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  Why Aren't Women Happier


学习啦在线学习网   Why aren't women happier these days?


学习啦在线学习网   That's the question raised by a thought-provoking study, The Paradox 01 Declining Female Happiness, released last month. (1) The research showed that over the past 35 years women's happiness has declined, both compared to the past and relative to men even though, by most objective measures,the lives of women in the US have improved in recent decades.


  The research, by University of Pennsylvania economists Stevenson and Wolfers, and released by the National Bureau of Economic Research, found the decline in happiness to be pervasive among women across a variety of demographic groups. (2) The researchers, for instance, measured similar declines in happiness among women who were single Parents and married parents, "casting doubt on the hypothesis that trends in marriage and divorce, single parenthood or work/family balance are at the root of the happiness declines among women," they wrote.

  这项研究由宾夕法尼亚大学经济学家史蒂文森和沃尔弗斯进行,Bureau ofEconomic由美国国家经济研究局(NationalResearch)公布。研究发现,在各类女性群体中,幸福感都普遍下降。(2)举例来讲,研究人员发现,单身母亲和已婚母亲中幸福感的下降幅度类似,他们写道:“这对一种假说提出了质疑,这种假说认为,婚姻、离婚、单身母亲或工作/家庭平衡等问题中的发展趋势是导致女性幸福感下降的根源。”

  One theory for the decline in happiness is that expectations for workplace and general advancement were raised too high by the women's movement and women might feel inadequate for not "having it all," as a Los Angeles Times columnist recently put it.

学习啦在线学习网   正如《洛杉矶时报》一位专栏作家最近所写的,关于幸福感下降的一个理论是,对工作和总体发展的期望值被妇女运动推得过高,如果没有拥有一切,女性可能就觉得有所欠缺。

  The researchers acknowledge that's a possibility:


  "If the women's movement raised women's expectations faster than society was able to meet them," the paper says, "they would be more likely to be disappointed by their actual experienced lives." But they add, things could change for the better: "As women's expectations move into alignment with their experiences, this decline in happiness may reverse."


学习啦在线学习网   Readers, why do you think women are unhappier than in the past? Do you think that if expectations for "having it all" were lowered to "move into alignment with experiences," women might be happier?



  Out of the Office Closet

学习啦在线学习网   站出来,承认自己是同性恋

  If you're gay or lesbian and you're closeted at your office, you're not alone. Despite major strides in acceptance over the last 15 years, many still struggle with the decision to come out at work.


学习啦在线学习网   A recent Harris poll conducted with Out & Equal and Witeck-Combs Communications indicated that 44% of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender(LGBT) participants feel unable to talk freely to co-workers about their partners, and up to 78% don't feel comfortable bringing their partners to corporate social functions.

学习啦在线学习网   美国哈里斯舆论调查所近期携手反歧视组织Out & Equal以及卫特康公关与广告公司进行的一次调查显示,44%的女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋者与跨性别者(LGBT)都觉得无法自由和同事谈论他们的伴侣,而至多达78%的人都觉得将伴侣带去公司活动会不自在。

学习啦在线学习网   (1)Thirty-one-year-old Bozman of Chicago has been out to his close friends since college, but remained closeted while rising through the ranks at Starbucks' corporate headquarters. "I didn't know if telling people I was gay would limit my ability to move up in the company, "he says. "I was intimidated and at the same time jealous of people who could just be themselves. I'd make up stories about being with women, and if a co-worker drove me home, I'd have him drop me off down the street so he wouldn't know I lived in a gay neighborhood."


学习啦在线学习网   "No One Cared"

学习啦在线学习网   “没人在意。”

  Eventually, after returning to his roots as a Starbucks store manager and working for a boss who was also gay, Mr. Bozman decided to stop lying. "When people asked me about my personal life or where I was on the weekend, 1just told the truth. It turned out that no one cared, and I was happier and much more comfortable."


学习啦在线学习网   Many experts agree that Mr. Bozman and other LGBT individuals are correct to have reservations about making their sexual orientation public. "There's no federal law that safeguards people from being fired because are gay, and only 16 states have such protections," says Mustanski, assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Illinois at Chicago. (2) "While the constant stress of monitoring themselves can take its toll, LGBT people have to balance the freedom to be themselves with their employability."

学习啦在线学习网   很多专家认为,博茨曼和其他LGBT人群在公开他们性取向一事上有所保留是正确的。芝加哥伊利诺伊大学精神病学助理教授穆斯坦斯基表示,美国没有联邦法律保护同性恋不会因为出柜而被解雇,只有16个州有这样的保护规定。(2)他说,尽管持续压抑自己不是好事,但LBGT人群必须在公开性取向和工作之间作出平衡。

  Is Your Office Gay Friendly?


学习啦在线学习网   In deciding whether to come out at work, what are the most important considerations?


