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  以下是小编整理的英语文章: 有权有势的人都是大吃货,希望能对大家的英语学习有帮助。

  A snazzy new video from the folks at U.C. Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center gives a brief overview of their research on the unexpected consequences of feeling powerful. Their studies have shown, for example, that even when you give people a teensy bit of (mostly pretend) power, they tend to act in ways that are more impulsive and more selfish.


  Dacher Keltner, a U.C. Berkeley psychologist, describes what he’s come to call their Cookie Monster study: He and his team divided study participants into groups of three, randomly assigning one person to act as the leader. The researchers gave the trios a relatively boring task and made them work on that for a little while, and then brought in a plate of four cookies. Each participant took one, and they left the fourth for a little while, but in most groups, the leader eventually grabbed the last cookie for themselves.



学习啦在线学习网   But Keltner says that one of his grad students noticed something they weren’t exactly expecting: an apparent correlation between perceived power and terrible table manners. "He came to me and he’s like, I think people are eating differently when they have power," Keltner says in the video. "And, lo and behold, our high-power person is more likely to eat with their mouth open, lips smacking, crumbs literally like falling onto their sweater. It’s ridiculous."

学习啦在线学习网   不过,克特纳称他的一个研究生注意到了一种出人意料的现象:权利意识和糟糕的餐桌礼仪之间有着明显的联系。“他走过来,对我说,‘我觉得,当人们掌握权力的时候,他们饮食的方式会发生变化。’”克特纳在视频里说,“你瞧,那些手握重权的人吃饭时往往是大张着嘴,咂着嘴唇,食物残杂如雨一般落到他们的衣服上。一副滑稽模样。”