There’s this famous quote that can spark an interest to challenge yourself within you:
“If something that you’re doing doesn’t challenge you, then it doesn’t change you.” Unknown
Of course, since every one of us has room for improvement, this can also mean if you don’t change yourself, then you can’t be responsible for changing your situation in life. You can never see any improvement in your life if you stick to your comfort zone. We all need a healthy dose of normal stress in our lives, after all. We can only see what we’re really capable of if we make the effort to go over our pre-conceived limits. Don’t limit the challenges you encounter in life - challenge the limits that your “lizard brain” crafted instead:
学习啦在线学习网 当然,每个人都有提高的空间。这也表示,如果不改变自己,你也就无法改变你的生活境况。如果沉溺在舒适区,你永远也不会看到生活有所改观。要知道,生活中我们都需要适量的正常压力。只有努力战胜预想的极限,我们才能发现自己真正擅长什么。不要限制生活中遇到的挑战——而应挑战大脑设定的各种极限。
1. Learn a new language.
学习啦在线学习网 Hangul, Nihonggo, French, Filipino, Mandarin, Spanish: these are just some of the languages you can discover as you strive to challenge yourself. Learning a new language isn’t just another way to pad your resume; if you really get into it, you can even use this skill to tutor on the side and earn extra cash.
2. Figure out what you’re scared of – and do it for one week consistently.
学习啦在线学习网 弄清自己害怕什么,然后坚持尝试一周。
学习啦在线学习网 If you’re in sales, and you’re scared of talking to people personally or over the phone, then you have a problem. You can’t just relate with your clients online, can you? Now, instead of crippling in fear and automatically thinking you’ll fail, spend at least five minutes a day to pick up the phone and make a call to a prospect. Yes, it’s scary. Yes, you may embarrass yourself. And yes, someone may hang up on you. But don’t stop on the first try just yet! You’ll get the hang of it eventually. After a while, you can look at fear in the eyes and say, “Go on, I’m not scared!”
3. Take a class for a hobby you’ve been wanting to pursue.
Make sure this hobby is not linked to your career; you have to relax and de-stress while performing this. Some examples might be cooking, sewing, painting and graphic designing online.
学习啦在线学习网 Aside from helping you challenge yourself now, taking a class for your hobby can also give you extra income if you learn how to monetize it. (You get plus points if you take the class with a loved one. This way, you combine bonding, boosting your income and challenging yourself.)
学习啦在线学习网 4. Attend one career-related seminar a month.
学习啦在线学习网 Don’t settle for your current job position. Aim high in your career. Of course, with that aim, include in your action, too. Book conferences that are relevant to the industry of your profession. There, absorb the lesson. Ask sensible questions. And don’t forget to connect with the attendees and the keynote speakers. Sometimes, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know,” may be a reality.
5. Make a realistic budget and find out how you can cut back on something so you can invest more.
Challenge yourself to step out of your current budget and develop a better budget for yourself. Money management is not about what you make – it’s what you do with what you make.
- So, produce a budget on paper, or in an Microsoft Excel file.
- Identify the item you’ve been spending so much money on.
学习啦在线学习网 - Cut back on that item so you have more money to put in your emergency fund or in your investment fund.
6. Dedicate at least nine minutes a day for physical exercise.
You don’t need to go to the gym, you know. A simple 9-minute run around your neighborhood or an intense dance routine done in your living-room can do wonders for yourself. Aside from the obvious reason that exercise can help you maintain your regular weight or shed those unnecessary pounds, it can also aid in making you feel better about yourself by releasing endorphins.
学习啦在线学习网 要知道,你不一定非去健身馆不可。绕着小区跑步9分钟或者在卧室集中跳一段热舞,其实也能帮你维持正常体重或甩掉赘肉,而且还可以通过释放内啡肽让你感觉良好。
学习啦在线学习网 7. Travel and allow yourself to be interested in new people.
We’re not talking about the expensive kind of travelling here. Something cost-effective like going to your local museum or visiting the resort in the next city can all count as travelling! Here, don’t just limit yourself to your fellow travelers – try to connect with the service staff, like the lifeguard, or the receptionist, or the tour guide. You never know what kind of people they’re going to be. Get out of your house or go online right now to book your class. Start now and learn to challenge yourself from time to time. We all need a little push once in a while.
