学习啦在线学习网 摘要:英国熊孩子大赛正在拉开帷幕,父母们纷纷寄来了他们家孩子大搞破坏的滑稽照片。
Two sisters wrecking their bedroom
The search for Britain's most mischievous toddler is on after parents shared hilarious photos of their children causing havoc.
学习啦在线学习网 英国熊孩子大赛正在拉开帷幕,父母们纷纷寄来了他们家孩子大搞破坏的滑稽照片。
From 'exploding' beanbags and covering themselves in talc, to covering themselves in paint, images have been coming in thick and fast to organisers of a national competition.
学习啦在线学习网 从打翻装满豆子的袋子,全身铺满滑石粉,到把自己也粉刷了一遍,一打打的照片飞快传送到这场全国大赛的组织者手里。
A selection of the top entries so far - including two tots busily painting their pet dog with orange and white spots, a lad stuck down the loo and two sisters wrecking their bedroom - have been revealed.
学习啦在线学习网 到目前为止进了前几名的组图——包括俩孩子忙不迭地把自家狗涂成了橙色和带着白斑点的,一小家伙被卡在马桶,还有两姐妹在卧室里搞破坏——已经闪亮发布。
Jayden Wallis stuck down the loo
Little 20-month-old Jayden Wallis stuck down the loo at his home in Bournemouth. His mum Jemma sent in the snap, saying that her son sneaked into the toilet, telling her he 'just wanted another bath'.
Little Noah Avossa covered himself with baby cream
学习啦在线学习网 Little Noah Avossa, three, covered himself with baby cream, along with a coffee table, after getting his paws into a tub of the cream at his home in Leicester, in this snap sent in by mother Amelia.
学习啦在线学习网 Ryley was having fun unravelling a roll of loo roll
学习啦在线学习网 Two-year-old Ryley was caught in the act by mother Hayley Griffiths having fun unravelling a roll of loo roll.
Joshua and Harvey painted their dog
学习啦在线学习网 Joshua's mother Joelle Adams and Harvey's mother Samantha Redman submitted this photo, saying: 'Paint a nice picture boys... no no not your face... NOT THE DOG!'
学习啦在线学习网 约书亚的母亲若埃勒·亚当斯和哈维的母亲萨曼莎·莱德曼发送了这张照片,并附上:“男孩们,画个好图画……不不不别往脸上刷……不!别把狗也刷了!”
学习啦在线学习网 Jasper and little Laila Rose
Jasper, nearly two, (left) after grabbing a bag of flour and spilling it all over the kitchen floor, washing machine and himself. Right, little Laila Rose, of Shrewsbury, is pictured after making her beanbag 'explode'.
学习啦在线学习网 快两岁的贾斯珀(左图)抓了一袋面粉后撒了厨房一地,连洗衣机和自己都沾上了。右图是什鲁斯伯里的小莱拉·罗斯打翻了一袋豆子。
学习啦在线学习网 9月1日在英国利兰市,5名11岁至15岁的熊孩子潜入教学楼,纵火烧掉了整栋楼。当天是开学前一天,当地媒体报道称,这5名在校学生因为不想回学校上课,就放火烧了学校。
Five wild kids are suspected of starting a fire that wrecked their school on the eve of the new term。
学习啦在线学习网 Police said yesterday that five boys – one aged 11, two 12-year-olds, one aged 13 and one 15 – arrested on suspicion of starting the fire had been released on bail until later this month. Parents said the suspects all attended St Mary’s。
St Mary's headmaster Kathy McNicholas fought back the tears as she watched her school go up in flames last night。
She said: ‘This is so upsetting to watch. It's heart-breaking. It's very distressing for the staff and for the children. Everyone had been looking forward to coming back for the new school year。
学习啦在线学习网 5名“熊孩子”涉嫌在新学期前一天,放火烧毁了他们自己的学校。
学习啦在线学习网 圣玛丽的校长凯西?麦克尼古拉斯昨晚见到学校在大火中的情景时强忍着眼泪。
文中的wild kids就是“熊孩子”的意思,“熊孩子”是指惹人讨厌的、没家教的孩子。wild kid也有昵称的意思,表示对调皮孩子的爱称。
学习啦在线学习网 另外,文中的“be suspected of”是“被怀疑、受指控”的意思;类似的短语有“be charged with”和“be accused of”等。fight back原先是“反击、抵抗”的意思,文中第三段的fight back tears,字面意思是抵抗泪水,即可译作“强忍着眼泪不哭”。