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学习啦在线学习网   随着经济的快速发展以及少数民族地区对外贸易范围的逐渐扩大,英语的作用也越来越受到重视。下面是学习啦小编带来的英文文章带翻译,欢迎阅读!


学习啦在线学习网   《感觉身体被掏空》为啥听哭中国加班狗

  Long working hours are a way of life in China, no matter what the industry.


  According to one estimate by a researcher at Beijing Normal University, Chinese workers log an average of 2,000-2,200 working hours each year – far higher than their counterparts in the United States (1,790 hours per year), the Netherlands (1,419), Germany (1,371) and even Japan (1,719), according to OECD statistics.


  Wu, who works in the business and sales team, frequently logs long hours, from 9.30am to 9.30pm. But Wu isn’t complaining.


学习啦在线学习网   "Everyone wants to finish their work before leaving the office,” Wu says. “People work hard to create their own value. We have a lot of things to do but we don’t have that many employees, so everyone is wearing several hats.”


  In one video that went viral this summer, an amateur Shanghai choir devoted a tongue-in-cheek song to their status as “overtime dogs” – a slang term for white-collar workers – entitled “My Body Is Hollowed Out.”

学习啦在线学习网   在今年夏天中国流行的一段视频中,上海一支业余合唱团演唱了一首献给“加班狗”的搞笑歌曲《感觉身体被掏空》,“加班狗”是对白领的谑称。

学习啦在线学习网   "Who needs sleep? What a waste of time!” they sing. “Who needs to eat when PowerPoint is my sustenance?”


  The workplace culture in China’s start-up scene is even more demanding than in Silicon Valley, says Gary Rieschel, the US co-founder of Qiming Venture Partners.

学习啦在线学习网   中国启明创投公司的美国合伙人雷歇尔认为中国初创科技公司的公司文化比硅谷还要苛刻,

  One reason for this, he says, is that for many tech start-ups in China, their business models are not based on a unique idea, but one derived from somewhere else, either another start-up in China or one in the US.

学习啦在线学习网   其中一个原因是,它们的商业模式不是基于独特的创新观点,而是从别的公司或者外国公司那借鉴来的。

  This leaves them only two ways to compete—on cost and speed. “And when you’re competing on low cost and speed, there’s really only one culture to be successful, and that’s a 24-7, 365 (day) culture.”


  For many young tech workers, there’s also no semblance of work-life balance: the job is their life. Many relocate to cities where they don’t have family or friends so they’d rather stay late at the office to make extra money and socialise with colleagues.

学习啦在线学习网   对于科技公司的很多年轻员工来说,没有什么平衡工作和生活一说,工作就是生活。很多年轻人到举目无亲的大城市工作,他们在当地没有要好的朋友也没有家人,所以有些人宁愿下了班也在办公室待着,可以多挣点钱还能和同事聊聊天。

学习啦在线学习网   "It’s not about working, this is part of their lifestyle. They don’t want to go home, they just want to stay there.”


  Young people in China today don’t care as much as previous generations about joining a big, established company where they’re jobs are stable but their impact might be marginal. They’re more drawn to the thrill of a start-up, building something from scratch.


  And, for that, an 60- to 70-hour work week might be the biggest trade-off.



  报告显示 我国161座城市空气质量得到改善

学习啦在线学习网   Effective pollution controls adopted in 161 major Chinese cities have greatly improved airquality, a green organization said last Monday.

学习啦在线学习网   一家绿色环保组织上周一表示,中国161座主要城市采取的有效的污染防治措施使空气质量大幅改善。

  Of the cities, 90 percent have reached their goals, and 14 have managed to cut their PM2.5concentration by over 20 percent, said Fu Lu, head of the China office of Clean Air Asia, anenvironmental group headquartered in Manila, the Philippines.

学习啦在线学习网   总部位于菲律宾马尼拉的环保组织"亚洲清洁空气中心"的中国区总监付璐表示,在这些城市中,90%达到了目标,其中14座城市的PM2.5浓度降幅超过20%。

学习啦在线学习网   Last year, major pollutants such as sulfur dioxide were reduced 21.9 percent year-on-year, andthe average PM2.5 reading was lowered by 14.1 percent in the cities, the report said, citing datafrom the Ministry of Environmental Protection.

学习啦在线学习网   该报告引用环境保护部的数据称,去年,这些城市的二氧化硫等主要污染物同比下降了21.9%,而PM2.5的降幅则为14.1%。

  PM2.5 refers to particulate matter with a diameter less than 2.5 microns that poses risks tohuman health.