学习啦在线学习网 Lesson one: New challenges require new ways of thinking
学习啦在线学习网 1.面对新挑战,要有新思路
Part car, part jet fighter, part spaceship, Bloodhound SSC aims to be the first land vehicle to break the 1,000mph barrier. One of the key challenges has been to design the wheels. How do you create the fastest wheels in history, make them stable and reliable at supersonic speeds, and with limited resources?
After much deliberation, and devising ideas that pushed the boundaries of material technology, Mark Chapman, chief engineer of the Bloodhound project said the team decided to take a step back and change the way they were trying to solve problems. “There’s very little we’ve actually developed that’s new,” he says, “what’s unique is how we apply technologies.”
They adopted an approach called the design of experiments – a mathematical technique of problem solving through doing lots of little experiments and then looking at the statistics all glued together. “All of a sudden, where we’d been knocking our head against the wall for maybe two, three, four months, we came up with a wheel design that would hold together and was strong enough,” he says.
Lesson two: Let evidence shape your opinion
学习啦在线学习网 2.观点要用证据来证明
学习啦在线学习网 Like his peers, geophysicist Steven Jacobsen from Northwestern University believed that water on Earth originated from comets. But by studying rocks, which allow scientists to peer back in time, he discovered water hidden inside ringwoodite, which lies in the Earth’s mantle, and which suggests that the oceans gradually made its way out of the planet’s interior many centuries ago.
学习啦在线学习网 “I had a pretty hard time convincing others,” he admits. Yet two key pieces of evidence uncovered this year seem to support his point of view. Time will tell whether the new theories are true, and there may be further twists to the tale. “But thinking about the fact that you may be the first person to see something for the first time doesn’t happen very often,” he says. “When it does it’s thrilling.”
Lesson three: It really is 99% perspiration
Sheila Nirenberg at Cornell University is trying to develop a new prosthetic device for treating blindness. Key to this was cracking the code that transmits information from the eye to the brain. “Once I realised this, I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t sleep – all I wanted to do was work,” says Nirenberg.
“Sometimes I’m exhausted and I get burnt out,” she adds. “But then I get an email from somebody in crisis or somebody who’s getting macular degeneration, and they can’t see their own children’s faces, and it is like, ‘How can I possibly complain?’ It gives me the energy to just go back and keep doing it.”
学习啦在线学习网 “每次觉得筋疲力尽、江郎才尽的时候,我都会收到一些到正处于危险状态马上要失明的、或是患有黄斑部退化症的病人的邮件,这些人将没办法看清自己孩子的长相、无法看这五颜六色的世界。每当这个时候,我就跟自己说‘我怎么能够抱怨呢’,然后就又动力十足的继续工作。”
学习啦在线学习网 Lesson four: The answer isn’t always what you expect
学习啦在线学习网 4.结果并不总是和预想的一样
Sylvia Earle has spent decades trying to see the ocean with new eyes. Her “dream machine” is a submarine that could take scientists all the way to the bottom of the deepest ocean floor. What sort of material could best withstand the types of pressure you would encounter thousands of miles below the ocean surface? “It could be steel, it could be titanium, it could be some sort of ceramic, or some kind of aluminium system,” says Earle. “But glass is the ultimate material.” By her estimates, a glass sphere about four-to-six inches (10-15cm) thick should be able safely explore the ocean depths she dreams of exploring.
Glass is the oldest material known to man and one of the least understood, says Tony Lawson, Earle’s engineering director at Deep Ocean and Exploration Research Marine. “It has a higgledy-piggledy molecular structure a bit like a liquid, rather than the ordered lattices often found in other solids. As a result, when glass is evenly squeezed from all sides – as it would be under the ocean – the molecules cram closer together and form a tighter structure.
