Yeah that’s right; you heard me… I’m talking to you… I’m calling you out.
学习啦在线学习网 I’m looking you in the eyes, (ok well, not really since you are probably reading this article, but figuratively, I am burning a cyclops type hole in your face right now) and telling you that you don’t stand a chance.
I’m telling you that if you can read this article, look through this list and not claim it as your own, then you should be a little worried.
Actually, you should be very worried. You should drop everything and immediately question your existence on earth. You should find a mirror, look yourself in the eyes, raise your hand and slap yourself in the face.
学习啦在线学习网 其实你该愁死了才对。你该做的就是放下手头一切事情,深刻反省自己的存在有何意义。你该照面镜子,盯着自己的眼睛,举起手来给自己一个大耳刮子才是。
Got it? Now repeat that until you come to your senses and continue reading whenever you’re ready.
I’m Talkin’ ‘Bout Street Skills Son!
I’m not talking about the: study hard, party light, graduate top-of-your-class skills.I’m not even talking about the: slack-off, skip class, smoke weed, drink and party but still graduate, skill-set your ,000+ diploma has lead you to believe you have.
“I’m talking ’bout, step out your door, make some moves, and get-some-shit-done, kind of skills! Some, move out your mama’s house, quit your job — say “fuck the world” — and then actually go do it, kind of skills”.
I’m talking about skills that cannot be taught in a classroom or in a textbook. Skills you can only learn by doing; by learning how to fly after jumping off the cliff.
学习啦在线学习网 如此技能自然不能在课堂上或课本中习得。要掌握如此技能,实践出真知是唯一方法,譬如,借从悬崖跳落之际习得飞翔技巧。
Skills that can only be developed when you find your true self. When you put yourself on the line or otherwise expose yourself to the possibility of failure.
学习啦在线学习网 The skills you can only develop when you are willing to risk it all in order to do that one amazing thing.
学习啦在线学习网 如此技能,只有在你愿意付出一切只为做成一件大事的时候,才能习得。
Skills that up until now, you thought you had.
学习啦在线学习网 如此技能,在此刻之前,你以为你已经掌握。因为在你看来,每件事都是“太难”或者“太复杂”,所以你选择“等等看吧“或者”明天再做好了“。
“Basically, what I am trying to tell you is that, in this game called life, you don’t stand a chance…
学习啦在线学习网 “简单说来,我要说的就是,在生活这个游戏里,你连门儿都没找着”。
学习啦在线学习网 1 :: Because You Have Not Failed Enough
学习啦在线学习网 Because you are comfortable in your mediocrity; because you choose not to try.
学习啦在线学习网 因为你满足于平庸,因为你选择不去尝试。
Because it is easier to talk about learning that new (programming?) language as opposed to actually learning it.
学习啦在线学习网 因为只在嘴上说说学习一门新外语(或编程)比真正去学容易太多。
学习啦在线学习网 Because you think everything is too hard or too complicated so you will just “sit this one out”, or maybe you’ll, “do-it-tomorrow”!
学习啦在线学习网 Because you hate your job but won’t get a new one; because it is easy to reject rejection.
Because while you’re sitting around failing to try, I am out there trying to fail, challenging myself, learning new things and failing as fast as possible.
学习啦在线学习网 Because as I fail, I learn, and then adjust my course to make sure my path is always forward. Like the process of annealing steel, I’ve been through the fire and pounded into shape. The shape of a sword with polished edges and a razor sharp blade that will cut you in half if you are not equally hardened.