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  摘要:她一头棕色长卷发,性感动人,令(美国)时尚杂志《名利场》7月的封面变得熠熠夺目;她就是今年65岁的凯特琳•詹纳,原名布鲁斯•詹纳,美国前奥运冠军、电视名人;他还是美国真人秀(《与卡戴珊姐妹同行》)明星金•卡戴珊的继父,不过现在应该称为“继母”。 自今年4月完成变性手术后,这是她首次以女性的身份参与拍摄工作。

学习啦在线学习网   A gorgeous woman with long wavy brown hair gracesthe cover of the forthcoming July issue of glossymagazine Vanity Fair. Meet Caitlyn Jenner, 65, a USOlympic athlete and TV personality formerly knownas Bruce Jenner. Jenner, US reality television starKim Kardashian’s stepmother and former stepfather,is one of the stars in reality TV show Keeping UpWith the Kardashians. But this was the first time shehas been photographed as a woman since she cameout as transgender in April.

  Jenner’s coming-out is a big moment in US pop culture history. As Western countries like theUS have become more socially liberal, transgender people have become less marginalized. Sohow can you talk about transgender people and related issues without being offensive?GLAAD, a US organization aiming to improve representation of those who identify as LGBT(lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender) in the media, offers guidelines.

学习啦在线学习网   她一头棕色长卷发,性感动人,令(美国)时尚杂志《名利场》7月的封面变得熠熠夺目;她就是今年65岁的凯特琳•詹纳,原名布鲁斯•詹纳,美国前奥运冠军、电视名人;他还是美国真人秀(《与卡戴珊姐妹同行》)明星金•卡戴珊的继父,不过现在应该称为“继母”。 自今年4月完成变性手术后,这是她首次以女性的身份参与拍摄工作。



  Basic concepts


学习啦在线学习网   Gender Identity


  One’s deeply held sense of one’s gender. For transgender people, their own gender identitydoes not match their sex. Most people have a gender identity of male or female. For somepeople, gender identity does not fit neatly into these two choices.


  Gender Expression


  External manifestations of gender expressed through one’s name, pronouns, clothing, haircut,behavior, voice, or body characteristics. Society identifies these cues as masculine andfeminine. Typically, transgender people seek to make their gender expression align with theirgender identity, rather than the sex they were born as.


  Sexual Orientation


学习啦在线学习网   Describes a person’s enduring physical and romantic attraction to another person. Genderidentity and sexual orientation are not the same. Transgender people may be straight,lesbian, gay, or bisexual. For example, a person who transits from male to female and isattracted solely to men would identify as a straight woman.




  An umbrella term for people whose gender identity and/or gender expression differs from whatis typically associated with the sex they were born as. Some undergo medical procedures orsurgery to change their bodies. But not all transgender people can or will take those steps,and a transgender identity is not dependent upon medical procedures.


学习啦在线学习网   Transgender man

学习啦在线学习网   变性人(女变男)

  People who are born female but identify and live as a man may use this term to describethemselves. They may shorten it to “trans man”. Some may also use FTM, an abbreviation forfemale-to-male. Some may prefer to simply be called men, without any modifier. It is best toask which term an individual prefers. The term’s exact opposite is “transgender woman” or“trans woman”. But take note that transgender women are not cross-dressers or drag queens.Drag queens are men, typically gay men, who dress like women for the purpose ofentertainment. Do not use the word “transvestite” at all, unless someone specifically self-identifies that way.

  变性人(女变男)指生为女性,但性别认同为男性,并以男性身份生活的人们,英文也可缩写为“transman”,或FTM(女变男)。有些人更希望人们直接称呼他们“男人”,不加任何修饰语。当然,称呼前最好询问一下他们的个人偏好。与这个词相对的则是“(男变女)变性人”,英文简称“trans woman”。不过,一定要注意将他们和“异装者”或“变装皇后”区别开。后者指为了娱乐效果,扮女装的男性(尤其是男同性恋者)。同时,也要避免使用“异装癖”这个词,除非被称呼者本人也如此认为。

