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时间: 楚欣650 分享



  Men find thinner women attractive because they associate their body shape with youth, fertility and a lower risk of disease. This contradicts earlier theories which suggest people are drawn to body types with more fat as they could historically survive a famine.

学习啦在线学习网   男性会认为体型偏瘦的女性更有魅力,因为他们将纤细的身材同年轻、生育能力和降低的患病风险联系在一起。而这与早些时候人们树立的理论——更为丰满的体型会吸引男性,因为从历史层面上讲,它们能扛得住饥荒——相矛盾。

  Professor John Speakman, from the University of Aberdeen coordinated the study. He said that in evolutionary terms fitness was made up of two things: survival and the ability to reproduce.


学习啦在线学习网   'What we wanted to investigate was the idea that when we look at someone and think they are physically attractive,' he said, 'Are we actually making that assessment based on a hard-wired evolutionary understanding of their potential for future survival and reproductive ability?'



  The scientists built a mathematical model which combined the relationships between levels of obesity, life expectancy and fertility.


  Researchers then tested the prediction on more than 1,300 people, both males and females, from the UK and nine other countries. Participants were shown 21 image cards showing females with different levels of body fatness and were asked to reorder them from least to most attractive.


  Among all the participants, males and females rated physical attractiveness the same -- Scientists discovered their ideal female body shape is leggy, tall and thin like Taylor Swift, and that people judged that the fatter people were older.


  When the age factor was included into the model the optimum fatness fell to a body mass index (BMI) somewhere between 17 and 20 – corresponding exactly to the images people found to be most attractive. This is the BMI range that celebrities such as Angelina Jolie (right) and Gisele Bundchen (left) fall into.

学习啦在线学习网   当年龄因素被纳入这个数学模型时,最优的体型反映在下降的体质指数上——它是17至20间的某个值,恰好对应人们浏览的众多照片中被认为最具魅力的那副身材。而像是(图右)安吉丽娜·朱莉和(图左)吉赛尔·邦辰等明星,她们便属于这样的体质指数范围。


  This suggests that we find thinness in females so attractive because we equate it with youth - a BMI of 17-20 corresponds to the average BMI of a young 18-20 year old with maximal fertility and minimal risk of future disease. This was to be consistent across European, African and Asian test groups.


学习啦在线学习网   Professor John Speakman added: 'Setting this into an evolutionary framework allows us to understand why we perceive thinness in females to be so attractive.

学习啦在线学习网   约翰·斯皮克曼教授补充道:“用进化学的框架来考虑这一问题使得我们明白,我们为什么会认为女性的苗条身材这样吸引人眼球。”