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学习啦在线学习网   经典美文可以陶冶情操,丰富想象,还可以培养学生对语言文字的兴趣,有益于培养他们的英语素养。学习啦小编整理了有关经典的英语美文,欢迎阅读!



  1. Our miserable, detestable, deplorable jobs

  1. 可怜可憎可悲的工作

  If you love your job, great news. If you’re like the other 95% of the population, then it sucks. Our jobs, although we may only be there for 40 hours a week, can feel like a life-without-parole prison sentence. Like with prison, we feel trapped, hopeless, and doomed to a life we don’t want.


  2. Family stress

  2. 家庭压力

  Having children is a true blessing and is the most wonderful thing in the world, but can also be and usually is the cause of an enormous amount of stress. Kidnapping, pedophiles, traffic accidents, injuries, and home invasions are all major concerns for any parent, but it’s the whining, disrespectful behavior, tantrums, hitting, and lack of sleep that really gets to us.


学习啦在线学习网   3. Being apathetic

  3. 心如死灰

学习啦在线学习网   So many people have seemingly given up on ever having the life they want. Life truly wears them down and out and there is nothing but a shell of a person left. This is unbelievably sad but all too common. These folks are just going through the motions of life without any real direction, passion, or interest.


  4. Being ordinary

  4. 平庸无为

学习啦在线学习网   The world needs more leaders, out of the box thinkers, action seekers, risk takers, and passionate people. What the world does not need is another average Joe living paycheck to paycheck.


  5. No direction

  5. 毫无方向

学习啦在线学习网   With no goals or dreams, how can we expect to achieve anything significant? Dream big and get big results. Dream small and get small results. Don’t dream at all and get nothing.

  没有目标, 没有梦想,我们怎么能成就大业?有小梦想就会有小成就。没有梦想就什么也得不到。

学习啦在线学习网   6. Not having passion for something

  6. 缺乏激情

  When someone can find their real passion in life, that should be a momentousness event for them. Many people will go through their whole life without ever realizing what it is that gets their heart pumping, mind racing.


学习啦在线学习网   7. Being selfish

  7. 自我中心

  Giving something of yourself without the desire for anything in return is one of the most beautiful things in the world. Our society has taught us a “what do I get out of this” mentality which is breeding a generation of ‘takers’. What we need more of is people who truly understand the power behind selflessness.


学习啦在线学习网   8. Not having a release

  8. 不会放松

学习啦在线学习网   With the constant stresses life places on us, we all need a release. Finding a hobby, activity, or interest can be a life saver. Take up tennis, join a local business group, or learn another language. Without a release, life will almost assuredly bring you down.


  9. Not bettering yourself

  9. 不会自我提升

  Life is about growing, learning, and being a better person. Never trying to improve yourself is a guaranteed path to living a completely average life. Can anyone honestly say they want an average life? Of course not.

学习啦在线学习网   生活就是不断成长,学习,完善自我的过程。从不努力提升自我是通往平庸生活的必经之路。说实话,有谁愿意过平庸的生活呢?当然没有。

  10. Being empty inside

  10. 内心空虚

学习啦在线学习网   If you are walking around feeling like there is something missing in your life, you are far from being alone. Sadly, many people will spend their lives feeling this way. Some fill this void with religion, some fill it by having children, and some even fill it with drugs or alcohol.

学习啦在线学习网   如果你走来走去总会觉得生活中少了点什么,那么你就离孤独还远。不幸的是,很多人终其一生都有这种感觉。有人用宗教来弥补这种空虚,有人用孩子,还有的甚至用毒品和酒精。



学习啦在线学习网   The world is filled with smart, talented, educated and gifted people. We meet them every day.A few days ago, my car was not running well. I pulled it into a garage, and the young mechanichad it fixed in just a few minutes. He knew what was wrong by simply listening to the engine. Iwas amazed. The sad truth is, great talent is not enough.

学习啦在线学习网   世界上满坑满谷都是精明能干、才华横溢、学富五车以及极具天赋之人,我们每天都会见到他们。几天前,我的汽车运转不灵了。我把它开进维修厂,一位年轻的机械工只消几分钟就把它修好了。他仅凭倾听发动机的声音就能确定哪儿有毛病,这让我惊奇不已。然而遗憾的是,光有非凡才华是不够的。

学习啦在线学习网   I am constantly shocked at how little talented people earn. I heard the other day that lessthan 5 percent of Americans earn more than 0,000 a year. A business consultant whospecializes in1 the medical trade was telling me how many doctors, dentists and chiropractorsstruggle financially. All this time, I thought that when they graduated, the dollars would pour in.It was this business consultant who gave me the phrase, “They are one skill away from greatwealth.” What this phrase means is that most people need only to learn and master one moreskill and their income would jump exponentially. I have mentioned before that financialintelligence is a synergy of accounting, investing, marketing and law. Combine those fourtechnical skills and making money with money is easier. When it comes to money, the only skillmost people know is to work hard.


