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学习啦在线学习网   随着科学技术的蓬勃发展,阅读的重要性越来越明显。下面是学习啦小编带来的英语阅读文章英汉,欢迎阅读!


学习啦在线学习网   3 Food You Thought Were Healthy But Are Not


  It seems that everybody is trying to eat a little bit healthier these days. In fact, our national focus on health and exercise seem to almost have become a national obsession. However, many of us remain ill-equipped to make healthy choices at the grocery store or when going out to eat. The reason so many of us have trouble making choices are that the list of “healthy” foods seems to be constantly changing! Sorry to say, but your view on healthy foods might be altered here once again.


  Fruit Juice


学习啦在线学习网   An apple a day keeps the doctor away. A glass of apple juice a day may contribute to unwanted spikes in blood sugar and weight gain. The primary problem with fruit juices are sugar content. Drinking a glass of juice often has as much sugar as a soda! While you can argue that juice does contain valuable antioxidants that soda does not, you would be better off just eating a piece of fruit. Whole fruit contains fibber which slows down the rate in which we absorb sugar into our blood stream.


学习啦在线学习网   Breakfast Cereal


学习啦在线学习网   Breakfast cereal, food you thought were healthy but are not. It seems that every box in the cereal aisle is an advertisement for some new health benefit. Cereal boxes claim to help lower cholesterol while others claim to be heart healthy. Furthermore, most all cereals claim that they provide a mix of essential vitamins and minerals. However, most cereals are sugar laden, refined, processed junk. This includes cereal that claims to be “natural.” To start, the sheer amount of sugar in most breakfast cereals is enough to remove this commodity from any healthy diet. Furthermore, the vitamins that are contained within each box have been added by the manufacturing company. That is, the vitamins are man-made and injected into your cereal. This has actually proven dangerous for children who overdose on these vitamins!


学习啦在线学习网   Low Fat Yogurt


  Low-fat dairy must be better than full-fat dairy, right? Not necessarily. A study in the European Journal of Nutrition found that people who consumed full-fat dairy products were not more likely to be obese or have cardiovascular problems when compared to people who consumed low-fat. The problem with yogurt isn’t the fat. The problem with yogurt is the usual unhealthy culprit – sugar! If purchasing yogurt, look for a brand with no sugar added. You can then add honey or fruit on your own to sweeten it just right.


  1.in fact 事实上,实际上

学习啦在线学习网   She carries her age very well. She looks 50 but in fact she's more than 60 .

学习啦在线学习网   她不显老,她看上去像50岁,其实已经60多了。

  2.slow down 减速,放慢速度;使……慢下来

学习啦在线学习网   Before turning, you should slow down your car.


  3.contribute to 有助于;捐献;带来,促成

  This is another example of how the partnership with SAP helps contribute to a better version of DB2 for everyone.

学习啦在线学习网   这是另一个例子,说明了与 SAP 的合作关系如何有助于为 DB2 的更好版本做出贡献。

  4.to start 开始

  Fighting is to start at 5 o'clock.Please regulate your watch.



学习啦在线学习网   Broccoli Could Give You an Even Bigger Health Boost


学习啦在线学习网   Already known for its super health benefits, scientists have found a way to give broccoli even more of a boost, by identifying the genes which control the vegetable's phenolic compounds.

学习啦在线学习网   西兰花早就已有益于健康而闻名,科学家近来通过确定控制该蔬菜酚类化合物的基因,发现了让西兰花更有益于健康的方法。

  Phenolic compounds are beneficial to health thanks to their levels of flavonoids, which spread through the body via the bloodstream, reducing inflammation and lowering the risk of coronary heart disease, type II diabetes, asthma, and several types of cancer.


学习啦在线学习网   As the body doesn't make flavonoids itself, they must be consumed through diet, with recommendations suggesting eating broccoli or other cruciferous vegetable every three or four days to reap the health benefits, with the vegetables alsoretaining their health-promoting nutrients even when cooked.


学习啦在线学习网   Now however researchers from the University of Illinois have found genes that control the accumulation of phenolic compounds in broccoli, an important discovery for breeding broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables such as kale and cabbage with mega-doses of phenolic compounds for extra health benefits.


