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学习啦在线学习网   The science of sleep can be fuzzy and confusing at times. Researchers are still not sure what our brains are up to, why we dream, or what those dreams even mean. But there are some intriguing things we’ve learnt in recent years about our mind’s journey to the Land of Nod.

学习啦在线学习网   睡眠科学有时模糊而令人迷惑。研究人员至今仍不清楚大脑的极限、做梦的原因以及梦的含义。不过近年来,关于梦境之旅,我们发现了一些有趣的现象。

  Here are 10 surprising facts from the BBC Future archive and elsewhere that shed some light on why we need a restful night’s sleep:


  1. Familiar smells can help to form memories in your sleeping brain, improving your performance at simple learning tasks.

学习啦在线学习网   1、相似的气味能帮助处于睡眠状态的大脑形成记忆,提高简单学习的效率。

学习啦在线学习网   2. One small study proposed that learning the didgeridoo aids sleep, perhaps because it strengthens breathing muscles.


学习啦在线学习网   3. The body shudders people report as you fall asleep are surprisingly common, and harmless – they’re called hypnic jerks.


学习啦在线学习网   4. The most natural time to nap, based on our circadian rhythms, is between 2 and 4pm. But while napping later in the day is more restorative, getting some shuteye earlier on is more likely to boost your creativity.


学习啦在线学习网   5. As we discovered earlier this week, a mutation in a gene called DEC2 might allow some people to sleep consistently for only four hours a night with no adverse physical effects….


  6. …however, that’s probably not you. Less than 5% of people are natural short sleepers. Most people need eight hours, but around 30% of us get fewer than six per night.


学习啦在线学习网   7. One theory for why we need sleep is that our brains use the opportunity to consolidate memories from that day. We might also deal with the memory of unpleasant or traumatic events during sleep.


  8. Some researchers have used people’s brain activity to reconstruct YouTube videos they were watching. It’s thought a similar technique could one day be used to recreate our dreams.

学习啦在线学习网   8、一些研究人员用大脑活动来重建之前看过的YouTube视频。这被认为将来可以用与之相似的科技重现梦境。

学习啦在线学习网   9. Military researchers have found that if you save up sleep in advance by having early nights, sleep deprivation won’t hit you as hard.


  10. If you go 12 consecutive nights on six hours’ sleep, it’s equivalent to a blood alcohol of 0.1%, which is marked by slurred speech, poor balance, and impaired memory. In other words, you’re drunk.

学习啦在线学习网   10、如果你连续12个晚上都只睡6小时,这相当于血液中的酒精含量达到0.1%,表现为口齿不清、平衡不好以及记忆受损。换句话说,你喝醉了。