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  6. Hug each other when you see each other after work.

学习啦在线学习网   6. 下班后给彼此一个拥抱。

  This one is easy—who doesn’t want to melt into a comforting hug after a hard day? And if you had a good day, share your excitement with a hug. You can’t beat ‘em. And once you start hugging, you’ll feel so much happier that you’ll find it easier to make time to cuddle with your partner instead of getting stressed by the things you need to get done around the house.

学习啦在线学习网   这个很容易——谁不想在辛苦工作后得到一个欣慰的拥抱呢?如果你今天过得不错,那就用拥抱传达你的开心吧。你绝对抵抗不了拥抱的诱惑。一旦拥抱,你会感到更加开心,也更愿意多和恋人依偎在一起,而不会为了家里一堆杂事烦恼。

学习啦在线学习网   7. Say “I love you” and “Have a good day” every morning.

  7. 每天早晨说“我爱你”和“希望你今天过得开心”。

  Another easy tip! Saying sweet words to each other is never a waste of breath. My fiancé and I say “I love you” any time we part—whether it’s on the phone, when he leaves for work, when I run an errand. It makes you feel much happier, and is always a good note to end on when you go about your days.


  8. Say “Good night” every night, regardless of how you feel.

学习啦在线学习网   8. 不论多累,每天晚上都要说“晚安”。

  Same with “Have a good day,” saying “Good night” when you and your partner go to bed puts a nice, loving haze on the end of the day. My fiancé and I have a nightly routine we say before falling asleep. I won’t reveal it here because it’s special to us, but it includes “Good night,” “I love you,” and other nice phrases that make you feel good and inspire sweet dreams!


  9. Do a “weather” check during the day.

  9. 白天抽空查看一下“天气情况”。

  A “weather” check is where you call your partner during the day to see how they are. A caring phone call or text can really brighten their day and show them that you’re thinking of them. As an added bonus, it gives you a heads up about how their day is going. If they’re having a tough time, you can curb your happiness about a work promotion and be more sympathetic as soon as you get home. You can tailor your attitude to make them feel that much better when you both get home.


  10. Be grateful for what you have.

学习啦在线学习网   10. 对已经拥有的要心怀感激。

学习啦在线学习网   This is the simplest tip of all, because if you’re in a relationship, you clearly value your partner. Be thankful that you have someone you love who loves you back. Be thankful that they help you with household chores and support you during tough times and cheer you on during the good times. Look at your partner as much as you can and just smile that you have them by your side.

学习啦在线学习网   这是最简单的建议,因为如果你在谈恋爱,理所当然要珍惜对方。有人爱你,而你又恰好爱他,那么请心怀感激吧。有人帮你做家务,在困难时给你支持,在顺利时逗你开心,所以请心怀感激吧。用心凝视恋人,朝他微笑,感谢有他陪伴!