Contrary to what fairy tales may tell you,relationships take work.
So we collected some of the best social sciencefindings about what makes them last.
学习啦在线学习网 和童话故事描绘的截然相反,感情是需要经营的。
学习啦在线学习网 我们收集了一些有关经营感情的最佳社科研究发现。
学习啦在线学习网 1. If you wait until you're 23 to commit, you'reless likely to get divorced.
A 2014 University of Pennsylvania study found that Americans who cohabitate or get married atage 18 have a 60% divorce rate, whereas people who waited until the more mature age of 23have a divorce rate of about 30%.
2. The “in love” phase lasts about a year.
学习啦在线学习网 The honeymoon phase with its “high levels of passionate love” and “intense feelings ofattraction and ecstasy, as well as an idealization of one's partner”, doesn't last forever,according to Monmouth University psychologist Gary W. Lewandowski Jr.
学习啦在线学习网 蒙莫斯大学心理学家盖里•W•勒万多维斯基表示,充满“高度激情的爱”、“强烈的吸引力和狂喜的感觉,同时对配偶理想化”的蜜月期并不会永远持续下去。
学习啦在线学习网 3. Eventually you realize that you're not one person.
学习啦在线学习网 最终你会意识到你不是一个人。
学习啦在线学习网 Once you start living together, you realize that you have different priorities and tolerances-like,for instance, what does or doesn't constitute a mess.
学习啦在线学习网 一旦你们开始生活在一起,你会意识到,你们有不同的优先级和容忍度,比如说对于脏乱的定义会有所不同。
4. If you get excited for your partner's good news, you'll have a better relationship.
In multiple studies, couples that actively celebrated good news (rather than actively orpassively dismissed it) have had a higher rate of relationship well-being.
学习啦在线学习网 多项研究发现,相对主动或被动地不予理会彼此好消息的夫妻而言,积极地庆祝好消息的夫妻婚姻幸福感更高。
5. The happiest marriages are between best friends.
A 2014 National Bureau of Economic research study concluded that friendship could help explainthe causal relationship between marriage and life satisfaction.
学习啦在线学习网 美国国家经济研究局2014年的一项研究显示,友谊能够解释婚姻和生活满足感之间的因果关系。
6. The closer a couple is in age, the less likely they are to get divorced.
An Emory University study found that couples with a five-year age difference were 18% morelikely to divorce, and ones with a 10-year difference were 39% more likely.
学习啦在线学习网 7. Resentment builds quickly in couples that don't tackle chores together.
学习啦在线学习网 Over 60% of Americans say that taking care of chores plays a crucial role in having a successfulmarriage. You'll save a lot of collective time if each person specializes in the chores they're bestat.