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学习啦在线学习网   So you’ve noticed all of those happy and productive early risers who always seem to be on top of things. You probably hate them a little–they’re just so damn productive! But a small part of you has probably wondered, lying in bed at 11 a.m., how they do it. Maybe you’ve even thought you’d feel more energized if you could just manage to get up without feeling like crap. Here are a few tips of the trade on how to become an early riser and feel good while doing it.


  1. Go to Bed Earlier


  Probably the biggest detractor from getting up early is not getting enough sleep. It doesn’t take a genius to work out that if you don’t go to bed so late, you won’t need to sleep late either. Do you really need to be staying up until midnight or later, particularly on a work night? I’m willing to bet that you’re not actually doing anything productive or beneficial. The TV shows and social media can wait; stop wasting your time. You’ll be surprised by how great you feel once you get into an early sleep routine.

学习啦在线学习网   睡眠不足可能是早起最大的障碍。既使不想也懂这个道理,如果不晚睡,当然就不必晚起。你真得需要熬夜到半夜三更吗?特别是在工作日的晚上。我敢打赌,你肯定不是在做什么高效或有益的事情。电视剧、社交媒体不急于一时,不要浪费时间。一旦养成早睡的习惯,你会惊奇与之俱来的好感觉。

  2. Have a Consistent Sleep Schedule


  Your body thrives on routine. That’s why you get hungry at certain times–your body has been trained to expect it! Establishing a proper sleeping schedule is no different. Furthermore, having a routine will make it easier to get up early. The bad news is that you should start getting up at the same time everyday, including weekends. I know this may be a struggle, but if you don’t do this, your body will be constantly confused about when it should wake up, and getting up early will be all the more difficult.

学习啦在线学习网   身体对固定的日常作出响应。为什么一到饭点你就有饿感呢?你的身体已经被训练得有感觉了!制定适当的睡眠时间表也是一样。而且,有一个计划会使早起更加容易。但是,令人不爽的是,你应该每天在同一时刻起床,即便在周末。我知道,这可能不太容易,但如果你不这样做,你的身体将时常困惑于何时应醒来,早起将难上加难。

  3. Never Eat Before Bed


学习啦在线学习网   I know that a quick pre-bed snack can be tempting, but this is an incredibly bad idea if you want to wake up earlier and feel rested at the same time. Sleep is a time for your body to rest, repair and recharge. It is not a time for digestion. This is because it takes up far too much energy, which can make falling asleep more difficult. If you do manage to visit the land of nod, food digestion will rob you of the strength you’re supposed to be regaining. Even if you do get a full eight hours of sleep, you’ll wake up feeling tired and drained. You certainly won’t feel like getting up early. In short: put the cookie down.


  4. Reduce Your Caffeine Intake


学习啦在线学习网   This may be an obvious one, but it’s definitely worth mentioning. Less caffeine means that you won’t still be riding its high at 11:30 p.m. I would start by eliminating any kind of caffeinated beverage in the afternoons. I know that this can make life difficult when the mid afternoon sets in, but you need to resist the urge! If you’ve started going to bed earlier you hopefully won’t get these kind of tired attacks anymore anyway. If you really feel like you need some kind of ‘pick me up’ try an energizing snack instead.


  5. Never Drink Before Bed


学习啦在线学习网   A cheeky little sip before bed may seem like a good idea, particularly if you haven’t yet cut out that afternoon coffee. Despite what people say, drinking alcohol before bed will not help you sleep well, even if it does make you pass out. What it will do, however, is increase your deep sleep cycle and rob you of REM sleep. Because you this, you will feel tired when your alarm clock goes off and be all the more tempted to hit the ‘snooze’ button. As a side note, REM sleep is also needed for proper learning and memory function, so you definitely want to get enough of it.

