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学习啦在线学习网   下面是学习啦小编整理的双语英语文摘,欢迎大家阅读!


  Many of our problems come from within our own minds. They aren't caused by events, bad luck, or other people. We cause them through our own poor mental habits. Here are 10 habits you should set aside right away to free yourself from the many problems each one will be causing you.


  Stop jumping to conclusions. There are two common ways this habit increases people's difficulties. First, they assume that they know what is going to happen, so they stop paying attention and act on their assumption instead. Human beings are lousy fortune-tellers. Most of what they assume is wrong. That makes the action wrong too. The second aspect of this habit is playing the mind-reader and assuming you know why people do what they do or what they're thinking. Wrong again, big time. More relationships are destroyed by this particular kind of stupidity than by any other.


  Don't dramatize. Lots of people inflate small setbacks into life-threatening catastrophes and react accordingly. This habit makes mountains out of molehills and gives people anxieties that either don't exist or are so insignificant they aren't worth worrying about anyway. Why do they do it? Who knows? Maybe to make themselves feel and seem more important. Whatever the reason, it's silly as well as destructive.


  Don't invent rules. A huge proportion of those “oughts” and “shoulds” that you carry around are most likely needless. All that they do for you is make you feel nervous or guilty. What's the point? When you use these imaginary rules on yourself, you clog your mind with petty restrictions and childish orders. And when you try to impose them on others, you make yourself into a bully, a boring nag, or a self-righteous bigot.


学习啦在线学习网   Avoid stereotyping or labeling people or situations. The words you use can trip you up. Negative and critical language produces the same flavor of thinking. Forcing things into pre-set categories hides their real meaning and limits your thinking to no purpose. See what's there. Don't label. You'll be surprised at what you find.

学习啦在线学习网   避免给他人扣帽子。对别人否定的评价也会限制你对他的看法和想法。所以,避免预先给别人扣帽子,说不定你就可以发现别人其他不同一般的地方。

  Quit being a perfectionist. Life isn't all or nothing, black or white. Many times, good enough means exactly what it says. Search for the perfect job and you'll likely never find it. Meanwhile, all the others will look worse than they are. Try for the perfect relationship and you'll probably spend your life alone. Perfectionism is a mental sickness that will destroy all your pleasure and send you in search of what can never be attained.


  Don't over-generalize. One or two setbacks are not a sign of permanent failure. The odd triumph doesn't turn you into a genius. A single event-good or bad-or even two or three don't always point to a lasting trend. Usually things are just what they are, nothing more.

学习啦在线学习网   不要过分概括。一两次的挫折并不意味着永远失败,几次成功也不能说明你是一个天才。一件事--好或坏--或者二或三件事并不代表永久的趋势。一件事的成败就是它的成败,不要过分夸大其失败的教训和成功的经验。

  Don't take things so personally. Most people, even your friends and colleagues, aren't talking about you, thinking about you, or concerned with you at all for 99% of the time. The majority of folk in your organization or neighborhood have probably never heard of you and don't especially want to. The ups and downs of life, the warmth and coldness of others, aren't personal at all. Pretending that they are will only make you more miserable than is needed.

学习啦在线学习网   不要怀疑别人在讨论自己。大部分的人,包括你的朋友和同事,在99%的时间内并没有讨论你或者考虑你。很多职位的同事和邻居甚至都不会认识你。别人对你的态度冷热大部分都非私人的想法。不断地怀疑别人在讨论自己只会让你多疑和痛苦。

学习啦在线学习网   Don't assume your emotions are trustworthy. How you feel isn't always a good indicator of how things are. Just because you feel it, that doesn't make it true. Sometimes that emotion comes from nothing more profound than being tired, hungry, annoyed, or about to get a head-cold. The future won't change because you feel bad-nor because you feel great. Feelings may be true, but they aren't the truth.


  Don't let life get you down. Keep practicing being optimistic. If you expect bad things in your life and work, you'll always find them. A negative mind-set is like looking at the world through distorting, grimy lenses. You spot every blemish and overlook or discount everything else. It's amazing what isn't there until you start to look for it. Of course, if you decide to look for signs of positive things, you'll find those too.


  Don't hang on to the past. This is my most important suggestion of all: let go and move on. Most of the anger, frustration, misery, and despair in this world come from people clinging to past hurts and problems. The more you turn them over in your mind, the worse you'll feel and the bigger they'll look. Don't try to fight misery. Let go and move on. Do that and you've removed just about all its power to hurt you.


  Is Overwhelming Shyness Holding You Back?

  Were you one of those shy kids clinging to your mom's leg? Did you dodge attention, feel inferior and avoid being called out? Still doing that as an adult?


