学习啦在线学习网 The Story of a Fire
学习啦在线学习网 Thirteen years have passed since, but it is all to me as if it had happened yesterday, -- the clanging of the fire-bells, the hoarse shouts of the firemen, the wild rush and terror of the streets; then the great hush that fell upon the crowd; the sea of upturned faces with the fire glow upon it; and there, against the background of black smoke that poured from roof and attic, the boy clinging to the narrow ledge so far up that it seemed humanly impossible that help could ever come.
But even then it was coming. Up from the street, while the crew of the truck-company were labouring with the heavy extension ladder that at its longest stretch was many feet too short, crept four men upon long slender poles with cross- bars, iron-hooked at the end. Standing in one window, they reached up and thrust the hook through the next one above, then mounted a storey higher. Again the crash of glass, and again the dizzy ascent. Straight up the wall they crept, looking like human flies on the ceiling, and clinging as close, never resting, reaching one recess only to set out for the next; nearer and nearer in the race for life, until but a single span separated the foremost from the boy. And now the iron hook fell at his feet, and the fireman stood upon the step with :the rescued lad in his arms, just as the pentup flame burst lurid from the attic window, reaching with impotent fury for its prey. The next moment the) were safe upon the great ladder waiting to receive them below.
Then such a shout went up ! Men fell on each other's necks, and cried and laughed at once. trangers slapped one another on the back with glistening faces, shook hands, and behaved generally like men gone suddenly mad. Women wept in the street. The driver of a car stalled in the crowd, who had stood through it all speechless, clutching the reins, whipped his horses into a gallop and drove away, yelling like a Comanche, to relieve his feelings. The boy and his rescuer were carried across the street without anyone knowing how. Policemen forgot their dignity and shouted with the rest. Fire, peril, terror, and loss were alike forgotten in the one touch of nature that makes the whole world kin.
Fireman John Binns was made captain of his crew, and the Bennett medal was pinned on his coat on the next parade day.
学习啦在线学习网 但是,尽管这样,还是有人来搭救了。消防梯车上的救火队员正在费劲地架起笨重的伸缩梯,但是那梯子伸足后还是太短,差了一大截。这时候,四名消防队员缘着细长的杆子从街面往楼上爬,杆子上装有横档,顶端用铁钩钩住。他们站上一扇窗口,把杆子伸上去,用钩子钩住上面的窗子,随后又爬上一层楼。接着,又一阵砸碎玻璃的砰砰声,又一次令人头晕目眩的攀登。他们沿着墙壁笔直地往上爬,看上去小得好似天花板上的苍蝇。四名消防队员紧贴着墙,不歇气地一个窗台接着一个窗台向上爬。在这场争夺生命的竞赛中,他们愈爬愈近了,爬在最前面的消防队员离小孩只剩下一柞的距离了。这时候,铁钩落到了孩子的脚下,接着,消防队员站在踏脚上,用双手抱下了小男孩。就在这一刹那,一片火光,烈焰终于冲破浓烟,猛地从顶楼窗口喷了出来,想攫住它嘴边的猎物,可是却只能白白地冒火了。接着,消防队员和小男孩安然踏上了在下面候着他们的大梯子。
学习啦在线学习网 A Math Teacher Story
Years ago, I was taking an algebra class over the summer, and had a teacher who liked to reminisce about his past with funny stories. He relates that he had been a math teacher in the Air Force, where it was his duty to force sleepy young recruits to stay awake for an hour of math at 8:00 in the morning in a large, warm, dimly-lit auditorium. One day, he came into the auditorium and saw his class even sleepier and less attentive than usual. He realized that something drastic would have to be done.
Now this classroom was very old, and the blackboards, which had been nailed on to the walls with old black iron nails, had become loose over the years. As a result, these black nails jutted almost invisibly from the blackboard and this teacher kept banging his hands on them while erasing the board. He decided to put them to good use.
With enough of a flourish to guarantee the class's attention, he went to the front of the room, near one edge of the board. Then, clearing his throat, he drew a coathook right near one of the protruding nails. He proceeded to hang his coat and hat on the hook that he had drawn in chalk (really on the nail, of course). Then he went on to give that day's lecture. He told us that the entire class had their eyes to the front of the room throughout the lecture. He didn't know if they'd heard a single word he'd said, but at least they looked attentive.
学习啦在线学习网 At the end of the class, the lecturer would usually leave by a small door near the blackboards, while the class would leave through the large doors at the back of the hall. When class was over, he took his coat and hat, erased the coathook, and left through the small door--and was followed by the entire class, lining up to go past the blackboard to see how he'd done it.
学习啦在线学习网 几年前,我花了整整一个夏天来修代数这门课。教这课的老师总喜欢回忆以前发生的趣事。他说他以前在空军部队里教书,在那里他的工作就在早晨八点的时候,强迫一群睡意正浓的新兵在一间即温暖又灯光昏暗的大教室里精神百倍的上一个小时的数学课。一天,当他走进礼堂的时候,发现他的学生们比平时更加昏昏欲睡,注意力分散,于是他想必须做点有刺激性的事。
Nails In The Fence钉子和篱笆
There was a little boy with a bad temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, to hammer a nail in the back fence.
The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence.
Then it gradually dwindled down. He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence.
Finally the day came when the boy didn't lose his temper at all. He told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper.
学习啦在线学习网 The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone. The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. He said, "You have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one. You can put a knife in a man and draw it out. It won't matter how many times you say I'm sorry, the wound is still there. A verbal wound is as bad as a physical one.
日子一天天过去,最后,那个男孩告诉他爸爸说钉子他都拔完了。爸爸就牵着他的手,带他去篱笆那儿。爸爸说:“儿子,你做的很好。但是,你看看篱笆上的小洞,每根篱笆都绝不会相同的。每次你发脾气的时候,它们都会就像这个一样留下伤疤。你用刀刺伤一个人,可以把刀拔出来。 但是,无论你说多少遍对不起都是没用的,因为伤还在那里。言语里的伤害和身体上的伤害都同样糟糕。
学习啦在线学习网 Friends are a very rare jewel, indeed. They make you smile and encourage you to succeed. They lend an ear, they share a word of praise, and they always want to open their hearts to us. Show your friends how much you care.
学习啦在线学习网 事实上,朋友是珍贵的珠宝。他们给你欢笑,给你走向成功的鼓励;他们倾听你的心声,分享成功的欢乐;而且,他们始终都向你敞开他们的胸怀,这些都说明你应该更加珍惜你的朋友。
