学习啦 > 学习英语 > 英语阅读 > 英语文摘 > 教你练就办公室午睡达人的5个妙招(双语)


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学习啦在线学习网   摘要:我们这个崇尚效率的社会,午睡在多数情况下和懒惰联系在一起。普遍认为,每个人都应晚上睡八小时,然后工作一整天。然而,这种想法业已过时。多数人夜晚通常会照例醒过来几小时,然后下午的时候小睡一会,补充他们“支离破碎”的睡眠。换言之,午睡再自然不过,小睡也益处颇多。下面跟着小编一起来看看吧.

  1) Nap in the afternoon.


  Some researchers even think the afternoon urge to nap is evolutionary:It seems nature definitely intended that adults should nap in the middle of the day, perhaps to get out of the midday sun.Regardless of the biological reason, this afternoon lull is the perfect time to take a quick nap.


  2) Find a dark, comfortable, quiet place.

  找个光线暗、 安静舒适的地方。

  You may feel tired enough to fall asleep anywhere, but sleep researchers find that these controllable factors play a huge role in how easily and quickly people can fall asleep.


  3) Figure out how long to nap.

学习啦在线学习网   计算下要午睡多久。

  Because your brain progresses through a series of distinct stages after you fall asleep, naps of different lengths can have surprisingly different effects.


  4) Set an alarm.


学习啦在线学习网   This might seem obvious, but for most people it's really hard to wake up when you intend to, and longer naps can backfire.


  5) Optional: Drink some coffee first.


  Quickly downing a cup of coffee and then napping for 20 minutes or less can have some surprising benefits.


  The reason is that it takes around 20 minutes for caffeine to move through your gastrointestinal tract and your bloodstream, to enter your brain. What's more, caffeine makes you feel more energetic by displacing a chemical called adenosine, which produces a feeling of tiredness — and sleep naturally clears adenosine from your brain.That means when you wake up after 20 minutes and the caffeine arrives, it has less adenosine to compete with, amplifying the effect of the caffeine.