学习啦在线学习网 厄尔的项目技术总监称,虽然玻璃是人类已知的最古老材料,但是我们对它的了解却甚少。“玻璃的分子结构有点像是液体,排列方式没有一般固体的有规律。因此,当玻璃被海洋里的压力从四面八方压迫时,它的分子会被压在一起,形成更紧密的结构。”
Lesson five: A little luck goes a long way
学习啦在线学习网 It was hailed as one of the biggest success stories in the history of space exploration – 20 years of planning ended earlier this year with the Philae lander rendezvousing with Comet 67P over 300 million miles (480 million kilometres) away from Earth.
学习啦在线学习网 菲莱探测器被誉为太空探索史上最大跨越之一,历经20年的策划期终于在年初发射并成功在离地球四亿八千万公里的67P彗星上着陆。
The biggest challenge, says Stephan Ulamec, manager of the Philae lander programme, was how to design a probe to land on a body whose makeup they had little knowledge about. “We had no idea of the size, we had no idea of the day-night cycle, which influences the thermal design, we had no idea of the gravity, so how fast would the lander impact, we had no idea how the surface looked,” he says.
学习啦在线学习网 据菲莱项目的负责人斯蒂芬介绍,在这20年里遇到的最大挑战是对彗星构造了解较少,不知道该如何设计这个探测器。“我们不知道彗星的昼夜循环情况会影响保热设计,不知道彗星的重力也无法预测探测器着陆后对转速的影响,甚至不清楚彗星表面的样子。”
They needed to create design parameters that could cope with an extremely wide range of possible comet structures – but banked on the comet being a relatively even potato shape with enough flat surfaces for the probe to land on. Even then, not everything went to plan, and two decades of meticulous planning could have failed within minutes at touchdown. Philae's anchoring harpoons didn't fire as planned, and it bounced off the comet before settling onto its icy surface and successfully beaming data back to its relieved creators.
Lesson six: Genius is indefinable
学习啦在线学习网 “It’s a funny word: the word ‘genius’,” says Nirenberg. “I just sort of ignore it and just go on with life. You just do what you do independent of whatever label’s attached to you. I don’t know really how else to explain it.”
学习啦在线学习网 1. Buy someone's coffee.
It's just coffee -- no one needs coffee, so this doesn't really matter, right? But what if you knew that a
There’s this famous quote that can spark an interest to challenge yourself within you:
“If something that you’re doing doesn’t challenge you, then it doesn’t change you.” Unknown
学习啦在线学习网 “如果你做的事情毫无挑战,那么你也将毫无改变。”——无名氏
Of course, since every one of us has room for improvement, this can also mean if you don’t change yourself, then you can’t be responsible for changing your situation in life. You can never see any improvement in your life if you stick to your comfort zone. We all need a healthy dose of normal stress in our lives, after all. We can only see what we’re really capable of if we make the effort to go over our pre-conceived limits. Don’t limit the challenges you encounter in life - challenge the limits that your “lizard brain” crafted instead:
1. Learn a new language.
学习啦在线学习网 Hangul, Nihonggo, French, Filipino, Mandarin, Spanish: these are just some of the languages you can discover as you strive to challenge yourself. Learning a new language isn’t just another way to pad your resume; if you really get into it, you can even use this skill to tutor on the side and earn extra cash.
学习啦在线学习网 2. Figure out what you’re scared of – and do it for one week consistently.
学习啦在线学习网 弄清自己害怕什么,然后坚持尝试一周。
学习啦在线学习网 If you’re in sales, and you’re scared of talking to people personally or over the phone, then you have a problem. You can’t just relate with your clients online, can you? Now, instead of crippling in fear and automatically thinking you’ll fail, spend at least five minutes a day to pick up the phone and make a call to a prospect. Yes, it’s scary. Yes, you may embarrass yourself. And yes, someone may hang up on you. But don’t stop on the first try just yet! You’ll get the hang of it eventually. After a while, you can look at fear in the eyes and say, “Go on, I’m not scared!”
3. Take a class for a hobby you’ve been wanting to pursue.
学习啦在线学习网 Make sure this hobby is not linked to your career; you have to relax and de-stress while performing this. Some examples might be cooking, sewing, painting and graphic designing online.
Aside from helping you challenge yourself now, taking a class for your hobby can also give you extra income if you learn how to monetize it. (You get plus points if you take the class with a loved one. This way, you combine bonding, boosting your income and challenging yourself.)
