  Now, they are calling them the "Poorgeoise," affluent entrepreneurs and executives who prefer to look like starving artists. An article in the Guardian says the financial crisis has made the Poorgeoise more common than ever.


  "They're rich and they love to spend, but they like to pretend they're having as hard a time as the rest of us," the article says.


  It's the latest must-have term, fresh in from Brooklyn and Portland where the streets are paved anew with poorgeoise hipsters. (2) The poorgeoisie are the countercultural rich who have adopted a form of consumerism look as though they haven't spent. It's a new way for rich people who don't want to seem rich to buy their way out of the guilt and shame of having money at a time of mass economic woe.


  According to the article, they drive hybrids, have creative jobs and grow their own vegetables.


  I wonder, though, whether the Poorgeoise are all that new, or all that real. Even before the crisis, many of the wealthy liked to drape themselves in the camouflage of the proletariat-boarding tbe G5 jet in jeans, T-shirts and sneakers. They preferred to be around "thought leaders" and creative artists rather than other rich people.

学习啦在线学习网   不过我很怀疑装穷族是不是最近才出现,或者有没有那么真实。即便在危机之前,许多富人也喜欢把自己打扮成下层阶级的样子——穿着牛仔裤、T恤和运动鞋登上G5私人飞机。他们喜欢跟“精神领袖”和有创见的艺术家在一起,而不是跟其他的富人一块儿。

  They were the Google guys or the art-buying hedge-fund managers in Greenwich, Conn.


  Bobos and Poorgeoise and those who pretend to be less wealthy have been with us for years. What has changed is that many of them no longer have to pretend.

学习啦在线学习网   波波族,装穷族,还有假装自己没那么有钱的那些人,全都已经存在了很多年。真正发生改变的地方在于:他们中的很多人现在确实没钱了,不必再装了。