学习啦在线学习网 英国BBC对各行各业的人进行了一次问卷,结合过去一年内最难忘的经历,说出那个让你爱上世界理由。问卷对象有作家、厨师、音乐家、摄影师等等,他们都在某个并没有预料到的瞬间,爱上了这个世界。你又会因为哪个原因爱上这个世界呢?先看看他们的答案吧~
学习啦在线学习网 1.Because one small friendship made on the JR Yamanote line in Tokyo reminded me that age, location and language don't have to be barriers to forming friendships –even fleeting ones.
学习啦在线学习网 因为在东京山手线上收获的一段小小的友谊让我意识到,年龄、语言和地域并不一定会阻止我们收获友谊——即使是一段转瞬即逝的友谊。
学习啦在线学习网 2.Because seeing a chicken try to decide whether to cross the road in Hanoi made me ponder life'sgreat philosophical questions.
学习啦在线学习网 因为在河内时,我看到一只鸡在思考是否要穿过公路。这一幕让我开始思考伟大的生命哲学问题。
3.Because, as I strolled along Havana's seaside Malecón, a parade of vintage sedans brought back a wave of nostalgia for an era long gone in America —but still very alive in Cuba.
学习啦在线学习网 4.Because I witnessed days of cloudless, sunny skies atop crystal blue waters edged with breathtaking cliffs while visiting Washington's San Juan Islands. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see orcas in their natural environment.
5.Because I finally got the chance to experience Cork, Ireland, and see the old ruins and castles.
学习啦在线学习网 因为我终于有机会去参观爱尔兰的科克,看看古老的遗迹和城堡。
6.Because in Thailand I shared a moment with one of nature's most majestic creatures.
7.Because I finally surprised my hard-working, chocolate-loving brother with a trip to Zurich.
学习啦在线学习网 因为我的苏黎世之行,这让我那辛勤工作、爱吃巧克力的哥哥甚是惊讶。
学习啦在线学习网 8.Because I went to Jamaica and saw 145 baby turtles break out of their nest and make a mad dash for the sea. I felt the joy of creation and admired the power of instinct.
学习啦在线学习网 9.Because I finally climbed to the top of Florence’s iconic Duomo, and was rewarded with a view virtually unchanged since Michelangelo’s day.
学习啦在线学习网 因为我终于登上了佛罗伦萨标志性的大教堂顶端,看到了从米开朗基罗时代就未曾改变的景色。
10.Because while I was travelling in the Sierra Nevada mountains in Colombia, the family of this extraordinary Kogi girl made me local lemonade and welcomed me into their world.