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  以下是小编整理的英语文章:女性比男性易患节后综合征, 希望能对大家的英语学习有帮助。

  A holiday may be exactly what's needed to re-charge your batteries, but returning to work often leaves us feeling flat.


  And it turns out that women suffer from this more than men.

学习啦在线学习网   而且有事实证明,女性比男性更易患节后综合征。

  A new survey has found that 53 per cent of women suffer after all the holiday hype comes to an end, with a shocking 29 per cent revealing that they feel 'deflated' and 'demotivated.'

学习啦在线学习网   一项新的调查发现53%的女性假期狂欢结束后,高达29%的人觉得自己有“灰心丧气”和“低落”的感受。

  Car hire booking company Auto Europe polled more than 1,000 customers and found that only 40 per cent of men struggle upon returning home, compared with over 50 per cent of women.


学习啦在线学习网   It's so extreme that almost a quarter of women report feeling the post-holiday slump before they've even turning on their computer.

学习啦在线学习网   有点极端的是,据报告近四分之一的女性会有节后综合征,甚至在打开电脑之前就有这种现象。

  Nineteen per cent were so overwhelmed with stress upon their return to work that they admitted that they felt like they'd never been on holiday with 12 per cent feeling anxious about getting back to the daily grind.


  Thankfully, however, there may be a way to combat these post-vacation blues.


  Twenty three per cent revealed that they treat themselves to extravagant gifts or shop online at their desk to boost their mood, while 22 per cent immediately book another break to feel better.

学习啦在线学习网   23%的人用购买奢侈礼物的方式来犒赏自己,或通过坐在办公桌前网购来刺激自己的情绪,而22%的人玄机继续小休几天让自己感觉好些。

学习啦在线学习网   Meanwhile, one in ten women admit to drinking more alcohol than they usually would or eating sweets to perk themselves up.

学习啦在线学习网   同时,十分之一的女性承认自己会比平常多喝几杯酒,或通过吃甜食的方式让自己振作起来。

  A spokesperson for Auto Europe said: 'Holidays are a vital way to recharge the batteries and reflect on your life as well as your career.


  But it's only natural that, as we all return to work, many will suffer from post-holiday blues.


  However, if you'd rather be anywhere but back at work after a holiday, it might be the wake-up call you need to find a new role.


  Judi James, TV behaviour expert and author of More Time Less Stress, said that the answer to post-holiday blues is to take even more time off when you return.

学习啦在线学习网   电视行为专家朱迪·詹姆斯写了《长时间工作压力小》这篇文章,他说,缓解节后综合征的办法只有在你回到工作岗位后,花点时间去恢复。

  She said: 'These [holiday blues] can start mid-way through the holiday if you have real problems with your job or the pressures of your job, but for most people they kick in a few hours after you have walked into your business premises.

学习啦在线学习网   她说:“如果你在工作方面或在工作压力方面真有问题的话,这种(假日忧伤)在度假的过程中就会开始有了,但对于大多数人来说,在走入上班地点几个小时之后就开始有这种假日忧伤的感觉了。

  Try taking up to a week off at the end of your trip away to merge some of the happy experiences like relaxing and dining and dancing with your normal life. Take days out to take trips near where you live, stick to the fresh-food healthy diet you probably enjoyed on holiday and keep up with any new exercise routines, and keep discussing or even planning that dream business abroad.


  When you go back to work, plan some weekend outings to keep the feeling of doing something different going and even if bigger dreams start to get a reality, check it might be better to keep discussing them than to shrug them off altogether.
