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  Central nervous system stimulant medicines are the most commonly prescribed medications to treat symptoms of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). These stimulants activate the level of activity, arousal, or alertness of the central nervous system. They work by “stimulating” and increasing the availability of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, making pathways in the brain work more effectively.


  All three subtypes of ADHD -- the Combined type, the Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive type, and the Predominantly Inattentive type -- respond to stimulant therapy.


  Caffeine is also a central nervous system stimulant. Is caffeine an alternative therapeutic strategy for the management of ADHD symptoms? Can a few cups of coffee a day effectively improve mental focus and attention and reduce impulsive or hyperactive behavior in children with ADHD?


学习啦在线学习网   Research on Caffeine and ADHD


  Research published in the International Journal of Neuropychophamacology (December 2005) studied the effect of caffeine on animal models of ADHD – rats with ADHD-like symptoms including hyperactivity, impulsivity, poorly sustained attention, and deficits in learning and memory processes.

学习啦在线学习网   发表在国际期刊International Journal of Neuropychophamacology (2005年第十二期)的一篇文章研究了咖啡因在动物样本上治疗多动症的效果——有多动症状的冲动,缺乏持续注意力,有认知记忆缺陷的老鼠样本。

学习啦在线学习网   The study found that caffeine improved several learning and memory impairments in the animal models of ADHD.

学习啦在线学习网   研究发现,咖啡因确实在动物样本实验中对认知与记忆障碍的症状有所改善。

  Research published in the journal Neuroscience Letters (2011) further evaluated the effect of caffeine on motor activity and attention deficit, again using a genetic animal model of ADHD. In the study investigators observed no changes in the motor activity measurements before and after caffeine administration, however a significant improvement in the attention deficit of the ADHD rats was achieved after caffeine treatment.

  学术期刊Neuroscience Letters(《神经科学》2011年出版)中关于此的研究进一步评估了咖啡因对肌动运动和注意力缺陷的影响,仍是通过多动症动物样本实验。在此次研究中研究人员发现,服用咖啡因前后的小鼠的激动运动值没有变化,而有缺陷性多动障碍的小鼠则在服用后症状有相当大的改善。

  Caffeine for ADHD in Children?


  Though improvements have been noted in animal models and in anecdotal reports, research on the safety and effectiveness of caffeine in the treatment of ADHD is very limited. We tend to think of caffeine as an innocuous substance – after all it is naturally found in coffee, tea, and cocoa – , however, it is still a drug and a central nervous stimulant.


  Many pediatricians caution against the use of caffeine as a treatment choice for ADHD. It tends to be shorter acting as compared to the stimulant medications, so any positive effects are shorter lasting. In addition, there are currently no dosage recommendations for managing ADHD with caffeine.


  Like all stimulants, caffeine can result in negative side effects such as anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, stomachaches, and tachycardia when consumed in higher doses. Children are often more susceptible to these adverse effects as compared to adults.


  At this time there is insufficient information available to recommend caffeine for children with ADHD. Treatment approaches with documented efficacy and safety include behavioral interventions and when indicated prescription stimulant medication.

学习啦在线学习网   目前,推荐咖啡因作为儿童多动症的治疗手段明显证据不足。已记录的治疗方法仍是有效性与安全性有保障的处方兴奋剂药物。