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  以下是小编整理的英语文章:旅行中男子宁可走冤枉路 也不愿问路, 希望能对大家的英语学习有帮助。

  Men are so reluctant to ask for directions that they will clock upan unnecessary 900 miles – the distance from Land's End toJohn O'Groats – over a lifetime, researchers say.


  On realising they are lost, only 6 per cent check a map or askfor help to avoid extra mileage, a survey showed.


  And 14 per cent are so stubborn that they soldier on until they find an alternative route, ratherthan admit they are wrong.


学习啦在线学习网   Wrong turns and a lack of common sense means that the average British man will needlessly travelan extra 1.5 miles per month before correcting his mistake, clocking up an extra 18 miles per year.


学习啦在线学习网   Over 50 years, that adds up to 13,500 minutes, or 225 hours, wasted needlessly pounding thepavement.


学习啦在线学习网   Of the nearly 1,000 respondents, 94 per cent said women were generally better at navigation eventhough men are often reluctant to admit it.

学习啦在线学习网   将近1000名调查对象中,94%的人认为一般说来女性的方向感更好,尽管男人常常不愿承认这一点。

  One in three said they react angrily to a partner's bad sense of direction which 'typically leads to anargument'.


  After getting lost, 14 per cent said they refuse to stop on the basis that 'all roads eventually lead tothe same place' with over half of the men surveyed guessing their poor sense of direction adds upto 20 extra minutes to their journey.

学习啦在线学习网   一旦迷路,14%的人拒绝停下来,理由是“所有的路最后总会到达同一地点”,超半数的男性被调查者猜测自己那不靠谱的方向感会导致他们的行程多花20分钟的时间。

  TrekAce, makers of a navigational aid for walkers, which carried out the poll, found the averageBritish man will needlessly travel an additional 900 miles over 50 years.

学习啦在线学习网   这项调查由步行者导航设备制造商TrekAce公司开展,调查发现平均每个英国男性在50年的时间里本来不必走而多走的路程达900英里。

学习啦在线学习网   A spokesman for the firm said: 'It's incredible to think that we waste so much of our precious timegetting lost.


  'The results of this survey reinforce what many have believed for years that men are not the bestnavigators.


  'But it also shows the extreme lengths that men are going to avoid asking for directions, or goingthe right way in the first place.


学习啦在线学习网   'It is clear we still need a bit of a helping hand when it comes to tacking unfamiliar and even familiarterritory.'
