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  1Stretching prevents injury and muscle soreness in recreational runners

学习啦在线学习网   1拉伸可以帮助跑步锻炼的人减少受伤或肌肉酸痛

学习啦在线学习网   Really well conducted research shows stretching before and after a run makes no difference to injuries and muscle soreness. There is high quality research that there are other things you can do - agilitytraining, co-ordination training, active warm ups, exercise related to the sport.


  2The type of mattress you sleep on prevents back pain

学习啦在线学习网   2床垫的种类可以预防背痛

学习啦在线学习网   'This is a surprising one. We did thorough research of the physiotherapy database, including the best quality research done and we couldn't find any well conducted trials to evaluate this,' said PEDro manager Anne Moseley.


  3.You should wear a neck brace if you have a whiplash neck injury


  Just like Aussie model Miranda Kerr who was recently seen wearing a neck brace after a car accident she had in Los Angeles, people often believe this is the way to heal their body quicker, but in fact that's not the case.

学习啦在线学习网   澳洲模特米拉达·可儿最近在洛杉矶出车祸后戴着颈托出现,和她一样,人们认为颈托可以辅助身体愈合。然而事实并非如此。

学习啦在线学习网   Anne Mosley says for those who suffer spinal fractures at accidents, it is completely necessary, but if there is no fracture and just whiplash, research has found that wearing a brace is detrimental. 'The best treatments are to stay active and use graded activity, to increase the amount of activity.


  4. Ultrasound for the recovery of ankle sprains


  5. An incentive spirometer - a device which patients use to help them take deep breaths to prevent complications during upper abdominalsurgery or cardiac surgery

学习啦在线学习网   5.诱导性肺量器:在上腹部手术或心脏外科手术中使用,使患者深呼吸来防止并发症出现

学习啦在线学习网   These are based on the use of gadgets that people have to pay for, which can sometimes be expensive. 'Research shows an incentive spirometer doesn't change complication rates.' Ms Moseley says most of these findings will be interesting to Australians and some will debate what have been labelled myths. 'We really value the physiotherapist database, it provides high level evidence to support these claims and having treatment guided by research is a great way to make decision about health care.'
