

时间: 楚欣650 分享

  1. Eritrea

  1. 厄立特里亚

学习啦在线学习网   It’s true that copper and gold are here for some of the people to mine, however, there are about 80% of the locals that are farmers and only 7 out of 10 people are able to read and write. This country is found on the borders of Ethiopia and Sudan which are along the Red Sea, and the farmers here struggle against continuous drought conditions and a serious shortage of working class which is induced by the military draft from the government. Because of Eritrea’s per capita GDP of 7, it’s very clear to see that it is one of the most impoverished nations in the world.

学习啦在线学习网   厄立特里亚有铜和金可供人们开采,但这里80%的当地人都是农民,拥有读写能力的人只有七成。该国紧靠红海,比邻埃塞俄比亚和苏丹。同时,这里的农民苦于长时期的干旱和劳动力的缺乏——因为许多人都被政府诱导服了兵役。厄立特里亚的国内人均生产总值只有777美元,我们就不难理解为什么它是世界上最穷的国家之一了。

  2. Burundi


  The state of Maryland and Burundi are roughly the same land mass, but Burundi has double the population. Across this country, 1 out of 10 Burundians are surviving on farming alone. With commodity costs and numerous droughts impacting the revenue that gets generated from the biggest crops, like coffee and tea, one of the most significant motives for why this country’s per capita PPP gross nationwide product of 0 is what deems it the 4th poorest country on earth. As well, only an alarming 2% or less of their population has electricity within their rural culture.



  3. Zimbabwe


学习啦在线学习网   Zimbabwe is a landlocked nation with 6 per capita PPP gross national product, making it the 3rd country that is least affluent in the world. Zimbabwe has its typical rich, natural African resources but has been subjected to a tumultuous decade of unproductive economic strategies and war. Zimbabwe is chiefly an agrarian economy, but they go through drought after drought, which brings mayhem when they attempt to meet the crop demands. They mainly generate revenue through tobacco and grain. There is opportunity for economic growth in the mining trades for diamonds, coal, copper and gold.

学习啦在线学习网   津巴布韦是一个内陆国家,位列世界上第三穷。公私合营的人均生产总值只有516美元。津巴布韦典型拥有丰富的天然非洲资源,可是由于多年的战争以及不生产政策,动荡不安的津巴布韦依旧是一个以农业经济为主的国家。由于接连的干旱,津巴布韦在粮食自给上不断遇到挫折。在经济发展可以通过开采钻石,煤,铜和金的情况下,这个国家的财政收入依然以烟草和农作物为主。

  4. Democratic Republic of Congo


学习啦在线学习网   In accordance with Global Finance magazine, the Democratic Republic of Congo (previously known as Zaire) has ranked very last in GDP per capital for 2011. This is even the case regardless of their economic growth over the last decade. There is only 4 per person that is generated in Congo’s economic environment. This African country rests upon massive gold and coltan deposits as well as other natural resources. Congo is the 19th most populated nation in the world, but thanks to the corruption in the mining trade, employment prospects have been bound up and foreign buyers have been pressured to stay away.


  5. Liberia


  What might be shocking to many is that 2/3 of the Liberian population are surviving on class="main">


时间: 楚欣650 分享

学习啦在线学习网   在利比里亚,全国人口的三分之二每天只有一美元去勉强生活,这一点绝对震惊四座。利比里亚的国土面积与田纳西几乎一致,但是在战争的摧残下,这个国家已经破败不堪,人均生产总值只有490美元。利比里亚在非洲的大西洋沿岸,农业是国家经济主要组成部分,并且气候舒适,适合发展农业,水稻是主要的粮食作物。如果利比里亚利用好钻石以及木材开采,经济一定可以发展起来。


导读:世界上最穷的这五个国家,如今还是以农业为主。工业革命并没有为他们带来什么改变。它们为何如此贫穷,到底有多贫穷?下面为你一一盘点吧! 1. Eritrea 1. 厄立特里亚 Its true that copper and gold are here for some of the peop