If the educational equipment which Gerald broughtto America was scant, he did not even know it. Norwould he have cared if he had been told. His motherhad taught him to read and to write a clear hand. Hewas adept at ciphering. And there his bookknowledge stopped. The only Latin he knew was theresponses of the Mass and the only history themanifold wrongs of Ireland. He knew no poetry save that of Moore and no music except thesongs of Ireland that had come down through the years. While he entertained the liveliestrespect for those who had more book learning than he, he never felt his own lack. And whatneed had he of these things in a new country where the most ignorant of bogtrotters hadmade great fortunes? in this country which asked only that a man be strong and unafraid ofwork?
学习啦在线学习网 到美国来之前,杰拉尔德没有受过多少教育,可是他对此并不怎么有自知之明。其实,即使别人给他指出,他也不会在意。他母亲教过他读书写字。他很善于作算术题。他的书本知识就只这些。他唯一懂得的拉丁文是作弥撒时应答牧师的用语,唯一的历史知识则是爱尔兰的种种冤屈。他在诗歌方面,只知道穆尔的作品,音乐则限于历代流传下来的爱尔兰歌曲。他尽管对那些比他较有学问的人怀有敬意,可是从来也不感觉到自己的缺陷。而且,在一个新的国家,在一个连那些最愚昧的爱尔兰人也在此发了大财的国家,在一个只要求你强壮不怕干活的国家,他需要这些东西干什么呢?
学习啦在线学习网 He liked the South, and he soon became, in his own opinion, a Southerner. There was muchabout the South—and Southerners—that he would never comprehend; but, with thewholeheartedness that was his nature, he adopted its ideas and customs, as he understoodthem, for his own—poker and horse racing, red-hot politics and the code duello, States’ Rightsand damnation to all Yankees, slavery and King Cotton, contempt for white trash andexaggerated courtesy to women. He even learned to chew tobacco. There was no need forhim to acquire a good head for whisky, he had been born with one.
学习啦在线学习网 他喜欢南方,并且自己以为很快就成了南方人。的确,关于南方和南方人,有许多东西是他永远也不会理解的,不过,南方人的有些思想习惯,如玩扑克,赛马,争论政治和举行决斗,争取州权和咒骂北方佬,维护奴隶制和棉花至上主义,轻视下流白人和过分讨好妇女,等等,他一旦理解便全心全意地接受,并成为他自己的了。他甚至学会了咀嚼烟叶。至于喝威士忌的本领,他生来就已经具备,那是不用学的。
But Gerald remained Gerald. His habits of living andhis ideas changed, but his manners he would notchange, even had he been able to change them. Headmired the drawling elegance of the wealthy riceand cotton planters, who rode into Savannah fromtheir moss-hung kingdoms, mounted onthoroughbred horses and followed by the carriagesof their equally elegant ladies and the wagons of their slaves. But Gerald could never attainelegance. Their lazy, blurred voices fell pleasantly on his ears, but his own brisk brogueclung to his tongue. He liked the casual grace with which they conducted affairs of importance,risking a fortune, a plantation or a slave on the turn of a card and writing off their losses withcareless good humor and no more ado than when they scattered pennies to pickaninnies.