学习啦在线学习网 如果你懂一点生财之道的话,参加爱好培训班除了能帮你挑战自我,还可以为你带来额外收入。(如果你是和心爱的人一起参加,你不仅能挑战自我、赚外快,还可以增进彼此感情。)
4. Attend one career-related seminar a month.
Don’t settle for your current job position. Aim high in your career. Of course, with that aim, include in your action, too. Book conferences that are relevant to the industry of your profession. There, absorb the lesson. Ask sensible questions. And don’t forget to connect with the attendees and the keynote speakers. Sometimes, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know,” may be a reality.
学习啦在线学习网 不要满足于当下的职位。将职业目标定高一些。当然,除了目标,还要拿出行动来。预定和自己职业行业有关的会议,然后在会上多加学习,多提合理问题,并且,别忘了和其他与会者以及重要发言人保持联系。有时候,现实就是“重点不在于你知道什么知识,而在于你认识什么人”。
学习啦在线学习网 5. Make a realistic budget and find out how you can cut back on something so you can invest more.
Challenge yourself to step out of your current budget and develop a better budget for yourself. Money management is not about what you make – it’s what you do with what you make.
- So, produce a budget on paper, or in an Microsoft Excel file.
学习啦在线学习网 所以,在纸上制定一个预算吧,用Excel也可以。
- Identify the item you’ve been spending so much money on.
学习啦在线学习网 找出自己开销比较大的方面。
学习啦在线学习网 - Cut back on that item so you have more money to put in your emergency fund or in your investment fund.
6. Dedicate at least nine minutes a day for physical exercise.
学习啦在线学习网 每天至少花9分钟锻炼身体。
You don’t need to go to the gym, you know. A simple 9-minute run around your neighborhood or an intense dance routine done in your living-room can do wonders for yourself. Aside from the obvious reason that exercise can help you maintain your regular weight or shed those unnecessary pounds, it can also aid in making you feel better about yourself by releasing endorphins.
学习啦在线学习网 要知道,你不一定非去健身馆不可。绕着小区跑步9分钟或者在卧室集中跳一段热舞,其实也能帮你维持正常体重或甩掉赘肉,而且还可以通过释放内啡肽让你感觉良好。
学习啦在线学习网 7. Travel and allow yourself to be interested in new people.
We’re not talking about the expensive kind of travelling here. Something cost-effective like going to your local museum or visiting the resort in the next city can all count as travelling! Here, don’t just limit yourself to your fellow travelers – try to connect with the service staff, like the lifeguard, or the receptionist, or the tour guide. You never know what kind of people they’re going to be. Get out of your house or go online right now to book your class. Start now and learn to challenge yourself from time to time. We all need a little push once in a while.
Lesson one: New challenges require new ways of thinking
学习啦在线学习网 1.面对新挑战,要有新思路
Part car, part jet fighter, part spaceship, Bloodhound SSC aims to be the first land vehicle to break the 1,000mph barrier. One of the key challenges has been to design the wheels. How do you create the fastest wheels in history, make them stable and reliable at supersonic speeds, and with limited resources?
After much deliberation, and devising ideas that pushed the boundaries of material technology, Mark Chapman, chief engineer of the Bloodhound project said the team decided to take a step back and change the way they were trying to solve problems. “There’s very little we’ve actually developed that’s new,” he says, “what’s unique is how we apply technologies.”
学习啦在线学习网 猎犬号项目的总工程师马克·查普曼思来想去,觉得材料还是不够好。最后他和他的团队决定退回一步、换个角度看有没有别的办法。“我们实际创新的东西并不多”,马克说:“我们的独特之处在于应用技术的方式别具一格。”
They adopted an approach called the design of experiments – a mathematical technique of problem solving through doing lots of little experiments and then looking at the statistics all glued together. “All of a sudden, where we’d been knocking our head against the wall for maybe two, three, four months, we came up with a wheel design that would hold together and was strong enough,” he says.
