摘要:我知道如果我从未旅行过,就不会是现在的我。旅行给了我很多经验,但其中有十个是我知道自己将永生难忘的。我知道如果我从未旅行过,就不会是现在的我。旅行给了我很多经验,但其中有十个是我知道自己将永生难忘的。以下是小编整理的英语双语文摘:旅行教会你的十件事, 希望对你会有所收获。
学习啦在线学习网 I wouldn't be the person I am today if I never traveled.
学习啦在线学习网 如果我未曾旅行,就不会是现在的我。
学习啦在线学习网 Growing up, my mom was a teacher, so I've been instilled with a great love for school. I recognize its importance and value, and even now in college I try to take something away from every class I have to take, regardless of how boring I may find it. With that being said, I know I wouldn't be the person I am today if I never traveled. Traveling has given me tons of great lessons, but there are ten that I know I'll never forget.
1. How to appreciate and learn from another culture
Learning about other cultures in school is one thing, but actually experiencing a culture is completely different. Whether you're visiting art museums, looking at grand architectural landmarks, or even just stopping for a coffee break in a happening café, traveling exposes you to people and lifestyles that are completely different than anything you've probably encountered back at home.
2. Patience
I have never taken a vacation where something doesn't go wrong. I've lost my luggage, gotten hopelessly confused with directions, and was even in an airport when a bomb went off. In general, life doesn't always go according to plan, even when you're on vacation. Learning how to deal with the curveballs traveling throws your way teaches you how to be a more patient person in your every day life.
3. The importance of unplugging from social media
学习啦在线学习网 I think I can speak for most people in my generation when I say social media takes up a lot of my time. So for me, when I travel I love the fact that I'm often cut off from any Internet. After coming back home, I always realize that a life behind a screen can never compare to a life being lived fully.
4. How to live in the moment
In college, we often spend most of our time worrying about the future. What classes should I take next semester, will I get a job after graduation. Travelling, however, makes us all stop and just enjoy the moment. The difference between experiencing every second of your life instead of dwelling on things out of your control is palpable and it's a lesson that's one of the most important to take back home.
5. The world isn't as scary as you've been lead to believe
If you watch the news as much as I do, it's hard to not start thinking that the entire world is a scary, dangerous place. Granted, it's important when travelling to keep your wits about you and take special precautions, but in general, the average country is just as safe as the one you live in now. Danger is always out there, but you have just as likely of a chance of having something bad happen to you in the perceived safety of your home as you do abroad, so why let your fear inhibit you?
学习啦在线学习网 如果你和我看的新闻一样多,很难不开始觉得整个世界是一个可怕危险的地方。的确,旅行时机智一点、采取一些特别的预防措施很重要,但通常一般的国家都和你现在所居住的地方一样安全。危险总是存在,但你待在自以为安全的家里发生危险的可能性和在国外是一样的,所以为什么要被恐惧束缚呢?
6. We are not so different
学习啦在线学习网 Regardless of culture, skin color, geographical location, or language, everyone in the world strives for the same things. We all want to be safe, we all want to be successful, we all want to live lives that we can look back on and be proud of. Once you travel, you realize that the entire globe is all striving towards the same goal: happiness.
7. You're a lot more capable than you ever thought you could be
People always say that travel is a transformative experience, and I think that all stems from realizing that you are capable of far more than you ever could have imagined. As anintroverted bookworm, it seems nearly impossible that I've done some of the things I've done. Whether I was making friends with complete strangers, or even efficiently planning a vacation, when I look back on my travels, I feel a sense of pride akin to finishing a marathon. Travel truly changes you, but in the absolute best way imaginable.
8. There's no place like home
学习啦在线学习网 Travelling abroad is a deeply rewarding experience, and I don't think I've ever disliked a place I've been to. Traveling to other places reminds me that the USA is absolutely awesome. When you live here, it gets easy to overlook some of the amenities you've grown up with, but once you spend a few weeks any place outside of the United States, it's hard not to realize just how fortunate you are to be an American.
学习啦在线学习网 去国外旅行是非常有意义的经历,我认为自己从未讨厌去过的地方。去其他地方旅行提醒我美国绝对是棒极了。住在这儿,你很容易忽略掉伴随你成长的一些便利设施,但一旦你出国在任何地方待几星期,你想不庆幸自己是美国人都难。
9. Day to day problems aren't really "problems"
学习啦在线学习网 It's easy to get caught up in your own little world, where small things like a bad haircut or spilling coffee on your favorite shirt are life-shattering, but once you travel you realize that your problems really aren't that much of a problem. Seeing how the rest of the world lives first-hand in comparison to you makes you realize that you are beyond lucky to live the life you lead.
学习啦在线学习网 你很容易陷入自己的小世界里,像头型剪得不好或咖啡洒在了最喜欢的衬衫上这样的小事都足以击垮你的生活,但一旦你出去旅行了,就会意识到你的问题真没那么严重。直接接触世界上其他人的生活,再对比自己,你就会意识到能过这样的生活真是超级幸运。
10. Stay humble
Our whole lives we've been told just how important and one-of-a-kind we are. Once you travel you realize that's kind of bogus. The world is a giant place, and we each just make up a tiny part of it. You, as complex as your life may be, are just background noise to the person sitting next to you on the subway. This sounds depressing, but it really serves as a great reminder to stay humble and not sweat the small stuff.