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学习啦在线学习网   美文,不禁浮现出一个美丽的情境,赋予优美的语境和丰富的情感;美文,不禁联想到一种美幻的意境,充满情感的体验和丰富的表达。美文,大概就是美的化身,它是一种情感,一种体验和一种表达。本文是优秀英语美文,希望对大家有帮助!

  优秀英语美文:The Grass Is Always Green Right Under Your Feet

  Have you ever thought life would be better anywhere other than where you are right now? Maybe some of your thoughts go something like this:

  Life will be better once I'm out of debt.

  I can't wait until I'm retired because then I can do what I want when I want.

  If only I lived somewhere warm I could exercise all year round and I would be so fit.

  If I could just lose 10 pounds I know I would feel better.

学习啦在线学习网   Truth is some of your problems may go away once you have met all of your "if only's" and "better when's" but it won't make the perfect life that fairy tales are made of. New problems will arise and you'll likely find yourself wishing for this "perfect" life to be different still. We can only imagine that the grass will be greener on the other side because it's only when we live it do we actually see it for what it really is.

  Whatever ideal you have in mind about an alternate lifestyle, location, financial situation etc ... rest assured that each one will be met with it's own unique set of problems.

  So what can you do about this? Choose to be content with what you already have.

  Look around you and be truly grateful for all that you see. Realize that there are people less fortunate than you and right now, rightly or wrongly, they are wishing for your exact lifestyle. Think back to 2 years ago, what were you wishing for then? Where did you want to be? Odds are you were largely wishing to be right where you are now. Life happens so gradually that you tend to lose all perspective of achievements, growth and progress.

学习啦在线学习网   It's great to dream big. But those dreams should not cloud the greatness you have in front of you right now. Consider the truth in the grass being the greenest right under your feet.

  优秀英语美文:This Beautiful Moment

  There is no rush, there is no hurry. For this beautiful moment is already here.

学习啦在线学习网   There is no lack, there is no limit. For the possibilities of now stretch out in all directions.

  There is no worry, there is no regret. For this is the time to live and to act.

学习啦在线学习网   Even when you have no reason to enjoy life now, enjoy it anyway. For joy is its own best reason. Open your eyes to the rich depth of this moment's gloden treasures. Breath in deeply, filling your sense with the fresh, cool sweetness.

  Being here now is a remarkable blessing. The more you enjoy the moment you're in, the more treasures it will bring.

学习啦在线学习网   Right here and right now life overflows with richness. What a beautiful moment to live!

  优秀英语美文:Stop Wasting Time Being a Perfectionist

学习啦在线学习网   When you are first learning or perfecting a skill, whether it be baking, archery, or public speaking, it is easy to get stuck in the cycle of analysis paralysis. You want to learn as much as you possibly can before you actually do the task, but you end up wasting time preparing yourself instead of just trying to do it.

  Major League Baseball pitchers don't throw a perfect game every time they play, so why do you expect to be perfect all the time?

  Jonathan Fields recently wrote an excellent piece on how the key to getting better at something is to make more bad stuff.

学习啦在线学习网   That is a powerful message. In a world filled with perfectionists who don't want to share what they've created with anyone unless they think it is perfect, the best way to get better is actually with hands-on practice. And the best way to practice is by trying over and over again until you stop failing miserably.

  Jonathan uses the example of building a guitar, but wanting the first one to be perfect.

学习啦在线学习网   'Go and make a really bad guitar.' Stop waiting around, go buy a kit and do it. Today.

  The first one...will be bad. Maybe really bad. But you'll learn more making one bad guitar than you will waiting to do something and then taking a course that teaches you how to do it right. You'll understand a lot more about the "why" behind good and bad building, and that'll put you in a radically different position to do it better moving forward.

  - Jonathan Fields


学习啦在线学习网   A brief act of kindness brings an unexpected insight.

学习啦在线学习网   I was shopping at a department store and had just boarded the down escalator when I noticed a woman standing to the side. She looked about 65, and her expression told me she was scared. I turned toward her and asked, " Do you need help?" As the escalator continued moving I heard the woman reply softly, " I’m afraid." There was a hint of incredulity in her voice." Want me to come back and get you?" I called to her. She nodded. But by the time I reached her, the woman had reconsidered. " I don’t think I can do it," she said. I was suddenly aware that I had made a far greater investment than I expected." I know we can do it," I said. " I can hold on to you." She looked down at the beast. Then her eyes came back to mine, looking doubtful. " This has never happened to me before," she said, as much to herself as to me. I felt that her sudden fear had to do with the escalator’s mechanical nature, its basic inhuman untrustworthiness. I took her arm. " Shall we?" She made a little sound of alarm as we stepped on, but we’d passed the point of no return. She relaxed slightly as the stairs moved us downward." I don’t understand this at all," she said. As we neared the bottom, her grip tightened again, but we did fine." I’m so grateful..." she began." It was nothing," I said. " I was happy to do it." Happy, yes. I do very little to help others. I am busy caring for a family and working full time. For a brief moment, I had a flash of insight into why someone would become a nurse or a social worker or a minister. When I helped the woman, I felt pure and whole, purposeful. It was a happier moment than I’d had in weeks.