学习啦在线学习网   睡前来点小酒似乎是个好主意,尤其是下午喝了咖啡的时候。不管人们说些什么,睡前饮酒不会促进你的睡眠,即使你喝得昏昏沉沉。它只能增加你的深睡眠周期,并且剥夺你的快速眼动睡眠。因此,闹钟响起时,你还是觉得劳累,想敲击‘止闹’按钮的冲动更强烈。顺便说一下,快速眼动睡眠也是正常学习和记忆功能所需要的,所以你一定想获得充足的快速眼动睡眠。

  6. Have a Good Reason to Get Up Early


  Getting up early requires motivation, at least initially. Give yourself a good reason to do it. This could be anything from getting tasks done to having something to look forward to. I personally recommend a combination of both. Get up because you need to get stuff done, but make sure you also give yourself a little motivational rewards, whether it be allotted time for a TV show, or a nice brisk walk.


  7. Turn Your Reason into a Challenge


  Now that you have a reason to be up, make it a challenge! Don’t let yourself fall into a rut or break the routine. Tell yourself that you can and will get up early to complete these tasks and that you’re capable of turning this into a habit. The only person that can truly hold you back is yourself.

学习啦在线学习网   既然有了早起的理由,那就让它成为一种挑战!不要让自己重蹈覆辙或朝三暮四。告诉自己,你可以而且会早起来完成这些任务,你有能力养成早起的习惯。真正拖你后腿的人是只有你自己。

  For those of you with a competitive streak, try using Wake N Shake. It’s an app that makes you and your friends compete and earn achievements for getting your butts out of bed and doing stuff.


  8. Start Working Out


  Exercise is a fantastic tool for waking up early, firstly because a good workout in the afternoon or evening will leave your body rested and in need of an early sleep. Secondly, working out early in the morning will make you feel energized and ready to conquer the rest of the day. These two ideas may seem to negate each other, but I can assure you that they’ll work in both circumstances.

学习啦在线学习网   锻炼为早起提供极好的助力,第一,因为下午或晚上适当的锻炼保持你精力旺盛,而且令你有有早睡的需要。第二,早晨锻炼不仅保持你在早晨精神百倍,而且还会精神一整天。这两种说法似乎互相矛盾,但是,我可以向你保证,它们都奏效。

  9. Make Sure Your Alarm Clock is Out of Reach


  The oldest trick in the book is sometimes the most effective. Force yourself to get out of bed by putting that pesky alarm clock out across the other side of the room. For added incentive, I recommend downloading a humiliation app such as BetterMe that will post on your Facebook wall that you were ‘too weak to get out of bed’ if you hit snooze. Not embarrassing enough? Go for Aherk. This app will post embarrassing photos of you to all of your social media accounts if you don’t reach your goals. Sure, self blackmail may seem easy enough to dodge, but once you have it set up you can’t get out of it.


  10.Go to Bed Calm and Relaxed


学习啦在线学习网   Going to bed wound up and stressed will only serve to keep you awake, regardless of how tired you are. Try to go to bed calm and relaxed. If you need a little help in this area, I would recommend yoga, meditation or even a simple relaxing tea such as chamomile.

学习啦在线学习网   不论兴奋还是紧张,都会使你难以入睡。努力安心地、放松地上床。在这方面,如果你需要小建议,那我推荐瑜珈、冥想,抑或一杯令人放松的甘菊茶。

  11. Have an Exciting Breakfast Planned


  When all else fails, food is the answer. Seriously, I’m far more motivated to get my tired ass out of bed if I know I have something delicious to eat for breakfast. Now, just because I say ‘delicious’ and ‘exciting’ doesn’t mean it has to be complicated. Personally, I can get excited over a smoothie and juice made from fresh fruit, but then I’m a freak who has her own blueberry bushes. If drinking your breakfast isn’t your style, a simple bacon and eggs or some crunchy muesli can do the trick. Just make sure it’s something that you’ll look forward to, that way you’ll be more likely to get up for it.

学习啦在线学习网   所以努力都泡汤时,食物可做杀手锏。真的,如果知道美味的早餐在等我,我会急不可待地钻出被窝。我说的‘美味’、‘令人垂涎’并不意味着早餐有多丰盛。就我个人观点,一杯鲜果汁奶昔足矣,不过,我是个拥有自己蓝莓园的怪人。如果喝东西作早餐不合你的口味,熏肉鸡蛋或什锦早餐应该可以了吧。只要是你期待的东西就可以,这样,你更可能为它而早起。