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  以下是小编整理的英语文章:各国人最爱的表情符号, 希望能对大家的英语学习有帮助。


学习啦在线学习网   If you can believe emojis, Russians are incredibly romantic... and perpetually cold. Our friends Down Under live in a land of indulgence. And the world as a whole is a generally happy place.

学习啦在线学习网   从表情符号的使用来看,俄罗斯人浪漫得不可思议,但同时也总是那么高冷;澳大利亚人生活得放荡不羁;而大体上,我们的世界还算得上是一个快乐的地方。

  A new study by mobile communications company Swiftkey analyzes more than a billion pieces of data to get to understand the planet's love of emojis. The aptly titled Emoji Report provides a revealing look into Android and iOS users' texting habits. All of the emojis -- there are more than 800 -- were organized into 60 categories and then ranked from most to least popular.

学习啦在线学习网   移动通讯公司Swiftkey分析了超过10亿份数据,以便了解各国人使用表情符号的偏好。此次的研究结果《表情符号报告》,调查、展示了安卓和苹果用户发短信的习惯。所有的表情符号(有超过800个)被分为60类,按照受欢迎的程度进行排名。

  Thankfully, people everywhere use far more happy faces than sad ones.


学习啦在线学习网   The statistics reveal some entertaining facts about localized emoji use. Canadians, for example, are fans of quite a few symbols more commonly associated with America -- including violent emojis, such as guns, and those researchers said indicated raunchy humor, such as the banana and peach.

学习啦在线学习网   在本地化表情符号的使用方面,此次数据揭示出了一些有趣的事实。例如,加拿大人更喜欢使用几个暴力的符号,比如手枪,通常来说,美国人使用这些符号更为频繁。加拿大人还喜欢使用香蕉、桃子一类的符号,研究人员认为这些符号代表着一种粗俗的幽默。

  Australians apparently live quite a good life, as they use the most symbols indicating alcohol (twice the worldwide average), drugs (70 percent above average), holidays and junk food.


学习啦在线学习网   America leads the world in an assortment of categories, including meat, royalty, "female-oriented" -- which includes symbols for makeup and women's clothing -- and LGBT emojis. Oh, and the country has a particular proclivity for the eggplant icon.

学习啦在线学习网   美国人使用的符号类型最为多样,包括肉、皇室、“女性化”(如表示化妆、女士服装的表情符号)和同性恋类的符号。对了,美国人还对茄子图标情有独钟。

学习啦在线学习网   Russians opt for cold weather emojis like the snowflake, and use three times as many romantic emojis than the worldwide average. And the French? Stereotypes hold up, apparently, as they often go for hearts and wedding icons.


  Due to the vast number of emojis, usage rates for individual symbols are often quite low -- some symbols are used less than 0.5 percent of the time. Swiftkey aggregated the data from their anonymized Cloud database.

  由于表情符号数量众多,使用个别符号的频率非常低。一些符号使用频率不足0.5次. Swiftkey汇总了从匿名云数据库中得到的数据。

  Emoji use has been linked to such things as a more active sex life and a decline in "deep meaningful conversations." But regardless of possible side effects, we use them a lot. A 2013 survey found 74 percent of Americans and 82 percent of people in China have sent an emoji.


学习啦在线学习网   "We’ve stumbled on whole new confusing ways to communicate with each other, so we’ve been given a whole new vocabulary to say 'I’m laughing,' or 'joy,' or 'Well done,' New York magazine's Adam Sternbergh wrote in November. "This new way will not replace all the old ways, but it can augment them and help us muddle through."

学习啦在线学习网   《纽约杂志》的作家亚当·斯特恩伯格去年11月时写道:“新的交流方式令我们困惑,我们学得磕磕绊绊,因此一种全新的语言出现了,我们用这种语言来表达“正在大笑”、“高兴”或表扬对方“做得好”。这种方式并不能代替面对面的交流,但会辅助传统的交流方式,让我们得以蒙混过关。”


  scotch: 扑灭,破除

  smuggle: 偷带,偷放

学习啦在线学习网   anesthesia: 麻醉

学习啦在线学习网   chloroform: 氯仿(可用作麻醉剂)