Lesson two: Let evidence shape your opinion
学习啦在线学习网 2.观点要用证据来证明
学习啦在线学习网 Like his peers, geophysicist Steven Jacobsen from Northwestern University believed that water on Earth originated from comets. But by studying rocks, which allow scientists to peer back in time, he discovered water hidden inside ringwoodite, which lies in the Earth’s mantle, and which suggests that the oceans gradually made its way out of the planet’s interior many centuries ago.
学习啦在线学习网 美国西北大学地球物理学家史蒂文·雅各布森曾认为,地球上的水源于彗星。但通过对岩石的研究,他发现地幔的林伍德石里面也藏有水,这一发现表明或许在N个世纪之前,海洋是从地球内部自己慢慢溢出来的。
“I had a pretty hard time convincing others,” he admits. Yet two key pieces of evidence uncovered this year seem to support his point of view. Time will tell whether the new theories are true, and there may be further twists to the tale. “But thinking about the fact that you may be the first person to see something for the first time doesn’t happen very often,” he says. “When it does it’s thrilling.”
学习啦在线学习网 “那时候我难说服别的学者相信这个。”史蒂文说。但是今年新发现的两个关键证据似乎支持了他的理论。所以,一个新理论的正确与否可能需要时间来慢慢印证,在被世人接受前可能会经历很多曲折。“但是如果你发现你是第一个发现这个规律的人,且时间又证明你是对的之后,你会倍受鼓舞的。”史蒂文说。
学习啦在线学习网 Lesson three: It really is 99% perspiration
学习啦在线学习网 Sheila Nirenberg at Cornell University is trying to develop a new prosthetic device for treating blindness. Key to this was cracking the code that transmits information from the eye to the brain. “Once I realised this, I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t sleep – all I wanted to do was work,” says Nirenberg.
“Sometimes I’m exhausted and I get burnt out,” she adds. “But then I get an email from somebody in crisis or somebody who’s getting macular degeneration, and they can’t see their own children’s faces, and it is like, ‘How can I possibly complain?’ It gives me the energy to just go back and keep doing it.”
学习啦在线学习网 Lesson four: The answer isn’t always what you expect
Sylvia Earle has spent decades trying to see the ocean with new eyes. Her “dream machine” is a submarine that could take scientists all the way to the bottom of the deepest ocean floor. What sort of material could best withstand the types of pressure you would encounter thousands of miles below the ocean surface? “It could be steel, it could be titanium, it could be some sort of ceramic, or some kind of aluminium system,” says Earle. “But glass is the ultimate material.” By her estimates, a glass sphere about four-to-six inches (10-15cm) thick should be able safely explore the ocean depths she dreams of exploring.
学习啦在线学习网 西尔维亚·厄尔花了几十年的时间试图让人们用新的方式亲近海底,她的“梦想号”潜艇可以让科学家潜入到最深的海底。那种材料才能够承受住深海的巨大压力呢?厄尔说:“我想过用钢、钛、陶瓷等,但最终发现其实玻璃才是终极王者。”根据她的预计,一块10-15厘米厚的玻璃板就能让她进入梦寐以求的那片深海世界。
Glass is the oldest material known to man and one of the least understood, says Tony Lawson, Earle’s engineering director at Deep Ocean and Exploration Research Marine. “It has a higgledy-piggledy molecular structure a bit like a liquid, rather than the ordered lattices often found in other solids. As a result, when glass is evenly squeezed from all sides – as it would be under the ocean – the molecules cram closer together and form a tighter structure.
学习啦在线学习网 厄尔的项目技术总监称,虽然玻璃是人类已知的最古老材料,但是我们对它的了解却甚少。“玻璃的分子结构有点像是液体,排列方式没有一般固体的有规律。因此,当玻璃被海洋里的压力从四面八方压迫时,它的分子会被压在一起,形成更紧密的结构。”
Lesson five: A little luck goes a long way
学习啦在线学习网 5.偶尔的一点好运也可以维持很久
It was hailed as one of the biggest success stories in the history of space exploration – 20 years of planning ended earlier this year with the Philae lander rendezvousing with Comet 67P over 300 million miles (480 million kilometres) away from Earth.
