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  以下是小编整理的英语文章:午休打盹好处多, 希望能对大家的英语学习有帮助。

学习啦在线学习网   Sleep is very, very good. And while it's essential to get a solid seven to nine hours per night, when you occasionally miss the mark, a nap can help a great deal. Hey, it's still a good idea even if you do get enough sleep.

学习啦在线学习网   睡眠是非常非常好的,虽然每天晚上固定睡7-9个小时是必要的,但偶尔缺觉时,白天打盹就很有用了。嘿!即使你不缺觉,打盹也不失为一个好主意。

学习啦在线学习网   Here are seven reasons why you should take a nap right now:

学习啦在线学习网   以下就是你该马上去打盹的7点原因:

  1. It'll increase your patience.

学习啦在线学习网   它将提高你的耐心。

学习啦在线学习网   Feeling frustrated? According to researchers at the University of Michigan, who published a study recently in the journal Personality and Individual Differences, you should probably take a nap. Participants were asked to complete a particularly frustrating task -- drawinggeometric designs on a computer screen. Those who took an hour-long nap before the exercise were able to draw for 90 seconds, compared to a control group who watched a nature documentary instead of napping. They gave up after 48 seconds.


  2. You'll be more alert.


  Whether you're on a long drive or trying to get through a difficult task at work, napping is a great way to increase alertness if you're feeling foggy. A NASA study found that after napping for forty minutes pilots were more alert, and a smaller study found that after just ten minutes participants felt more alert.


  3. Just thinking about taking a nap can lower your blood pressure.


  While an actual nap is certainly beneficial, so is the time before you take one. One British study found that participants' blood pressure dropped before they even fell asleep -- justanticipating the nap they were about to take was enough.


  4. It helps you remember more.

学习啦在线学习网   帮你提高记忆力。

  A study conducted by researchers in Germany found that taking an hourlong nap can dramatically improve our ability to remember information. For the study, participants were asked to remember specific words and pairs. Then, half the participants watched a DVD while the other half napped. When asked about their memory of the words, the nap group performed five times as well as the DVD group.


  5. It can improve creativity.


学习啦在线学习网   If you haven't been feeling too imaginative lately, it's probably time to hit the hay. A study conducted by psychiatrist Sara Mednick out of the University of California, San Diego, found that people who take REM naps -- the deep sleep state where you're dreaming -- were more creative when it came to problem solving than non-REM nappers.


  6. Regular naps may prevent heart disease.

学习啦在线学习网   定期午睡能预防心脏病。

  One study of 23,000 Greek adults found that people who took midday naps -- a.k.a. "siestas" -- were over thirty percent less likely to die of heart disease, according to the Washington Post."Napping may help deal with the stress of daily living," Michael Twery of the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute said, according to the Washington Post. "Another possibility is that it is part of the normal biological rhythm of daily living. The biological clock that drives sleep and wakefulness has two cycles each day, and one of them dips usually in the early afternoon. It's possible that not engaging in napping for some people might disrupt these processes."

学习啦在线学习网   据《华盛顿邮报》,对23,000希腊成年人进行的一项研究发现中午睡觉(又称午睡)的人死于心脏病的概率下降了超过30%,美国国家心肺血液研究所的迈克尔•泰利说:“午睡有助于减轻日常生活的压力,另外一种可能就是午睡是日常生活中正常生物节律的一部分。驱使我们睡觉和醒来的生物钟一天有两个周期,其中一个通常是刚到下午的时候,可能对一些人而言不午睡可能就会扰乱这个进程。”

  7. Taking a ten minute rest is beneficial, too.


  Don't think you can actually fall asleep? It may not matter all that much. A 2007 study, which took a look at the effects of napping versus resting, found that simply lying down for ten minutes improved mood regardless of whether or not the person fell asleep.


  What are you waiting for? Get snoozing and dream on!

学习啦在线学习网   还在等什么?赶快去打盹继续做梦吧!