  When I graduated from the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy in 1969, my educated dad washappy. Standard Oil of California had hired me for its oil-tanker fleet. I had a great career aheadof me, yet I resigned after six months with the company and joined the Marine Corps to learnhow to fly. My educated dad was devastated. Rich dad congratulated me.


  Job security meant everything to my educated dad. Learning meant everything to my rich dad.Educated dad thought I went to school to learn to be a ship’s officer. Rich dad knew that I wentto school to study international trade. So as a student, I made cargo runs, navigating 6 largefreighters, oil tankers and passenger ships to the Far East and the South Pacific. While most ofmy classmates, including Mike, were partying at their fraternity houses, I was studying trade,people and cultures in Japan, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Korea and thePhilippines. I also was partying, but it was not in any frat house. I grew up rapidly.


  There is an old cliché that goes, “Job is an acronym9 for ‘Just Over Broke.’” And unfortunately, Iwould say that the saying applies to millions of people. Because school does not think financialintelligence is intelligence, most workers “live within their means.” They work and they paythe bills. Instead I recommend to young people to seek work for what they will learn, morethan what they will earn. Look down the road at what skills they want to acquire beforechoosing a specific profession and before getting trapped in the “Rat Race”. Once people aretrapped in the lifelong process of bill paying, they become like those little hamsters runningaround in those little metal wheels. Their little furry legs are spinning furiously, the wheel isturning furiously, but come tomorrow morning, they’ll still be in the same cage: great job.

  常言道,“工作(job)就是‘比破产强一点(Just Over Broke)’的缩写”。然而不幸的是,这句话确实适用于千百万人,因为学校没有把财商看作是一种才智,大部分工人都“量入为出”:干活挣钱,支付账单。相反,我劝告年轻人在寻找工作时要看看能从中学到什么,而不是只看能挣到多少。在选择某种特定职业之前或是陷入 “老鼠赛跑(激烈的竞争)”之前,要好好掂量自己到底需要获得什么技能。一旦人们为支付账单而整天疲于奔命,就和那些在小铁轮里不停奔跑转圈的小老鼠一样了。老鼠的小毛腿跑得飞快,小铁轮也转得飞快,可到了第二天早上,他们发现自己依然困在同一个老鼠笼里,那就是:重要的工作。

学习啦在线学习网   When I ask the classes I teach, “How many of you can cook a better hamburger thanMcDonald’s?” almost all the students raise their hands. I then ask, “So if most of you can cooka better hamburger, how come McDonald’s makes more money than you?” The answer isobvious: McDonald’s is excellent at business systems. The reason so many talented peopleare poor is because they focus on building a better hamburger and know little or nothing aboutbusiness systems. The world is filled with talented poor people. All too often, they’re poor orstruggle financially or earn less than they are capable of, not because of what they know butbecause of what they do not know. They focus on perfecting their skills at building a betterhamburger rather than the skills of selling and delivering the hamburger.

学习啦在线学习网   当我在自己教授的班级上问到“你们当中有多少人做的汉堡包能比麦当劳更好”时,几乎所有的学生都举起了手。我接着问,“如果你们当中大部分人都能做出比麦当劳更好的汉堡包,那为什么麦当劳比你们更能赚钱?” 答案是显而易见的:麦当劳拥有一套出色的运营体系。许多才华横溢的人之所以贫穷的原因,就是因为他们只是专心于做更好的汉堡包,而对运营体系几乎一无所知。世界上到处都是有才华的穷人。在很多情况下,他们之所以贫穷、生活拮据或者收入与其能力不相符,不是因为他们已知的东西而是因为他们未知的东西。他们只将注意力集中在提高和完善做汉堡包的技术上,却不注意提高有关汉堡包的销售和送货技能。



  IMAGINE a world where you have…


  an endless number of ways to feel alive…

学习啦在线学习网   可选择无数种方式生活……

  trillions of reasons to never be bored…


  an infinite number of beautiful things to create…

学习啦在线学习网   可以创造无限美好……

学习啦在线学习网   already so many beautiful things to behold…

学习啦在线学习网   已经拥有很多美好事物……

学习啦在线学习网   7 billion crazy characters to play along with...


  As you know, this is your world.


  It’s filled with more potential for pleasure, love, glory, beauty and bliss than can becomprehended.


  It even surprises you with misfortune so you can experience the full range of your explosiveemotions, and so the good things are that much sweeter.

学习啦在线学习网   它用不幸让你经历各种情绪的爆发,这样美好的事物能让你感到更幸福。

学习啦在线学习网   Even better, nothing great comes easily. You have thrilling hurdles to overcome around everycorner in order to achieve greatness in this world.

学习啦在线学习网   更妙的是,万事来之不易。你要克服千难万阻,最终站在世界之巅。

  The icing on the cake is that it doesn't go on forever. How special would anything be if you hadan eternity to achieve it? How precious would life be?


  So please, stop taking life for granted. Instead, focus on being a force for love, for change, forquestioning what is right, for re-questioning when you must, and for the diehard belief in thegoodness of people.