The biggest challenge, says Stephan Ulamec, manager of the Philae lander programme, was how to design a probe to land on a body whose makeup they had little knowledge about. “We had no idea of the size, we had no idea of the day-night cycle, which influences the thermal design, we had no idea of the gravity, so how fast would the lander impact, we had no idea how the surface looked,” he says.
学习啦在线学习网 They needed to create design parameters that could cope with an extremely wide range of possible comet structures – but banked on the comet being a relatively even potato shape with enough flat surfaces for the probe to land on. Even then, not everything went to plan, and two decades of meticulous planning could have failed within minutes at touchdown. Philae's anchoring harpoons didn't fire as planned, and it bounced off the comet before settling onto its icy surface and successfully beaming data back to its relieved creators.
Lesson six: Genius is indefinable
学习啦在线学习网 “It’s a funny word: the word ‘genius’,” says Nirenberg. “I just sort of ignore it and just go on with life. You just do what you do independent of whatever label’s attached to you. I don’t know really how else to explain it.”
学习啦在线学习网 1. Buy someone's coffee.
It's just coffee -- no one needs coffee, so this doesn't really matter, right? But what if you knew that a $2 cup of caffeine could change someone's day, week or their whole perspective? Boom: That cup of coffee just changed the world.
2. Smile with eye contact.
In a world where smart phones rule and it's not just possible, but normal, to have entire conversations without ever looking someone in the eye, it can be heart-stopping, wonderful and double-take-worthy to lock eyes with someone grinning. Happiness is contagious, and it only takes a couple facial muscles to spread it.
学习啦在线学习网 在一个智能手机统治的世界,在整个交流的过程中,连看也不看对方一眼,这样的行为不仅是可能的,也是正常的。要是看着对方咧嘴笑,就会有屏息凝气、非常奇妙的感觉。快乐是可以传染的,只需通过几个面部肌肉的运动就可以把它传播。
3. Give what you can.
学习啦在线学习网 You clean out your closets, right? Perfect. You don't need a half a million dollar check written out to your charity of choice to help someone (kudos to you if you do, though!). Maybe you have a few shirts you don't wear anymore or a few children's books you can bear to part with. The thing about giving a little is that when everyone gives a little, suddenly it turns into a lot. Be a part of that lot.
学习啦在线学习网 你整理自己的衣橱,对吧?很好。你不用非得写一张50万的支票捐给慈善机构来帮助他人(但是如果你这样做,那当然相当好! )。也许你有几件不再穿的衬衫,或有几本可以舍弃的童书。虽然只付出一点点,但当每个人都付出一点点时,就会积少成多。来成为多的一部分吧。
4. Get in touch. Then listen.
学习啦在线学习网 保持联系,然后倾听
学习啦在线学习网 Maybe a grandparent is chomping at the bit to hear about your adventures, or maybe an old friend had a really bad day, maybe your mom wishes you'd ring her up more often. Get on the line. You remember that your iPhone can make calls, right? Get in touch with those people that are dying to hear from you (because someone definitely is). Then, ask: How are you doing? What's new? These questions have such few syllables, but their depth is endless.
学习啦在线学习网 也许你的爷爷奶奶正迫不及待地想听你的历险,也许一个老友过了糟糕的一天,也许你的妈妈希望你多给她打个电话。联系他们吧。你还记得你的iPhone能打电话,对吗?和那些很想和你联系的人打个电话吧。然后问问:你怎么样了?最近发生了什么事儿?虽然这些问题只有几个音节,但是这些问题的深度是无止境的。
学习啦在线学习网 5. Sort your problems.
学习啦在线学习网 Let's face it: There's a lot of bad stuff in the world. It can be a scary place, and we've all got problems we would be a whole lot happier without. But experiment with putting your problems into perspective -- or boxes: That breakup? Missing a really important deadline at work? Hurt feelings? Losing someone close to you? Probably worth some self-pity. That stain on your shirt? Not so much. Let go of what you can. The less negative, the more room there is to be happy.