学习啦在线学习网   Shyness and overwhelming self-doubt are more common than you think, and they're holding back millions of people just like you from living more exciting and fulfilling lives. But it doesn't mean that you can't destroy that terrifying fear that has been holding you back. You aren't meant to be shy. And there is no reason you can't shine in your own way.


学习啦在线学习网   From social gatherings, to business meetings, to your one-on-one relationships, if you want to break free from shyness, create better relationships and be more comfortable in your skin when you are around people then read on. There are time-tested techniques that have served me well in my personal life, as well as helping my clients. In a world where relationships are everything, you must set yourself apart and still stay true to who you are. Here is how to break free from shyness:


  It's more of a mindset than what you do.

学习啦在线学习网   胆怯只是心态问题

学习啦在线学习网   From someone who has overcome overwhelming shyness and helps people gain more self-confidence to create more connection with other people, I'm about to break it down for you. What you are about to learn is the mindset of people who stand out, go after what they want and have great relationships.


学习啦在线学习网   This is a state of mind that if adapted will help you in your love life, your career, your health and your spiritual life.


学习啦在线学习网   What are some limiting beliefs about yourself that you currently hold that need to be changed?

学习啦在线学习网   至今你有哪些局限的思维需要改变?

  Set realistic expectations.


学习啦在线学习网   Everyone wants something different. One person may want to be on stage, whereas someone else may just want to be comfortable on a date or in a business meeting.

学习啦在线学习网   每个人都想有所作为。有人渴望万众瞩目,也有人期待一场快乐的约会或者会议。

  As you learn these techniques and insights, it is important to be very clear about what you want and what it looks like. The goal here is to get you to feel good about being who you are and connecting with people.


学习啦在线学习网   Everyone has a different expectation when it comes to what they want and how they want to feel when they connect to people.


  What do you want? How do you want to feel when you are around people? What does that look like for you?


学习啦在线学习网   Focus on sharing.


  By far, the most effective technique in overcoming shyness is to switch your consciousness from you to them.

学习啦在线学习网   目前为止,克服胆怯最为有效的方式就是将自我意识转移到他人身上。

  Remember the last time you were in a situation and you were nervous or shy? I'd be willing to bet you were focusing on yourself: how you looked, what you were going to say, or how different you were from everyone else.


学习啦在线学习网   People that shine are focusing on delivering, serving and benefiting others in some way. They focus outward, not inward. Sure, it's important to be aware of how you are being perceived, but people always remember how you make them feel. In order to make them feel good you must focus on sharing with them.


学习啦在线学习网   Next time you are in an uncomfortable situation, shift your focus to someone else and ask yourself how you can help them or add value to their lives.


  Be interested instead of trying to be interesting.


学习啦在线学习网   Make the focus of every conversation about someone else at first. This will take the pressure off of you and make them feel significant. Asking questions and genuinely caring about what the person says immediately gets you out of your own head and makes the person feel special.


学习啦在线学习网   Be mindful not to interrogate, but simply show a curiosity about their world. Actually listen to their voice and less to that voice of doubt in your head.


学习啦在线学习网   Your outcome is to have the confidence to create more authentic relationships with people. In order to do that you must build a comfortable bond with them. When you discover more about someone, connect your similar interests to create that bond.


  How will you start to be more interested in people? Will you ask them about their job, their taste in music, or an experience they had? Next time you do, seek for common interests to build a bond.


  Embrace vulnerability.


  Trying to pretend that you are not nervous makes people nervous.


学习啦在线学习网   I was in a small workshop one time, shaking in my shoes. I just came right out and said, “You know what, you guys? This is my first time speaking in front of you and I'm terrified! Yikes!” Everyone opened up and started joking around. It broke the ice. I immediately felt more comfortable because I felt a part of them.

学习啦在线学习网   有一次在一个小车间里,我紧张得双脚哆嗦。于是我就站了起来然后说道,“伙计们,你们知道吗?这是我第一次在大家面前发言,紧张死了!哎呀!”众人听了都放开了,接着开始说笑。尴尬的局面就这样被打破。我瞬间觉得不忐忑了,因为找到了归属感。

  Brené Brown, an expert in vulnerability (yes, there is actually an expert in vulnerability), says that courage actually comes from vulnerability. Ironically, people actually find vulnerability endearing. It makes them want to protect you, it makes you human, and it makes you relatable.

学习啦在线学习网   布勒。布朗是脆弱专家(确实,真的有这种专家),他说勇气实则源自脆弱。滑稽的是,人们事实上觉得脆弱是讨喜的事。因为那能让别人对你产生保护欲,而你也因此才具人性,这是能产生共鸣的特点。

  Trust me, I hung out with the cool kids and the oddballs, too. They are all the same. Everyone freaks out at some time or another. Be vulnerable. It's OK!

