学习啦在线学习网 摘要:一位英国艺术家画下了自己的“梦中男友”,而这幅作品却成了神奇的预言:四年后她嫁给了一个长得和画中人很像的男人!
学习啦在线学习网 An artist has married the man of her dreams four years after painting his look alike in a prophetic piece of artwork.
In 2009, Chloe Mayo, who was single at the time, quickly dashed off an oil painting of her holding hands with a handsome, dark bearded man.
学习啦在线学习网 一位英国艺术家画下了自己的“梦中男友”,而这幅作品却成了神奇的预言:四年后她嫁给了一个长得和画中人很像的男人!
Not thinking anything more of the creation, the 31-year-old left the painting to gather dust in the corner of her living room.
学习啦在线学习网 当时31岁的克洛伊也没多想,只当这是自己的艺术创作,这幅画就搁置在起居室的角落里,任它落满了灰尘。
In her search for love, Chloe joined an online dating website, and began messaging Michael Goeman, 30. Two months later the pair met - and Chloe was shocked to find Michael was the spitting image of the man in her painting.
学习啦在线学习网 在寻爱之旅中,克洛伊加入了一个交友网站,认识了30岁的迈克尔·戈曼,两人开始联系。在相识两个月后,克洛伊震惊地发现迈克尔和她油画中的男子长得几乎一模一样。
In fear of putting off her new lover, Chloe hid the uncanny painting under her bed, only revealing it once she had been on more dates with Michael.
学习啦在线学习网 因为害怕这幅画会吓到自己的新恋人,克洛伊把这份充满离奇巧合的油画藏到了床底下,在跟迈克尔又交往了一段时间,克洛伊才鼓起勇气说起了这幅画。
学习啦在线学习网 Thankfully, he was not put off by the painting and they continued their relationship for a further 18 months until he proposed while they were holidaying in the south of France.
学习啦在线学习网 不过幸好,迈克尔没有被这幅画吓到,他们继续交往了18个月,后来在他们一起去法国南部度假的时候,迈克尔向克洛伊求婚。
Three years after they first met, Chloe and Michael married, and the painting now has pride of place in the living room of the couple's home in Worcester Park near Croydon in Surrey.
学习啦在线学习网 克洛伊和迈克尔在相识三年后结婚,而现在这副油画已经挂在这对新人位于萨里郡克里登市附近的伍斯特帕尔克公园的家中,画挂在了起居室最显眼的地方。
Chloe, a regulation manager for medical equipment, said: 'I had moved back to the UK after spending time working in Australia and the house needed brightening up.
学习啦在线学习网 克洛伊是一位医疗设备监管经理,她说到:“在澳洲工作了一段时间后我搬回英国,家里需要装饰。”
学习啦在线学习网 'I started painting some pictures to decorate the walls and I had a couple of ideas I wanted to incorporate. I wanted to create an image of a couple at nighttime but I didn't really have any set ideas, I just did what felt natural.
学习啦在线学习网 'I painted kisses coming off the trees so it looked romantic but the facial features on the people I actually added in last, I didn't intend for it to look like me with anyone.
学习啦在线学习网 'I didn't hang it up, I just left it in a pile in the corner of my lounge for weeks and forgot about it but after a night out with Michael I realised he looked just like the man.
学习啦在线学习网 'He was due to come over to my house and I thought that if he saw the picture he would think I was a stalker and a bit weird, so I hid it under my bed.
学习啦在线学习网 “本来他在那几天打算来我家拜访的,但我怕他如果看到这幅画,会以为我跟踪他,实在有点奇怪所以我把画藏到了床底下。”
'About a week later I mustered up the courage to show him and although he looked a bit confused, he saw the funny side when I explained what had happened.
学习啦在线学习网 'Now we have hung the picture up on the wall in the lounge and all our friends called Michael "The man in the painting". I never would have thought I'd have predicted my husband and I don't normally believe in that sort of thing, but I suppose it must be fate.'