  First, make sure it's a safe thing for you to do. "Assess anti-gay sentiment at your workplace beforehand," says Dr. Mustanski. "You don't want to be the victim of violence." The Human Rights Campaign Web site is an excellent resource evaluate whether your organization is LGBT-friendly.


  Your next step is to choose who you want to tell and the most suitable way to bring up the subject with those people. "Social practices vary by office, so use heterosexual relationship as a benchmark," suggests Dr. Mustanski. "How do non-LGBT people discuss their personal matters? Can you just work it into the conversation? (3) You do want to practice how to respond to inappropriate question, and be prepared that some co-workers may be hurt that you didn't confide in them sooner."

学习啦在线学习网   接下来你要做的是,选择把自己的性取向告诉哪些人以及和他们说这个话题的最合适方式。穆斯坦斯基说,各个办公室的社交方式各有不同,因此你可以把异性关系作为基准。那些非LBGT的人是怎么讨论他们的个人事情的?你是否可以把出柜穿插进谈话?(3)你确实需要练习一下如何应对不适合的问题,做好心理准备一些同事可能会因为你以前不说实话而觉得伤心。

  Finally, make sure you 're ready. "Don't allow yourself to feel pressured, because once you do it, there's no going back. It has to be the right time for you, and it has to be something that's going to make your day easier," says Mr. Bozman.



  Do You Have to Be a Workaholic to Rise High in Your Job


  (1) It's clear, from Supreme Court nominee Sotomayor's Senate confirmation hearings,that she has a warm relationship with her family and friends, including her beloved mother and brother.

  ( 1 )显然,从最高法院大法官提名人索托马约尔的参议院提名昕证会可以看出,她与家人和朋友都保持着温馨的关系,这其中也包括她深爱的母亲和弟弟。

  But in her rise through the legal profession, she has made a number of personal sacrifices, most notably marriage and children.


  Ms. Sotomayor's marriage to her high-school sweetheart ended after just a few years,in part, she has said, because of an excessive work schedule. "I cannot attribute that divorce to work," she told a panel on judicial life. (2) "But certainly the fact that I was leaving my home at 7:00am and getting back at 10:00pm was not of assistance in the problems developing in my marriage."

  索托马约尔与高中时的心上人的婚姻只持续了短短几年就走到了尽头,她曾表示其中部分原因是由于太过繁重的工作日程。她在一次关于司法生活的小组讨论中说,"我不能将离婚归咎于工作, (2)但早上7点离家、晚上10点才回家,这种状况肯定无助于认清婚姻中出现的问题。"

学习啦在线学习网   "I have found it difficult to maintain a relationship while I've pursued my career," Ms. Sotomayor also said in a television interview.


学习啦在线学习网   Ms. Sotomayor was subsequently engaged, but that 8-year relationship ended, too before they went to the altar. She has no children. These days, her life is "frantically busy, fulfilling and often aloof," according to the New York Times. "You make play dates with her months and months in advance because of her schedule," a friend of hers told the New York Times.


学习啦在线学习网   Earlier this week, we discussed Jack Welch's views on work-life balance. He argued that for women to rise to the top, "they've got to make tough choices and know the consequences of each one."

学习啦在线学习网   本周早些时候,我们讨论了杰克·韦尔奇关于工作与生活平衡的观点。韦尔奇认为,女性要想升到高层,就必须作出艰难的抉择,并明白每个决定的后果。

  But such choices aren't just necessary for women, as Juggle readers have pointed out. Men, too, often make hard sacrifices (failed marriages, missing their children grow up) to reach the pinnacles of their careers, especially in our increasingly workaholic and wired culture.


  As the New York Times columnist Brooks put it: "This is the story of pressures that affect men as well as women (men are just more likely to make fools of themselves in response, as the news of the last few years indicates). (3) It's the story of people in a meritocracy that gets more Purified and competitive by the years with the time demands growing more and more insistent."

学习啦在线学习网   正如《纽约时报》专栏作家布鲁克斯所说的,这其实说的是压力,无论男女都受到了压力的影响(男性只是更有可能以自欺欺人的方式应对,过去几年的一些新闻揭示了这一点儿 (3)精英阶层的人士精益求精,竞争越来越激烈,而对时间的要求也越来越急迫。

  He adds that Ms. Sotomayor's life "overlaps with a broader class of high achievers. You don't succeed at that level without developing a single-minded focus, and struggling against its consequences."

学习啦在线学习网   他还写道,索托马约尔的生活与许多达到很高成就的人有一部分相同。如果没有一种执着的专注劲头并对抗因此而造成的后果,就不可能实现那么高的成就。

  (4)I find this all a bit depressing and reductive because it seems like those who make it to the top must be, by necessity, workaholic automatons. I wonder, Juggle readers, is it ever possible to rise high in a profession without being an unceasing, laser-focused workaholic? Are there examples in your own workplaces of people who have managed that feat?
