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  以下是小编整理的英语文章:听重金属音乐有助于平复愤怒, 希望能对大家的英语学习有帮助。

  A recent study has found that "extreme" music genres -- including heavy metal, emo, punk and screamo -- may actually help calm angry listeners. Researchers say the results contradict the notion such music is linked to aggression and delinquency.


  The study, published in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience in May, was conducted at Australia's University of Queensland. Researchers asked 39 extreme-music lovers to describe a frustrating situation involving relationships, finances or work. To measure participants' emotions, researchers monitored their heart rates and asked them how they felt throughout the anger-inducing process. Some participants then sat in silence for 10 minutes, while others spent 10 minutes listening to the extreme song of their choice.

学习啦在线学习网   在澳大利亚昆士兰大学进行的这项研究5月份出版在《人类神经科学前沿》,研究人员让39位极端音乐爱好者描述在人际关系、财务或工作上的沮丧状况。为了衡量参与者的情绪,研究人员监控了他们的心率,问他们在生气过程中感觉如何,一些参与者默默地坐了10分钟,同时其他人听了10分钟他们选的极端歌曲。

  Instead of increasing listeners' anger, the extreme music calmed them, producing a result similar to sitting in silence.


学习啦在线学习网   “We found the music regulated sadness and enhanced positive emotions,” Leah Sharman, a student at the university's School of Psychology and co-author of the study, stated in a release. "The music helped them explore the full gamut of emotion they felt, but also left them feeling more active and inspired."

学习啦在线学习网   “我们发现这种音乐能控制悲伤,增强正面情绪,”一名昆士兰大学心理学学院学生同时也是这项研究的合作作者利亚·沙曼在期刊上表示,“这种音乐帮他们探索感受到的所有情绪,也使他们感觉更积极,更受鼓舞。”

学习啦在线学习网   However, the study does note that the soothing effects of extreme music may be unique to fans of the genre.The researchers say they're still unsure of the effects of extreme music over longer periods of time, and they didn't measure factors like personality and the "tendency to ruminate."


  But the choice to listen to angry music to match an angry mood may be an active way to understand and regulate negative emotions.


  So play on, metalheads.



以下是小编整理的英语文章:听重金属音乐有助于平复愤怒, 希望能对大家的英语学习有帮助。 A recent study has found that extreme music genres -- including heavy metal, emo, punk and screamo -- may actually help calm angry li