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  the goodnesof life

学习啦在线学习网   though there imuch to be concerned about, there ifar, far more for which to be thankful. though life’goodnescan at timebe overshadowed, it inever outweighed.

  for eversingle act that isenselessldestructive, there are thousandmore small, quiet actof love, kindnesand compassion.

学习啦在线学习网   for everperson who seekto hurt, there are many, manmore who devote their liveto helping and to healing.

  there igoodnesto life that cannot be denied.

学习啦在线学习网   in the most magnificent vistaand in the smallest details, look closely, for that goodnesalwaycomeshining through.

学习啦在线学习网   there si no limit to the goodnesof life. it growmore abundant with each new encounter. the more you experience and appreciate the goodnesof life, the more there ito be lived.

学习啦在线学习网   even when the cold windblow and the world seemto be cov ered in foggshadows, the goodnesof life liveon. open your eyes, open your heart, and you will see that goodnesieverywhere.

学习啦在线学习网   though the goodnesof life seemat timeto suffer setbacks, it alwayendures. for in the darkest moment it becomevividlclear that life ia pricelestreasure.

  and so the goodnesof life imade even stronger bthe verthingthat would oppose it.

  time and time again when you feared it wagone forever you found that the goodnesof life wareallonla moment away.

学习啦在线学习网   around the next corner, inside evermoment, the goodnesof life ithere to surprise and delight you.

  take a moment to let the goodnesof life touch your spirit and calm your thoughts. then, share your good fortune with another.

学习啦在线学习网   for the goodnesof life growmore and more magnificent each time it igiven away.

学习啦在线学习网   though the problemconstantlscream for attention and the conflictappear to rage ever stronger, the goodnesof life growstronger still, quietly, peacefully, with more purpose and meaning than ever before.


学习啦在线学习网   尽管有很多事让人忧虑,但相比而言,值得感激的事要多得多。尽管生命的美好有时被蒙上阴影,但它却永远不会被埋没。

学习啦在线学习网   相对于每一个无谓的破坏行为而言,都有更多数以千计更为微小的,包含着爱,友善和同情的举动静静地上演着。相对于每一个试图伤害他人的人而言,都有更多的人致力于帮助他人,治愈他人的创伤。

学习啦在线学习网   生命的美好不能否认。


学习啦在线学习网   生命的美好没有界限。每一次相遇都会使这美好变得越发丰富。你经历得越多,越能欣赏生命的美好,生命中的美好就会变得越多。

学习啦在线学习网   即使当寒风袭来,整个世界似乎被雾气掩盖之时,生命的美好仍会存在。睁开双眼,打开心扉,你就会发现这美好无处不在。


学习啦在线学习网   无数次地,当你担心这美好已经远离之时,你会发现生命的美好其实只与你相隔须臾。它就在下一角落,存在于每个时刻之间,等着给你惊喜。




学习啦在线学习网   My community and state are still recovering from the catastrophe that struck recently. A wall of storms with hurricane force winds struck late on a Friday evening knocking down trees, blocking roads, damaging homes, and destroying power lines.

学习啦在线学习网   最近的一次灾难给我们的州、我们的社区带来了很大的影响。暴风雨夹杂着飓风在周五的晚上登陆,树木被刮倒,道路被封锁,家园被摧毁,电路被中断。

学习啦在线学习网   Hundreds of thousands of people suddenly found themselves in the dark without water, electricity, air conditioning, telephones, internet, and television. They found themselves cut off from the modern world enduring sweltering 90 degree plus heat with no help and no idea when it would be over.

学习啦在线学习网   数以万计的人生活在黑暗缺水的环境中,因为电路的中断,无法使用空调、电话,也不能上网、看电视。受灾群众发现自己彻底和外界断了联系,忍受着华氏90度(32摄氏度)以上的高温,束手无策,而且不知道生活何时能恢复正常。

学习啦在线学习网   The most amazing thing happened, however, as the reality of the crisis sank in: it brought out the best in us. While there were a few acts of selfishness and stealing they were overwhelmed by the wave of love and compassion that came from the hearts of so many.


学习啦在线学习网   People shared their food, ice, and gasoline. People who still had power opened their homes to those who had none. People rushed out to clear roads and homes of fallen trees. Selfless power crews worked around the clock to repair the damage and restore electricity.


  People gathered on front porches to talk, share hugs and offer words of hope and faith that God would see them through it all. Strangers came together as one family to help each other in this time of great need.

学习啦在线学习网   人们在前门廊交谈鼓劲、相互拥抱,说着神明如果看到他们的遭遇会给他们带来希望和信仰。

学习啦在线学习网   It was such a joy seeing all these people acting like true Children of God under the most trying of circumstances.


  Life's disasters strike all of us from time to time. No one is spared.


  We all get hurt. We all get challenged.

学习啦在线学习网   我们都会受伤,我们都会遇到挑战。

  We all get squeezed by difficulties during our days here.

学习啦在线学习网   我们都会被生活的磨难压榨。

学习啦在线学习网   How we respond to them, though, is up to us.

学习啦在线学习网   不过,我们怎么样应对则它取决于我们自己。

  We can let them bring out the worst is us or we can let them bring out the best in us. We can react to them like demons of selfishness or like angels of love.


  May you always bring the best from your heart and soul to whatever life may throw at you then. May you live all of your days here with so much love that Heaven sings and God smiles.



  I have the bad habit of skipping to the last pages of a book to see how it ends while I am still in the middle of it. This habit annoyed first my Mom, then my friends, and finally even my own daughter.

学习啦在线学习网   我有一个换习惯就是看书看到一半,就翻到最后看结局。我的母亲、我的朋友以及连我的女儿都很不喜欢我这样。

  Often my impatience wouldn't be confined just to the books I read but also to what they were reading as well. Finally one day my daughter told me in exasperation, "Dad please just read a book one page at a time like everyone else!"

学习啦在线学习网   我是个急性子,不光我自己读书这样,我还管着别人读书。最后我的女儿爆发了,“爸爸,你能不能像人家读书一样,每次就读一页!”

  At times I haven't limited this bad habit to just books either. I have also tried to skip ahead in my own life and figure out what to do months and even years from now instead of embracing each day as God intended.


学习啦在线学习网   I knew that the book of my life wasn't done yet and that I had many pages left to go. Still, that didn't stop me from trying to write the ending half-way through.

学习啦在线学习网   我知道自己人生的这本书没有结束,还有很多页没有读。然而,我还会臆想结局。

  Time and again, I would foolishly jump ahead and try to solve every conceivable problem before it happened so I could reach that storybook happily ever after ending.

学习啦在线学习网   有时我总是愚蠢地想象着书中的结局,杞人忧天般的考虑着还没发生的问题,我总是能很高兴的自动带入书中情节,不管书中结局怎样。

  Life, however, doesn't work like that. God loves to surprise us, and you never know what new problem, change, or opportunity each new day will bring.


学习啦在线学习网   Recently when I found myself returning to that bad habit of rushing ahead and living in the future again, I found His truth coming from the lips of a special soul who gently told me I needed to "live one day at a time."


  When I heard those words I smiled, turned the book of my life back to the right page, and thanked God for today.

学习啦在线学习网   当我听到这些话,我会心地笑了。感谢上帝让我领悟到如何将人生之书翻到正确的页码。

  There is no skipping ahead in the book of life. Each of us has to live it one page and one day at a time. Each of us has to have faith in God to help us to write it line by line and moment by moment. Each of us has to trust that our Heavenly Father will bring our story to its perfect end.







