学习啦 > 学习英语 > 英语阅读 > 英语文摘 > 双语阅读:10条小建议让你快乐每一天


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学习啦在线学习网   摘要:我们生命中相当大一部分时间用于工作,因此何不尽我们所能,在工作场所中创造一种积极愉快的体验呢?

  We spend a significant portion of our lives working, so why not do all we can to create a positive and enjoyable experience in the workplace?

  We had some fun with it and hope you enjoy reading it. Feel free to add to the list with your own ideas on how to be happy.

10条小建议 让你快乐每一天


学习啦在线学习网   这份清单给我们带来了欢愉,我们也祝你阅读愉快。对于如何能让自己快乐,请随时在这份清单上添上你自己的意见。

  1. Exercise More


  It’s tough to be unhappy when you’re outside running, playing, and sweating. Exercising helps us not to sweat the small stuff—the little things that annoy us and take us off track from happiness. Another note: after exercising and sweating, please shower before returning to your workplace. This has a direct effect on the happiness of those around you.


  We also believe that eating healthy is a key happiness factor. Traditional “comfort foods” laden with white flour and sugar might not be making you happy. We are not experts, but we do believe a healthy diet of natural foods increases the happiness factor.

学习啦在线学习网   我们还相信健康饮食是保持快乐的关键因素。传统的“慰藉食物”充满了白面粉和糖,可能不会让你心情愉快。我们不是专家,但我们确实相信健康的饮食可提高幸福感。

  2. Sleep More


  Nothing helps you sleep at night better than an honest day of hard work. For employees with growing children, pass on this one. You aren’t going to sleep for 18-20 years.

学习啦在线学习网   没有什么比一天的辛劳工作更有助于保证你晚间的睡眠质量了。对于家有子女的雇员来说,请向他们转告这一条。你在18-20年里不会有充足的睡眠的。

  3. Commute Less


学习啦在线学习网   It makes sense to us and it helps the environment. Plus, it allows you to accomplish the next item.


学习啦在线学习网   4. Spend More Time with Family and Friends


  Become friends with your work associates and you’ll spend even more time with those you care about. Believe that people are doing the best with the current resources available to them. Stop wasting time judging your coworkers.


  5. Spend More Time Outside

学习啦在线学习网   增加户外活动的时间

  We come up with our best ideas not in offices, but while we take walks, go out on the lake for sales board meetings, and play ultimate Frisbee.


  6. Help Others


  If you’re depressed, stop thinking about yourself and go serve someone else. We become naturally upbeat, energized, and happy when we can see happiness radiating from another human being.

学习啦在线学习网   如果你情绪低落,那么停止为自己考虑,而去为他人服务。当我们看到自他人身上散发出的幸福喜悦时,我们会自然而然地开朗起来,感到振奋,并心情愉快。

  7. Practice Smiling – It Actually Alleviates Pain

学习啦在线学习网   练习微笑——这会减轻痛苦

学习啦在线学习网   We suggest taking this one up and laughing to eliminate the pain.


  8. Plan a Trip (Even if You Can’t Take One)

学习啦在线学习网   计划一次旅行(即使你不能实际出行)

学习啦在线学习网   Our receptionist rides a stationary bike so that she “could take a trip and never leave the farm,” as she puts it. She travels a few miles each day while talking to our customers and greeting guests. She also eats fresh fruits and vegetables from her garden and walks a mile outside each day. She’s the happiest person we know.

学习啦在线学习网   我们的接待员玛丽莲-比格妮喜欢在前台蹬一辆健身车,因此她“不需离开岗位就可以踏上旅程”,她是这样描述的。她每天都要旅行几英里,同时与我们的顾客说着话并接待来宾。她还吃自家菜园种的新鲜水果和蔬菜,每天还会在户外散步一英里。她是我们认识的最快乐的人。

  9. Meditate or Enjoy Soothing Music


  We’re more likely to listen to music than meditate. We are passionately curious about life. Music lifts us up. We may be tech-geeks, but we can still rock and roll with the best of them.


  10. Be Grateful


学习啦在线学习网   Our energy is increased when we add a little gratitude to all that we do. We are elevated by the opportunity to serve, uplift, and support others.
