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  以下是小编整理的英语文章:12星座专属的夏季发型, 希望能对大家的英语学习有帮助。

  ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20)

  Whether it's tight cornrows, pigtails, thick plaits or just extensions, braids always accentuate the shape and beauty of the "dome." Braids also serve the Aries' need to have as little fuss with things as possible and can be perfect for both casual and professional occasions。


学习啦在线学习网   TAURUS (Apr. 21 - May 21)

  Taurus likes fullness, and the bounty of hair in the Afro is a perfect match. An Afro takes a lot of work and care to keep it looking good, and a good Taurus is usually into the ritual of maintaining one. It doesn't matter if the curls are tight or soft, the Afro always conveys sexiness, lushness and vivacity。

学习啦在线学习网   金牛:非洲式发型是喜欢扮成熟的金牛座的最好选择。要想让这种发型看上去更吸引人,你需要花很多时间打理,爱美的金牛座当然不怕麻烦了。无论你的头发是硬是软,这种发型都能展示你的性感、青春和活泼。

  GEMINI (May 22 - June 21)

  "Change it up" is the perennial motto of Gemini, so dyeing the 'do as much as possible is almost a necessity. Geminis don't just change it up because they like the variety —— it's also fun. Color adds a new dimension to how we appear and how we feel about ourselves, so it's a lesson that all of us can learn from Gemini。

学习啦在线学习网   双子:“我要变化”是双子座挂在嘴边的口头语,因此,一有时间就去染发几乎成了你生活中必不可少的事情。双子座喜欢不停地改变不仅因为他们喜欢,而且它能带来快乐。颜色的变换同样能展现出一个全新的你。这是双子座给大家上的最好的一课哦。

  CANCER (June 22 - July 22)

  Curls are a perfect symbol of hair for Cancer. Curls keep the hair tight and protect the head. Likewise, Cancer is a protective sign —— of themselves and their loved ones. Keeping the curls long appeals to Cancer's sense of demure elegance and feminine charms。


学习啦在线学习网   LEO (July 23 - Aug. 22)

  What's a lion without a mane? Leos are often really into their hair, and having more is often merrier, especially if it looks fabulous! Regardless of the gender, Leos know a head full of hair suggests power and leaves a lasting impression。


  VIRGO (Aug. 23 - Sept. 23)

  Virgo is the sign of the pure maiden, so Virgos want to keep their hair as real and natural as possible. It doesn't matter if the natural style is with curls, frills, twists or tapered, the key feature is that the hair should be practical —— without a lot of fuss and fanfare —— and it should be neat and precise。

学习啦在线学习网   处女:纯洁温婉的处女座当然是想让自己的头发看上去自然、真实。头发是直是卷,是长是短都没有关系,最重要的是无需修饰,呈现出最自然的状态就好了。干净、整洁是打理头发的关键。

学习啦在线学习网   LIBRA (Sept. 24 - Oct. 23)

  Librans, like Geminis, like to switch it up, and keeping a wig in the coiffure repertoire is one way to do that. It's not that Librans feel that they have to cover up their own hair, as much as it's fun and interesting to wear someone else's look. They tend to like wigs that are stylish, but not too outlandish。


  SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)

学习啦在线学习网   As many know, Scorpio is a sexy sign that likes to shock and awe but without a lot of hype. So keeping it short is a chance to be on the go without the frills —— literally. But Scorpios don't sacrifice style, so they will want to add flair, color and shapely design into the mix。

学习啦在线学习网   天蝎:众所周知,天蝎座的人都很有吸引力,经常让人大吃一惊。轻松自由的短发就会产生这样的效果,是个不错的选择哦。不过为了不让形象损失太多,短发搭配些靓丽的颜色或是别致的造型那就更好了。

  SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 - Dec. 21)

  However, since Sagittarians also like to be on the go —— and hate a lot of fuss —— the medium hairstyles work. They allow enough flexibility to look elegant as the occasion demands, but the hair can be easily put in a ponytail for a quick jog。

学习啦在线学习网   射手:中发很适合射手座。碰到一些特殊场合,你有多种手段把自己打扮得漂亮而不失高雅。当然,要是去慢跑的话,还是选择扎马尾吧。

  CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20)

  Capricorns are often ambitious and want to rise to the top. The updo styles always convey class, elegance and propriety. It also helps to add a few more inches of formidable height for the raw power of it all。

学习啦在线学习网   摩羯:怀有远大理想、力争上游的你当然在发型上也不甘示弱。透着干练、优雅的盘发就很适合你,它也能为意欲攀登权力顶峰的你增添不少的法码。

  AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19)

  Aquarians love going against the grain, so to speak, and often find themselves as the avant-garde in fashion. If you spot someone sporting a hairstyle on the "next" end of the scale or pushing the envelope, chances are it's a fashion-forward hairstyle donned by an Aquarian。


学习啦在线学习网   PISCES (Feb. 20 - Mar. 20)

  Pisceans also like to keep it natural, but even more so, they want to keep it real. Before locks became fashionable, there used to be a sense of belief and commitment attached to them. This appeals to the Piscean need to live by one's ideals。

学习啦在线学习网   双鱼:鱼儿崇尚自然,更在意的是真实。随意搭在额前的一绺头发也许就是最适合你的发型,它恰巧符合你按自己的方式生活的个性。