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学习啦在线学习网   摘要:当今关于边缘性人格障碍的文章已经很多了。这些有边缘性人格障碍的人,通常在童年时期受到过严重的虐待。他们会给社会和亲属带来毁灭性的破坏。他们因冲动,自我毁灭,情绪反常不定,愤怒而臭名昭著。

学习啦在线学习网   Do You Know the 4 Types of Borderline Personality Disorder?

学习啦在线学习网   So much has been written today about the Borderline Personality Disorder. These individuals, often very abused in their childhoods, can wreak havoc in organizational settings and close relationships. They are known for their impulsivity, self-destructive nature, moodiness, anger, and, perhaps most importantly, their tendency to have very intense and stormy relationships. Think Glenn Close in the movie Fatal Attraction. Moreover, they often have additional life problems, often the result of their impulsive nature, on top of this disorder such as substance abuse, eating disorders, financial difficulties, promiscuity, etc.


  But not all these individuals are alike. In his stellar book, Disorders of Personality: DSM-IV and Beyond (1995, Wiley). Theodore Millon identifies four different subtypes of Borderline Personality Disorder. Incidentally, Millon is one of the leading experts in the field of personality disorders and Borderline Personality Disorder so he knows what he's talking about. His book is one of the best books out there for any serious student of personality disorders and I recommend it highly to those who are a little more advanced in their study of psychology.

学习啦在线学习网   当今关于边缘性人格障碍的文章已经很多了。这些有边缘性人格障碍的人,通常在童年时期受到过严重的虐待。他们会给社会和亲属带来毁灭性的破坏。他们因冲动,自我毁灭,情绪反常不定,愤怒而臭名昭著。而且,更重要的是:他们通常会倾向于拥有非常紧张激烈的人际关系。想想电影致命吸引中的格林吧。另外,他们通常会因为冲动的天性给他们带来其他生活问题。其中药物滥用,进食障碍,财政问题和滥交等最为常见。

  但是并非人人如此,在西奥多·米勒主要作品《人格障碍:DSM-IV 及其它》(1995,威利)中描述了4种不同类型的边缘人格障碍。米勒是人格障碍和边缘人格障碍领域的前沿专家,所以他有自己的见地。对于学习人格障碍的专业学生来说,米勒的书无疑是最出众的之一。而且我强烈的想把这些书推荐给在心理学研究方面更出众的人。

学习啦在线学习网   The Discouraged Borderline in many ways can look very much like an individual with Dependent Personality Disorder, or what is commonly known in today's jargon as codependent. They tend to be clingy, go along with the crowd, and walk around feeling somber and somewhat dejected. Deep inside however, there are often angry and disappointed with the actions of those around them. Scratch the surface, and that anger could explode, but they are much more likely to do harm to themselves by self-mutilating or even suicide.

  The Impulsive Borderline seems to be a first cousin to the Histrionic Personality Disorder. These individuals tend to be flirtatious, captivating, elusive and superficial. They are highly energetic and seek out thrill after thrill. They are easily bored and seem to have it never ending appetite for attention and excitement. As their name implies, they will often act without thinking, getting themselves into all sorts of trouble. Such individuals can often be very charismatic and it's easy to get caught in their spell. Beware! You can be the moth drawn to their flame.


学习啦在线学习网   冲动型人格障碍似乎是矫饰型人格障碍的堂弟。这些人迷人,喜欢调情,难以捉摸。他们会轻易的变得无聊,而且对关注和兴奋有无限的欲望。就像他们的名字那样,他们经常不经思考,草率行事。这种特性使他们陷入各种困境。这类人非常有魅力,你可能很轻易就他们的魔咒蛊惑。当心一点!你可能就是那只飞向他们火焰的蛾子。

  Millon’s third subtype is what he calls the Petulant Borderline. He describes them as being "unpredictable, irritable, impatient, and complaining" as well as "defiant, disgruntled, stubborn, pessimistic and resentful". They are torn between relying upon people and at the same time keeping their distance for fear of disappointment. They vacillate between feelings of unworthiness and anger. This anger can be quite explosive. Better not get in their line of fire.

学习啦在线学习网   Finally, there is the Self-Destructive Borderline. This type is marked by his constant sense of bitterness which they turn inward. They will often engage in self-destructive behaviors whether it is conscious or unconscious. Their levels of self-hatred can often reach monumental proportions leading them into all types of self-destructive behaviors, ranging from poor healthcare to reckless driving to performing humiliating sexual acts.


学习啦在线学习网   最后是自我毁灭式的人格障碍。这种类型的是由内心不断的痛苦造成的。不管有意识或无意识,他们经常会做实施自残行为。他们的自我怨恨经常会把他们引向罪恶的深渊,从糟糕身体保健到不断实施侮辱性的性行为。

  These people are not your run-of-the-mill "toxic coworker". Though they might often seem okay on the surface, these are deeply troubled individuals in need of help. Even the most experienced of therapists can be challenged by them.

学习啦在线学习网   Individuals with BPD need to be understood and treated with compassion. But they are in need of psychological help. There is a tendency to be drawn to them; they give off a lot of energy and can be very charismatic, but there is a price to be paid for being involved: Perpetual arguments, dramas, makeups and breakups, suicidal gestures and an almost exquisite sensitivity to rejection whether real or imagined

学习啦在线学习网   If you are not prepared to pay this price, it's probably best just to keep your distance.

  Already involved with a person with BPD? I highly recommend Paul Mason and Randi Kreger's book Stop Walking on Eggshells: Taking your life back when someone you care about has Borderline Personality Disorder.

学习啦在线学习网   这些人并不是一般的“毒人“。在表面上看他们是正常的,他们却是深陷困境需要帮助的人。即使经验最丰富的治疗师也可能被他们难倒。

学习啦在线学习网   患有边缘型人格障碍的人需要被理解,而且对待他们需要同情心。但是他们需要心理帮助。人们会容易被他们的四射的能量和光彩照人而吸引。但是这是要付出代价的:无休止的争吵,戏剧,化妆剧,分手,自杀行为和对拒绝异常强烈的敏感。不管这种拒绝是否是真的还是他们凭空的幻想。