  But eight cities saw increases in PM2.5 levels, Fu said.

学习啦在线学习网   不过,付璐称,有8座城市的PM2.5浓度升高,

  Among the eight, Zhengzhou and Jiaozuo in Henan saw PM2.5 increase by 9% over 2014, andYingkou, Shandong, experienced a 23% increase.

学习啦在线学习网   其中河南郑州和焦作的PM2.5浓度比2014年升高9%,山东营口的PM2.5浓度上升了23%。

  The other cities with higher PM 2.5 levels were Sanmenxia, Henan province; Zaozhuang andRizhao, Shandong province; Changchun, Jilin province; and Langfang, Hebei province, thereport said.

学习啦在线学习网   报告指出,PM2.5浓度升高的城市还有河南省三门峡、山东省枣庄、山东省日照、吉林省长春及河北省廊坊。

学习啦在线学习网   "Reducing pollution is not a simple issue that only needs strong determination. It alsorequires scientific and technological support," said He Kebin, head of the School of Environmentat Tsinghua University.




学习啦在线学习网   After months of speculation, the race to become the next UN Secretary-General has reached the point at which support for the official contenders is being tested where it really counts.


  Two rounds of straw balloting, in which countries are invited to “encourage” or “discourage” the candidacy of each nominee, have already been held by the Security Council.

  联合国安理会(UN Security Council)已主持过两轮意向性投票,即邀请各国选择“鼓励”或“不鼓励”每位被提名人竞选。

  The US candidate of choice is Susanna Malcorra, the current foreign minister of Argentina and former chief of staff to Ban Ki-moon.

学习啦在线学习网   而美国青睐的候选人则是阿根廷现任外长、曾任潘基文(Ban Ki-moon)幕僚长的苏珊娜•马尔科拉(Susanna Malcorra)。

  Unless something significant changes, the Security Council may need to find a compromise candidate. The most obvious solution would be to rally behind a woman from eastern Europe, of which there are only two left in the field following the withdrawal of Vesna Pusic, Croatian foreign minister.

  除非出现重大变化,否则联合国安理会可能需要找到一位折中的候选人。最明显的解决办法将是支持一位来自东欧的女性候选人——在克罗地亚前外长韦斯娜•普希奇(Vesna Pusic)退出竞选之后,符合这种条件的只有两位候选人了。

学习啦在线学习网   One is Natalia Gherman, foreign minister of Moldova, and the other is Irina Bokova, the current head of Unesco. With only three encourages and 10 discourages at the last time of asking, Gherman’s support base is probably too narrow.

  一位是摩尔多瓦前外交部长纳塔利娅•盖尔曼(Natalia Gherman),另一位是联合国教科文组织(Unesco)现任总干事伊琳娜•博科娃(Irina Bokova)。盖尔曼在上一次的投票中获得了3票鼓励和10票不鼓励,她的支持基础可能过于狭窄。博科娃获得了7票鼓励和7票不鼓励,形势看起来更为有利。

  Bokova looks better placed with seven encourages and seven discourages. A former Nato fellow, educated both in Russia and in the US, she is known to have personal support within Hilary Clinton’s inner circle and constructive working relations with Sergei Lavrov, Russia’s foreign minister.

  博科娃曾经在北约访学,并在俄罗斯和美国接受过教育,据悉她获得了希拉里•克林顿核心圈子的个人支持,而且还与俄罗斯外长谢尔盖•拉夫罗夫(Sergei Lavrov)有建设性的工作关系。

学习啦在线学习网   A lot has changed in the way that the UN chooses its Secretary-General. The process is more open and competitive than ever before.

学习啦在线学习网   联合国挑选秘书长的方式发生了巨大变化。这一过程比以往任何时候都更加开放和竞争激烈。

  Yet it remains the case that the strongest candidate is often the one that engenders least opposition within the P5 rather than the greatest support among the UN membership as a whole.


学习啦在线学习网   That may offend our understanding of how elections are supposed to work, but it was the basis on which the UN was founded. Better to bind the most powerful nations in by giving them the power of veto than risk going the way of the League of Nations.

  这可能与我们对选举运作机制的理解相悖,但这是联合国建立的基础。与其冒险重蹈国际联盟(League of Nations)的覆辙,不如通过给予实力最强的国家否决权而将它们绑在一起。