学习啦在线学习网   "Phenolic compounds have good antioxidant activity, and there is increasing evidence that this antioxidant activity affects biochemical pathways affiliated with inflammation in mammals. We need inflammation because it's a response to disease or damage, but it's also associated with initiation of a number of degenerative diseases. People whose diets consist of a certain level of these compounds will have a lesser risk of contracting these diseases," explains University of Illinois geneticist Jack Juvik.

学习啦在线学习网   酚类化合物具备很好的抗氧化性质,有越来越多的证据表明这些抗氧化性质会影响生化途径,而生化途径与哺乳动物的炎症相关。我们需要炎症,因为炎症是疾病或身体损伤的一种反应,但同时它也与一系列的退化性疾病相关。伊利诺伊大学的遗传学家Jack Juvik解释道:“那些饮食中含有一定程度酚类化合物的人,患这些疾病的风险会更小。”

学习啦在线学习网   "It's going to take awhile," Juvik added referring to the possibility of a breeding program to boost the levels of phenolic compounds, "This work is a step in that direction, but is not the final answer. We plan to take the candidate genes we identified here and use them in a breeding program to improve the health benefits of these vegetables. Meanwhile, we'll have to make sure yield, appearance, and taste are maintained as well."


学习啦在线学习网   Juvik's latest research, published this month in the journal Molecular Breeding, follows his earlier 2014 research which resulted in a new natural and inexpensive way of producing a broccoli with a longer shelf life and even more health benefits.

  继早前(2014年)的研究成果后,Juvik将最新的研究结果发布在了本月Molecular Breeding杂志上。2014年的研究使得西兰花的培育方式既自然又便宜,同时在货架上的摆放时间更长,而且还更有益于身体健康。



  Scientists have long wondered why the U.S. andEurope are so culturally different to China and other countries in Eastern Asia.

学习啦在线学习网   让科学家一直以来都疑惑不解的是为什么欧美与中国以及东亚国家在文化上如此不同。

  Now one study claims the answer lies in anunexpected area: the different farming methods usedby people living in theEast and West.


  While Westerners are known for theirindividualism and analytical thinking, eastern culturetends to beinterdependent and holistic, the study claims.

学习啦在线学习网   西方人以个人主义和分析思维著名,而东方文化倾向于互相依赖和整体,这是一项研究多得出的结果。

学习啦在线学习网   Theories explaining the differences have included wealth and education fuellingindividualism inthe West, and high rates of infectious disease in the Eastcausing people to be wary ofoutsiders.

学习啦在线学习网   有些理论认为东西方之所以存在差异的原因在于西方的财富和教育助长了个人主义,而东方传染疾病的高发导致人们提防外来者。

  But the real reason may simply be the waypeople at both ends of the world cultivate rice andwheat, say the scientists.


学习啦在线学习网   Paddy rice cannot be grown without ample supplies of water, forcing neighboursto worktogether to irrigate their crops.

学习啦在线学习网   水稻的生长需要足够的水资源,所以邻里之间需要相互合作来灌溉农作物。

学习啦在线学习网   It is also highly labour-intensive,requiring about twice the number of hours from planting toharvest as doeswheat.


学习啦在线学习网   Wheat farmers, in contrast, can rely on the rain and operate much moreindependently.

学习啦在线学习网   形成鲜明对比的是,种植小麦的农民可以依靠雨水来灌溉,而且在操作上更具独立性。

  To test their theory, the scientistsassessed known measures of individualism and collectivismin 1,000 people fromdifferent regions of Chinawhere rice and wheat are grown.


  The results, published in the journalScience, showed distinct psychological differences thatmirrored those betweenthe East and West.


学习啦在线学习网   ‘It’s easy to think of China as a single culture,’ said lead researcherThomas Talhelm, from theUniversity of Virginia.

学习啦在线学习网   “我们很容易就认为中国是个单一文化,”来自弗吉尼亚大学的领头研究员Thomas Talhelm说。

  ‘But we found that China has very distinct northern and southernpsychological cultures andthat southern China’shistory of rice farming can explain why people in southern China aremoreinterdependent than people in the wheat-growing north.


  ‘The data suggests that legacies of farmingare continuing to affect people in the modernworld.’

学习啦在线学习网   “这些数据表明农耕文化依然对现代人产生影响。”