学习啦在线学习网 让我们面对现实吧:世界上有很多不好的事情。它会让人感到恐慌。我们都有问题,要是没有的话,会幸福地多。但是试一试用长远的眼光来看这些问题:分手?工作时错过了重要的截止时间?受伤的感觉?失去了亲近的人?或许值得自怜自哀。衬衫上的污渍?那就不值得了。能放手就放手。负面因素越少,开心的空间就越大。
学习啦在线学习网 6. Give when you get.
学习啦在线学习网 当你得到时就给予
学习啦在线学习网 This is the best kind of multitasking! Whenever you get a little, give a little. There's a couple ways to pull this off: You can implement it yourself (donating an older shirt when you splurge for a new shirt, etc), or support companies that are passionate, good-hearted (really fun) do-gooders.Doesn't get much better than that, does it?
7. Stop comparing yourself to people you see on the Internet.
We all creep people's Instagram and Twitter feeds... and there's nothing wrong with wanting to be the best version of you. But you're you for a reason, and there's no one better at being you than you are! A little self-acceptance goes a long way. Your confidence will melt into other people and make them feel comfortable in their own skin too.
8. Use please and thank you.
学习啦在线学习网 用“请”和“谢谢”
Not to sound like your grandmother (go ahead and put your elbows on the table!), but the smallest ways to show your gratitude are these little words. They take zero effort to say, but the impact is huge. Aren't you thankful someone held the door for you when your hands were full? Tell them!
学习啦在线学习网 9. Support someone else.
You know that friend who is trying to promote their new album, or start that business? You don't always have to chip in financially to be a backer -- you just have to believe in something! Lend your support when and where you can. Whether it's as simple as a retweet on Twitter or tossing a few extra bucks toward a worthy cause, show someone you believe in what they're doing. Not only will they be super-motivated, but they'll pass it on.
10. Chase what gets you up in the morning.
What's the thing that lingers on your heart -- that you just can't stop daydreaming about? Do the thing you would do if you could do anything. It's called your passion. And it's what you should be doing.
学习啦在线学习网 Sometimes, we treat chasing dreams like a fantasy -- it's easy to do, when things like money and rent and groceries and day jobs come into play. But you don't have to jump off the cliff solo: Start building your wings. Inch toward your dream. One foot in front of the other. Take the step. After all, it's your calling.
学习啦在线学习网 有时,我们把梦想看成是幻想——当有钱、有租金、有食物、有工作时很容易去做。但是,你也不能不加准备就跳下悬崖:你该先长出自己的翅膀。一点点地朝梦想靠近。一步一步地往前走。往前迈一步吧。毕竟,这是你的使命。
学习啦在线学习网 只是杯咖啡而已——没人必须要喝咖啡,所以也无所谓,对吧?但是如果你知道2美元一杯的咖啡可以改变一个人的一天、一周甚至整个人生,那你会怎么做?哇,一杯咖啡改变了整个世界。
学习啦在线学习网 2. Smile with eye contact.
学习啦在线学习网 微笑着用眼神交流。
In a world where smart phones rule and it's not just possible, but normal, to have entire conversations without ever looking someone in the eye, it can be heart-stopping, wonderful and double-take-worthy to lock eyes with someone grinning. Happiness is contagious, and it only takes a couple facial muscles to spread it.
学习啦在线学习网 在一个智能手机统治的世界,在整个交流的过程中,连看也不看对方一眼,这样的行为不仅是可能的,也是正常的。要是看着对方咧嘴笑,就会有屏息凝气、非常奇妙的感觉。快乐是可以传染的,只需通过几个面部肌肉的运动就可以把它传播。
学习啦在线学习网 3. Give what you can.
You clean out your closets, right? Perfect. You don't need a half a million dollar check written out to your charity of choice to help someone (kudos to you if you do, though!). Maybe you have a few shirts you don't wear anymore or a few children's books you can bear to part with. The thing about giving a little is that when everyone gives a little, suddenly it turns into a lot. Be a part of that lot.
