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学习啦在线学习网   The First Killer is Too Cold for Success

学习啦在线学习网   永远别再自怜自贱

  Why do I always try to cover my small accomplishments under blankets of words that make light of my work or excuses for my lack of ability? Worst of all, I have come to believe my excuses so that I willingly sell my days for pennies while consoling myself with thoughts that things could always be worse.

学习啦在线学习网   为什么我总在试图用言语来掩盖自己的渺小,总在试图为自己减轻负担,又总在为自己的低能寻找托辞?糟糕的是,我似乎已经相信了自己编造的借口,心安理得,得过且过,安慰自己“比上不足,比下有余”。

  It is time to study the reflection in my looking glass until I recognize that the most harmful enemy I have is myself. At last, in this magic moment, the veil of self-deceit is beginning to lift from my eyes. I am not a fool. Henceforth I will stand on my own feet and my terrible crutches of self-pity and self-contempt have been cast aside forever.

学习啦在线学习网   当我终于开始自我反省时,我意识到最可怕的敌人正是我自己。在那神奇的瞬间,自欺欺人的面纱从我眼前飘逝。我不是蠢人,从此我要靠自己的双脚前行,永远抛弃那自怜自贱的拐杖。

学习啦在线学习网   Never again will I pity or belittle myself.


学习啦在线学习网   Now I know that patience and time can do more than even strength and passion. The years of frustration are ready to be harvested. All that I have managed to accomplish, and all that I hope to accomplish, has been and will be by that plodding, patient, persevering process which builds the ant heap particle by particle, thought by thought, step by step.


  Never again will I pity or belittle myself.


学习啦在线学习网   No longer will I look mournfully to the past. It will never return. Instead, with these success principles and vows, I will shape the present because it is mine and I will go forth to meet the mysterious future without fear, without doubt, with out de- spair. There is nothing I cannot achieve if I try.

学习啦在线学习网   我不再悲伤地追忆过去,过去的不会再来,在这些成功法则和誓言的启示下,我把握现在,努力向前,去邂逅神奇的未来,没有恐惧,没有疑虑,没有失望。对我而言,有志者事竟成。

学习啦在线学习网   Never again will I pity or belittle myself.



学习啦在线学习网   Why are you poor?


学习啦在线学习网   Have an open mindset


  The most important thing to becoming rich for you is to have a mindset to want to become rich. The reason I saythat is this, is because I wanted to become rich when I played Monopoly, that was, I was nine years old. The greatest formula for wealth is found on that board game. When I was nine years old my poor dad, the school teacher says, “Ah put that game away. Study, study, study! You're wasting your time playing Monopoly.”


学习啦在线学习网   And my rich dad said the formula, “You must open your mind and see the formula right on Monopoly.” He said, “It's right in front of you.” And I went, “What's the formula?” And finally I learned the formula is, four green houses, red hotel, four green houses, red hotel. Today I'm a rich man because all I ever did since the time I was 24 years old was buy four green houses, sell them all, buy a red hotel, four green houses, red hotel. It is not, that you have to go to school to become rich. Just play Monopoly; four green houses, red hotel. That's it.

  而我的富爸爸则告诉我:“你必须放开眼界,找到游戏的秘诀。秘诀就近在眼前啊。”我问:“那秘诀是什么?”最后我发现秘诀就是——四栋绿房子、红色旅馆、四栋绿房子、红色旅馆。现在我成了有钱人,那是因为24岁以来我所做的就是——买四栋绿房子,全部售出再买一栋旅馆,如此重复。所以,事实并不是只有读书才能挣大钱。就按 “大富翁”游戏的秘诀也能做到,真的。

学习啦在线学习网   You must look at how people before you have become rich. Do not talk to poor people. Poor people will tell you, “Oh it's too risky. Don’t do that. Don't take risk. Save your money. Play it safe.” That is a poor person's mindset. You must have an open mindset, open. And if you have an open mindset you will learn from everything.If you have a closed mindset you will learn from nothing. So I think that is the most important thing.

学习啦在线学习网   你要学会观察别人是怎么致富的。别去问穷人,穷人问不起。“呀,那太冒险了吧,还是别做了。别浪费钱去干傻事儿,安稳点吧。“——这就是穷人的心态。而你得有一个开放的心态,要放开眼界。一旦你心态开阔,必将获益匪浅。要是你鼠目寸光,自然什么也得不到了。所以,我觉得开放的心态至关重要。

学习啦在线学习网   The difference between money and wealth

学习啦在线学习网   金钱与财富的区别

学习啦在线学习网   No, I don't have a salary. I only had a job four years in my life. I don’t want a salary. The middle class and poor, what they want is high income. They think they want money. But they have no wealth because they have no assets. You must know the difference between money and wealth but they're not the same same. Money will never make you rich. This makes you rich. I have large companies. I have lots of stocks. I trade options. I have real estate, that's what makes me rich. So the money just comes in whether I work or not.


学习啦在线学习网   Bill Gates makes 0,000 a year. That's all. I make more than him. That's all he makes but he's worth 40 billion. I'm trying to tell you there is a very big difference between income, money and wealth. So I have spent my life buying assets, businesses, stocks, real estate, that’s what makes you rich, not a job. The reason the rich in America get richer is they pass this on to their kids. My poor dad always said, “High paying job, high paying job, high paying job.” And my rich dad said, “Assets, assets, assets.” That's the difference.



学习啦在线学习网   The biggest secret of success


  Once there was a young man who came to ask Socrates how to learn philosophy. Socrates said nothing but took him along to a river. He suddenly pushed him into the river forcibly. At first the young man thought Socrates was kidding so he didn't take it to heart. But Socrates also jumped into the river and pulled his head into water desperately. At this time the young man was really scared, his instinct of living made him use all his strength lifting Socrates and climbed to the bank.


  The young man asked Socrates with puzzle why he did that, Socrates replied: "I just want to tell you whatever you do, do it with a determination to be unexpectedly rescued from a desperate situation. Only like that can you make a genuine achievement."

学习啦在线学习网   年轻人不解地问苏格拉底为什么要这样做,苏格拉底回答说:“我只想告诉你,做什么事都必须有绝处求生那么大的决心,才能获得真正的成就。