学习啦在线学习网 Why do some people move from one level of success to the next in live while others seem to be stuck in the same place they were five years ago? Successful people have tapped into a law that not many are either aware of or are willing to apply to their lives. It is the Law of Suggestion, and when used correctly and consistenty, it has the power to turn your life around on a dime.
Henry Ford said, 'If you think you can or if you think you can't, you are right!" Jesus, Himself said, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he".
学习啦在线学习网 为什么有的人获得一个又一个的成功,而有的人却总是停留在原处,停留在五年前的状态?成功的人往往有共同的心态,人们很少注意到、也没有把成功者的心态应用到自己的日常生活中,这个心态就是有益的自我暗示,如果坚持有益的自我暗示,就会很快改变你的生活。
Who you are today and the level of failure or success you have achieved is in direct proportion to who you think you are and what you think you can achieve. You may be stuck right now; stuck in the same old job you hate, stuck in the bitterness of anothers betrayal to you, stuck in a body that is 50 pounds overweight; I don't care how stuck you are and for how long you have been stuck, you can walk out of it in the amount of time it takes you to think your next thought. Yes, it's the truth! There is a giant of success within you just waiting to be aroused and awakened by the power of your own suggestion!
Someone once asked this question, "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time". You can walk out of your failure in any and every area of your life beginning with your very next thought. You must take captive the stinkin' thinkin' that has been allowed to run unchallenged in your mind. Negativity, self-doubt, procrastination, the lie that tells you, "This is the hand life dealt you and there is really nothing you can do about it, the lie that there are successful people, failures and mediocre people and they are born that way"; Hogwash! You are equipped to be anyone and anything you choose to be! The only difference between the successful and the failure is this, successful people engage themselves in positive self-talk and positive affirmations (both consciencely and sub-consciencely) daily. They are willing to fight for what they want to be and achieve, to sacrifice the momentary pleasure to live the enduring life they envision for themselves.
学习啦在线学习网 有人曾问过这样一个问题:“怎样吃掉一头大象?一次咬一口。”只要转换一下思维方式,就可以使你生活的各个方面焕然一新。不要再让消极、自我怀疑和惰性在你的头脑中栖息了,要俘虏这些负面的东西。正是这些不良思维定势使你觉得你的生活本来就是现在这个样子,是不可改变的;使你觉得每个人的成功、失败都是命中注定的;你觉得平庸的人是命中注定要平庸的!噢,只要你想成功,你可以做任何想做的事,可以成为一个了不起的人!成功者与失败者的唯一区别是,成功者总是(有意或潜意识的)积极鼓励自己、自我肯定。他们愿意为自己的目标而努力奋斗,他们能够为了将来的成功而牺牲片刻的休息娱乐时间。
学习啦在线学习网 双语阅读美文:只要敢想,你就能拥有
学习啦在线学习网 Are you ready to walk out of the muck and mire of defeat and failure and into the life you have always dreamed of? Then do it! Do it right now! It all begins with your very next thought. Refuse to think like a failure, replace every negative lie with a positive affirmation and remember this..."It's not what you do, it's what you keep on doing!" It takes 21 days to form any habit in your life, so be ready to fight the good fight of faith against negativity and before you know it, you will have formed a habit that will begin to direct your sub-conscience thoughts step by step right into the life you've always wished for but didn't know you could live. It's sort of like Dorothy in the Wizzard of OZ, Glenda, told her, "You've always had the power to be where you wanted to be", Dorothy says, "Why didn't anyone tell me it was as simple as clicking my heels three times and SAYING THE RIGHT WORDS?" Because you wouldn't have believed it before now!
The power of the spoken word and the spoken thought may seem too simple to be the answer to your getting un-stuck in life, but sometimes people stumble over the answer only because it seems too simple. We want a magic pill or some kind of epiphany but I'm telling you, at the end of the yellow brick road, you will descover you had the power within you all along!