学习啦在线学习网 笑话能够使我们在紧张的工作生活当中获得一丝的放松,想放松一下心情的话,下面学习啦小编为大家带来英语幽默短笑话精选,希望大家喜欢!
Two sardines were swimming in New York harbor when one suggested they go up to the Bronx for the weekend.”I'd rather not,"the other objected. "It's such a long swim."
学习啦在线学习网 两条沙丁鱼在纽约港游水,其中的一条建议到布朗恩斯(Bronx)去度周末。另一条沙丁鱼反对说:“我认为最好不去。要游的距离太长了。”
"How about taking the subway?'his companion asked.
"No way!"replied the second sardine."And be packed in there like people?"
学习啦在线学习网 “不可能,”第二条沙丁鱼说:“难选要像人类那样到地铁里去乱挤吗?”
First woman:"Working full time and trying to do the housework really gets to me. After work yesterday I came home and washed the clothes and the dishes. Tomorrow I have to wash the kitchen floor and the front windows..."
学习啦在线学习网 第一个妇女:“工作一整天后还要做家务,可真够我受的。你看,我回家后要洗衣服、洗碗。明天,我还要擦洗厨房的地板和前门的窗户……”
Second woman:"What about your husband?"
First woman:"Absolutely not! He can wash himself.”
学习啦在线学习网 第一个妇女:“他绝不用我洗,他自己会洗。”
学习啦在线学习网 I taught a "gifted and talented"class made up of particularly bright fifth-and-sixth graders. In the midst of a lesson on the power of observation, I realized that I was wearing two different styles of shoes. Trying to be as inconspicuous as possible,I moved behind my desk and concluded the lesson from there,thankful that the students didn't seem to have noticed.
学习啦在线学习网 我教的一个“高智商”班的学生全都是五六年级里挑出来的。有一次上课,当讲观察的能力时,我突然发现自己穿错了鞋,两只鞋一样一只。我尽量装成没事的样子,走动的范围只限于讲台桌的长度,一直到上完课我也没离开。感谢上帝,学生们看上去什么都没发现。
The next day,I discovered that my lesson had been learned all too well. Before me sat a class of bright, smiling students—each wearing mismatched shoes.
学习啦在线学习网 As a real-estate broker, I once listed a house that had several rooms decorated in hot pink. I advised the seller to repaint,and was thrilled when he called to say he had done so. "You were right,"he said. "It looks much better now."
学习啦在线学习网 我是个房地产商。一次,有所待出售的房子,里边的墙被喷成了亮粉色。我向卖主建议把房子重喷一下。没想到他很快给我回了电话说他已经喷完了,并说:“你说得对,现在房子看上去好多了。”
学习啦在线学习网 Several days later I showed the house to prospective buyers. We found the interior all freshly painted—in the same shade of hot pink.
学习啦在线学习网 几天后,我带着几个买主去看房子,发现墙面被粉别一新,不过仍然是亮粉色。