你整理自己的衣橱,对吧?很好。你不用非得写一张50万的支票捐给慈善机构来帮助他人(但是如果你这样做,那当然相当好! )。也许你有几件不再穿的衬衫,或有几本可以舍弃的童书。虽然只付出一点点,但当每个人都付出一点点时,就会积少成多。来成为多的一部分吧。
4. Get in touch. Then listen.
学习啦在线学习网 保持联系,然后倾听
学习啦在线学习网 Maybe a grandparent is chomping at the bit to hear about your adventures, or maybe an old friend had a really bad day, maybe your mom wishes you'd ring her up more often. Get on the line. You remember that your iPhone can make calls, right? Get in touch with those people that are dying to hear from you (because someone definitely is). Then, ask: How are you doing? What's new? These questions have such few syllables, but their depth is endless.
学习啦在线学习网 也许你的爷爷奶奶正迫不及待地想听你的历险,也许一个老友过了糟糕的一天,也许你的妈妈希望你多给她打个电话。联系他们吧。你还记得你的iPhone能打电话,对吗?和那些很想和你联系的人打个电话吧。然后问问:你怎么样了?最近发生了什么事儿?虽然这些问题只有几个音节,但是这些问题的深度是无止境的。
学习啦在线学习网 5. Sort your problems.
学习啦在线学习网 Let's face it: There's a lot of bad stuff in the world. It can be a scary place, and we've all got problems we would be a whole lot happier without. But experiment with putting your problems into perspective -- or boxes: That breakup? Missing a really important deadline at work? Hurt feelings? Losing someone close to you? Probably worth some self-pity. That stain on your shirt? Not so much. Let go of what you can. The less negative, the more room there is to be happy.
6. Give when you get.
学习啦在线学习网 当你得到时就给予
This is the best kind of multitasking! Whenever you get a little, give a little. There's a couple ways to pull this off: You can implement it yourself (donating an older shirt when you splurge for a new shirt, etc), or support companies that are passionate, good-hearted (really fun) do-gooders.Doesn't get much better than that, does it?
学习啦在线学习网 7. Stop comparing yourself to people you see on the Internet.
We all creep people's Instagram and Twitter feeds... and there's nothing wrong with wanting to be the best version of you. But you're you for a reason, and there's no one better at being you than you are! A little self-acceptance goes a long way. Your confidence will melt into other people and make them feel comfortable in their own skin too.
学习啦在线学习网 我们都喜欢看别人在Instagram和推特上的内容…,想成为最好的自己也没什么错。但是你就是你,没人比做你做得更出色的了!一点点儿自我接受,就能走很远。你的自信会逐渐融入他人,让他们也感到自信。
学习啦在线学习网 8. Use please and thank you.
Not to sound like your grandmother (go ahead and put your elbows on the table!), but the smallest ways to show your gratitude are these little words. They take zero effort to say, but the impact is huge. Aren't you thankful someone held the door for you when your hands were full? Tell them!
学习啦在线学习网 不是说听起来要像你的奶奶(快点,把胳膊肘放到桌子上!),但是表达你的感激之情的最简单的方式莫过于这些简单的词汇。说这些话又不费劲,但是影响却是相当大的。当你两手满满,有人给你开门时,你不是很感激他们?告诉他们!
9. Support someone else.
学习啦在线学习网 You know that friend who is trying to promote their new album, or start that business? You don't always have to chip in financially to be a backer -- you just have to believe in something! Lend your support when and where you can. Whether it's as simple as a retweet on Twitter or tossing a few extra bucks toward a worthy cause, show someone you believe in what they're doing. Not only will they be super-motivated, but they'll pass it on.
学习啦在线学习网 10. Chase what gets you up in the morning.
学习啦在线学习网 What's the thing that lingers on your heart -- that you just can't stop daydreaming about? Do the thing you would do if you could do anything. It's called your passion. And it's what you should be doing.
Sometimes, we treat chasing dreams like a fantasy -- it's easy to do, when things like money and rent and groceries and day jobs come into play. But you don't have to jump off the cliff solo: Start building your wings. Inch toward your dream. One foot in front of the other. Take the step. After all, it's your calling.
学习啦在线学习网 有时,我们把梦想看成是幻想——当有钱、有租金、有食物、有工作时很容易去做。但是,你也不能不加准备就跳下悬崖:你该先长出自己的翅膀。一点点地朝梦想靠近。一步一步地往前走。往前迈一步吧。毕竟,这是你的使命。