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  And women weren’t the only ones left scratching their heads. The researchers themselves were surprised with the findings.


学习啦在线学习网   “The academics expected to find that men’s work-family conflict rose, and their well-being fell, when they did more housework,” a University of Cambridge news release states. ”In practice, they found the opposite, with conflict falling, and well-being going up.”

学习啦在线学习网   剑桥大学新闻发布会上指出:“学术界普遍认为,当男人开始分担家务后,他们的工作和家庭比重开始失衡,幸福感也会降低。但实际上恰恰相反。男人因为从事家务活而变得矛盾减少,幸福感大大提升。”

  The study was conducted across seven European countries and tens of thousands of participants were asked how much time they spent on tasks such as cooking, washing, cleaning, shopping and property maintenance. They then weighed work-life conflict with other measures of their well-being, which provided the surprising results.


  Researchers attributed their findings to two factors: They believe more men support gender equality and women are more assertive than in the past.


  The researchers said men are actually uncomfortable when they are not taking equal responsibility for housework. And history and habit might also contribute to such guilt.


  “[The results] suggest that men may be uncomfortably conscious of work getting in the way of their doing a fair share of chores at home, whereas women have long been used to doing a ‘double shift,’” the introduction says.


学习啦在线学习网   Women’s attitudes are also evolving, allowing them to voice their concerns. “Women are becoming more assertive and making their dissatisfaction with lazy partners plain,” the news release states.

学习啦在线学习网   女人这方面的态度在改变,开始明确表达出自己的感受。新闻发布会上指出,”当今女人更加独立,会对自己的另一半的懒惰感到不满“。

学习啦在线学习网   The research, titled “Gendered Lives,” which includes the findings on men and household chores, analyzes several other aspects of gender equality as well, including equality at home and in the workplace.

学习啦在线学习网   以”性别化生活“为标题的这项研究,主要包括男人和家务活之间的关系方面研究结果,同时还分析了男女在工作上和家庭上平等的其他几个方面。

学习啦在线学习网   While this aspect of the gender gap seems to be closing, the researchers saw mixed results in other areas.


学习啦在线学习网   “Prospects for the future remain mixed. On the one hand, an investigation into the business case for closing the workplace gender gap was ‘not encouraging,’” the news release states. ”At the same time, however, there are grounds for optimism. Regardless of policy regimes, researchers found evidence that across Europe, the gap between women and men in terms of how much paid and unpaid work both do, is closing.”


  Overall, the researchers believe gender equality is moving, however slowly, in the right direction. “The conclusion is that as far as gender roles are concerned,” the book’s editors find, “there is staggered adaptation, rather than a stalled revolution.”
