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学习啦在线学习网   摘要:当别人与你第一次见面,他们都会问自己两个问题。这两个问题所得出答案决定了他们对你的看法和行动。

  When a person meets you for the first time they ask themselves two questions. The answers to these two questions will have all sorts of knock-on effects for how they think about you and how they behave towards you。

  Professor Susan Fiske of Princeton University has shown that all social judgements can be boiled down to these two dimensions:



  1.How warm is this person?


  The idea of warmth includes things like trustworthiness, friendliness, helpfulness, sociability and so on. Initial warmth judgements are made within a few seconds of meeting you。


  2.How competent is this person?

学习啦在线学习网   这个人有没有能力?

  Competency judgements take longer to form and include things like intelligence, creativity, perceived ability and so on。


  Susan Fiske's research has looked at different cultures, times and types of social judgements, but these two concepts come up again and again in slightly different guises. Not only do we make these judgements about other people, but we frame their behaviour using these two questions。

学习啦在线学习网   苏珊·菲斯克教授的研究涵盖了不同的文化、不同的时代和不同类型的社会性判断,即使有细微差别,但是这两个问题一再地在研究中出现。我们不但通过这两个问题来判断别人,而且会做出相应的行为动作。

学习啦在线学习网   The primacy of warmth and competence may reflect evolved, instinctual reactions to these two questions about others:


学习啦在线学习网   1.Friend or foe? Is this person going to hurt me or help me?

学习啦在线学习网   是敌是友?这个人是来害我的还是来助我的?

  2.Capable of hurting or helping? Can this person help me if they're friendly or hurt me if they're not?


学习啦在线学习网   How warm and competent do other people find you? You probably know quite well how other people view you。

学习啦在线学习网   别人是如何看待你的?有多热情?有多少能力?答案你可能知道得很清楚。