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  以下是小编整理的英语文章:致我们终将逝去的青春痘, 希望能对大家的英语学习有帮助。

  For the past 12 years I’ve avoided talking about one of the most obvious things about me. Something that is literally —well, almost — written on my face. My name is Evie, and I have acne.


  I decided to break the silence after I read multiple articles on how acne frequently leads to depression, and that this is “often independent of severity”. Despite living with acne, I’d never considered that my low mood over a breakout was something natural, I’d just thought it was how I dealt with it. In fact, acne has a significant, negative psychosocial effect, and we don’t talk about it because pointing out our flaws is the very last thing we want to do.

学习啦在线学习网   在接连读了几篇讲述青春痘是如何助力通向抑郁之路(抑郁乃结果,且通常与粉刺的严重程度无关)的文章后,我决定打破沉默,写下本文。虽然和青春痘相依为命了许多年,我却从未因此觉得自己每次长痘时的阴郁心情是合情合理的,我只是天真地以为这便是我处理它们的方式。但事实上,粉刺的确会对我们的心理产生巨大的负面影响。我们不去说它,只是因为不想一次次地揭开伤疤。

  Very few people realise what acne means. In all the media I’ve ever been subjected to, there has never been a protagonist with acne. If there is a character with acne at all, it’s an unsympathetic one, who is either submissive, mean, or both. There are no films about an acne-ridden girl who finds that she doesn’t need to be self-conscious but just has to ‘let herself shine’. All other ‘negative’ images are given support; whether you’re overweight, short, tall, nerdy, or even all-out Ugly Betty, there is a role model for you readily available. Because of this, people without acne often throw around the word “spotty” as a synonym for “young”, in a way no other negative attribute ever is.


学习啦在线学习网   There is no reason ever to be “proud to have acne” — but that doesn’t mean that a disease which affects 70-87% of teenagers and frequently continues into adulthood shouldn’t be talked about, especially amongst a student population that fits neatly into the affected age group. It’s not glamorous — we don’t get to be ‘curvy’, or cute, or intelligent, or strong. Acne is not ‘endearing’.


学习啦在线学习网   This isn’t a polemic, however. I’m mostly just trying to let you that it isn’t trivial - and you’re not weak or weird for letting it get to you. It might sound stupid, but in the same way, as a four year old, I wanted to be blonde and blue-eyed because Cinderella wasn’t Mediterranean, I spent my teenage years believing that anything that’s wrong with you can be overcome - unless you have acne. If a group of girls decided to adopt me into their social group and give me a make-over, it would never be perfect — because I had acne. If I found out I was the heiress to a small country and needed an image revamp, it wouldn’t work- because I had acne. The sudden, unexpected romance with the most popular guy in school would never happen — because no matter how great my body, or my hair, or my style was, I still had acne.

学习啦在线学习网   以上实非矫情。我只是想告诉你们,青春痘绝非小事,遭它入侵的你也并不是一个人。虽然听起来很傻,但早在四岁的时候,我还是想象过自己有朝一日会变成拥有一头金色秀发、两汪如潭碧眼的美女子,或早或晚,我会蜕变成仙度瑞拉,而不是地中海女汉子。我用我的青春韶华幻想着我身上所有的不完美终会烟消云散,然而那一脸青春痘却随着青春的长驱直入愈发根深蒂固。如果有一群女孩子决定邀我一同玩耍,并打算为我化个妆时,她们会发现所有心血皆是徒劳——我的一脸痘会告诉你为什么。如果某一天,我解开了身世之谜,发现自己是某个小国的继承人,需要重塑个人形象时,哦,那根本办不到——我的一脸痘会告诉你为什么。那种和全校第一花样美男坠入爱河的校园言情小说桥段从来不会在我的世界里上演,即便我的身材、我的长发、我的个人魅力是多么无懈可击——我的一脸痘会告诉你为什么。

  My experience was that I woke up an hour earlier than I needed to, in order to make sure I had time to deal with my face. I wouldn’t go out with friends when they invited me, unless I knew well in advance. I’d convince my mum I was sick so I didn’t have to go to school on bad days. These are all reflected in experiences others have told me as well. In my case, I even developed the beginnings of an eating disorder simply because, if I couldn’t have the perfect face, I’d be damned if I didn’t have the perfect body. Thankfully, I managed to escape that downward spiral early on. I’m sure there are many who didn’t.


  What I hope to have achieved from this article is to give to others what I gained from the pieces I read - a feeling that this daily annoyance isn’t just mine. That I’m not overreacting. That I’m not - forgive the trite turn of phrase - alone. It scarily confirmed that people are actually staring at my face and judging me but it also reminded me that at the end of the day, it’s not “acne-depression”.

学习啦在线学习网   我写作此文的目的正是想向读者们传达我读完那些“通向抑郁症”之流的文章后的感受——我想告诉人们,这种日复一日的痛苦不是我的专属;我并没有反应过激;以及我并不是(请原谅这种陈腐的措辞)一个人在受着煎熬。在人们对着我的面部指点江山的时候,我的确抑郁过;但在一天结束之际,我会告诉自己,这种抑郁与我的痘痘无关。

  Acne is a factor, which, like anything else, can lead to depression. Instead of letting it reach that stage, we should just change the first element.



以下是小编整理的英语文章:致我们终将逝去的青春痘, 希望能对大家的英语学习有帮助。 For the past 12 years Ive avoided talking about one of the most obvious things about me. Something that is literally well, almost written