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  The dating world is cruel. No matter how much we stress theimportance of "inner beauty" and kindness and a sense ofhumor, looks are undeniably a big asset in the dating game. It’sthe dream of every average-looking guy that, having beenrejected by a handsome beau, the beautiful woman he admires from afar will realize her error injudgment and take notice of him.

学习啦在线学习网   感情的世界一直很残酷。不管我们怎样强调“内在美”、以及善良和幽默感有多么重要,外貌却无疑是这场游戏中的巨大优势。每一个相貌平平的男子都梦想着有一天,自己仰视的女神在被高富帅拒绝后,能够幡然领悟,然后对自己青眼有加。

学习啦在线学习网   Well, dream on, because this scenario is highly unlikely, according to newly published research.


学习啦在线学习网   The study, which focused on the responses 126 female undergraduates had after romanticrejection, was led by University of Toronto (Canada) psychologist Geoff MacDonald. Researchersfound that “rejection by an attractive man also led to derogation of, and distancing from, anunattractive man – even when that unattractive man offered acceptance.” In other words, afterbeing rejected by a hunk, women were found to be more inclined to reject a less attractive man.

学习啦在线学习网   这项由加拿大多伦多大学心理学家杰夫•麦克唐纳领导的研究调查了126名被男生拒绝的女大学生。研究发现,“在被男神拒绝之后,女生同样也会轻视或是疏远长相平平的男生,即使这些男生向她们抛去橄榄枝也是如此”。换言之,被男神拒绝后,女生更容易拒绝其他“路人甲”式的男士。

学习啦在线学习网   The likely reason, the researchers write in the journal “Social Psychological and PersonalityScience”, is that accepting the affection of a “low-status” person “may imply one is of similarly lowstatus,” thus making the pain caused by the initial rejection even worse.

学习啦在线学习网   研究者们发表在《社会心理学和社会科学》杂志上的文章也指出了可能的原因,即接受“劣势”一方会的情感“可能意味着承认自己也是劣势一方”,从而加剧了上次被拒的痛苦。

  The implication here is obvious: Looks are closely associated with status, at least in the datingworld.

学习啦在线学习网   而这一切背后的含义不言而喻:外表与地位息息相关,至少在感情的世界里是这样。

学习啦在线学习网   Research methodology


  Pacific Standard magazine writes the 126 test subjects were asked to look at two made-up profiles,one of a good-looking guy, the other of an unattractive one. They were told that they couldpotentially meet these two men at the end of the experiment.


  The women then received feedback from each of the men indicating whether they wanted tomeet. The women were then asked to indicate whether they were interested in meeting each man,and rated both in terms of physical attractiveness and romantic appeal.


  Not surprisingly, the women who were rejected by one of the men gave him lower ratings. Theresearchers think that their reasoning probably went like this: If he doesn’t want me, he can’t bethat great anyway.

学习啦在线学习网   毫无意外,女生对拒绝自己的男生评价更低。研究人员认为女生们的逻辑是这样的:如果他看不上我,那他一定不够好。

  Saving face


学习啦在线学习网   But surprisingly, “participants who were rejected by the attractive man were also relativelyuninterested in meeting the unattractive man,” write the researchers. What’s more, they were alsomore inclined to evaluate the unattractive man harshly.


  What is the reason for this? MacDonald told academic publishing company Sage Publications: “What people want is not immediate acceptance itself, but a sense of assurance that the person isacceptable to the sorts of people they want to be connected to.”

学习啦在线学习网   为何如此呢?麦克唐纳对学术出版公司世哲出版社说:“人们想要的并不是一见钟情,而是“这个人适合继续发展联系”这种确定的感觉。”

学习啦在线学习网   Isn’t that a bit shallow? As if romance is all about face and what other people think. But of course,the researchers based their conclusion on perceptions of college students.


  We can console ourselves that, as we grow more mature, we may realize status can be conveyedby means other than physical appearance. Or maybe we will grow more confident and begin torealize true love is more important than the opinions of our peers.


  重点解析 Key Phrases/Words

  1. derogation n. 毁损,堕落,减损

  2. shallow adj. 浅的,肤浅的,表面的,皮毛的, 浅的

  3. console v. 安慰,慰问