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  It's official: alcohol makes you more attractive tothe opposite sex. And that's when you are boozing,not them.

  Scientists at the University of Bristol found thathaving 'one large glass of wine' increases 'facialflushing' and 'confidence', making the drinker 'moreattractive' to others and more likely to 'get lucky'.




  Researchers quizzed 40 heterosexual male and female students and asked them to rate theattractiveness of three groups of people who were sober, tipsy and drunk.


学习啦在线学习网   The study found that tipsy people, who had downed one large 250ml glass of 14 per cent wine- that's one-third of the bottle - were consistently voted as the 'most attractive'.


  Sober subjects and those who had 'had a few too many' were rated as far less attractive thana 'tipsy' subject.

学习啦在线学习网   清醒者和那些“喝大了的”在吸引力排位上远低于微醺者。

学习啦在线学习网   Academics have previously confirmed the existence of the 'beer goggles' phenomenon - inwhich boozers find other people more attractive after several drinks.

学习啦在线学习网   此前已有相关学者证实“啤酒眼”现象的存在——即豪饮者喝了几杯之后,会发现别人都变美了。

  This new study, however, is the first time it had been shown that the drinker themselvesactually 'becomes more attractive' to others, in an experiment dubbed 'reverse beer goggles'.


  The study found that alcohol had a 'positive pulling power', but only if the subject was 'nothammered'.


  It states that booze 'mimics' how a person's body 'demonstrates it is healthy and attractive toattract potential mates' and that facial flushing is perceived by others as 'healthy andattractive'.

学习啦在线学习网   该研究称,饮酒“模拟了”一个过程,在这个过程中,饮酒者向潜在爱慕者展现了自己身体的健康水平和吸引力程度,面部绯红被其他人感知时,也会被认作是“健康且富有吸引力”的表现。

  Alcohol also makes people seem in a 'more positive or jolly mood' and encourages people to'relax' and give off 'positive' signals, such as smiling - increasing their attractiveness levels.

学习啦在线学习网   酒精同样使人看上去处于一种“更加乐观或愉快的情绪”中,鼓舞人们“放松”并发出“积极”的信号,比如微笑——微笑能提升他们的魅力指数。

学习啦在线学习网   The study states: 'In addition to perceiving others as more attractive, an alcohol consumermay also be perceived by others as more attractive, and therefore receive greater sexualinterest from potential mates.


  'An increase in such attention from others may also positively reinforce alcohol consumption,particularly in social contexts.'


  The study said, however, that too much booze led to 'changes in facial expressions which wereexcessive and unattractive' - leading to a decrease in 'pulling power'.


  It adds: 'In conclusion, our data indicate that alcohol consumption may lead to consumersbeing rated as more attractive than sober individuals, but only following low levels ofconsumption.

学习啦在线学习网   该研究还指出,“总而言之,我们的数据显示酒精摄入可能使饮酒者比清醒者更具吸引力,但这仅仅发生在摄入量较少的情况下。”

学习啦在线学习网   'At higher levels of consumption this effect is not observed, and may even be reversed.'


  Professor Marcus Munafo, a senior researcher on the Bristol University study, said: 'The peoplewho had consumed a small amount of alcohol had a slightly rosier complexion than they did intheir sober and high-dose photos.


  'Rosiness is attractive because it characterises good physical health characteristics.

学习啦在线学习网   “红润的面色很有魅力,因为它表明健康状况良好。”

学习啦在线学习网   'You consume a drink, so you see other people as more attractive, but you also become moreattractive yourself because you've consumed a drink.


  'But if they go on to consume more alcohol, they're no longer rated as more attractive.'


  In a previous study last year, again at the University of Bristol, it was found that 'beer goggles'- in which booze makes others seems more attractive - was a proven phenomena.


  Volunteers drank either alcohol or a non-alcoholic placebo before looking at images of men'sand women's faces - as well a landscape portraits.


学习啦在线学习网   Those who drank alcohol found all three image types more attractive compared with thosewho did not.


  David Simmons, 31, of High Wycombe, Bucks, said last week: 'So if I want to pull I need todrink either a third of a bottle of wine or a couple of pints and then draw a line under boozingfor the night.


  'I can't really see that happened as after a couple you always want more, but if it improves mychances of pulling I'll give it a shot.'
