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  摘要: 一项最新研究表明:浪漫与此无关。“目光”只与性和自恋有关。

学习啦在线学习网   Their eyes met across a crowded room. The partychatter ebbed away, and the music slowed. Thatfirst lovers' glaze is the staple of the romanticnovelist, and scientists believe they have nowrevealed the true nature of its true attractive power.

  According to new research, romance has very littledo to with it. That "look" is all about sex and ego.



学习啦在线学习网   "It does seem to be a sort of narcissistic thing. People are attracted to people who areattracted to them," said Ben Jones in the Face Research Laboratory at the University ofAberdeen.


学习啦在线学习网   "It's really a very basic effect that we are all, at some level at least, aware of - which is that ifyou smile at people and you maintain eye contact, it makes you more attractive."



  He said the work challenges most previous studies of facial attractiveness that have focused onphysical characteristics, such as a preference for symmetrical faces or masculine versusfeminine features.


学习啦在线学习网   "Social signals about how attracted someone else is to you actually seem to be quiteimportant," he said. "You are attracted to people who are attracted to you, and that showsattractiveness is not just about physical beauty."

学习啦在线学习网   琼斯说:“对人们而言,他人如何被你吸引的社交暗示实际上非常重要。你喜欢那些被你吸引的人,这表明吸引力涉及的不仅是外表美。”

学习啦在线学习网   Dr Jones and his colleagues say they have shown that attraction is based on social cues thatsay, "I'm interested in you". The most important cue seems to be whether someone is lookingdirectly at you.

学习啦在线学习网   琼斯博士和他的同事称,他们发现吸引建立在社交暗示的基础上,这就是说,“我对你有兴趣”。最重要的暗示似乎在于是否有人直视你。

  The team put together four different sets of digital images - women looking happy, womenlooking disgusted, men looking happy and men looking disgusted. In each case, the scientistsmade up pairs of images which were identical except that in one the person was lookingdirectly at the camera and in the other their gaze was averted. Volunteers then rated therelative attractiveness of the images in each pair.


  The team found that a direct stare is attractive only if the person giving it looks as if they likeyou. This preference was even higher if the face in the picture was of the opposite sex.

学习啦在线学习网   研究成员发现只有当这个人的目光看上去像喜欢上你的时候,直视才具吸引力。如果图像中的人是异性的话,吸引力会更强。

  "What we found at the most basic level is that people like faces with direct gaze more than theylike the same faces with averted gaze," said Dr Jones. "In other words, people find it moreattractive when they are being looked at."


  The results are published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society.

学习啦在线学习网   这一研究结果刊载于《英国皇家学会学报》。

  Dr Jones said the results make sense from an evolutionary perspective. "It takes quite a lotof effort to attract a mate and what you want to do is allocate that effort in a more efficientway, in other words in a way that is more likely to help you secure a mate."


  So it seems there is no point wasting your time on someone who is just not interested.

学习啦在线学习网   所以将时间花在那些对你并不感兴趣的人身上毫无意义。