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学习啦在线学习网   笑话从另一个角度反映着人们对于各种现象的态度,笑话是民族幽默的集中体现方式之一。下面是学习啦小编带来的简短的英语小笑话,欢迎阅读!



  make your own bed

  Farmer: If you want to spend the night here, you'll have to make your own bed.

学习啦在线学习网   Traveling salesman: That's perfectly all right.

  Farmer: Here's a hammer and saw. Good night.



学习啦在线学习网   Send the Bill to My Father

学习啦在线学习网   Doctor: ″I can do nothing for your complaint. It is hereditary.″

  Patient: ″then send the bill to my father,please.″






  Excited Remarks

  Our son, at age of five, had a fascination for motorcycles. The sight of one would always bring forth squeals of delight, accompanied by excited remarks of Look at that! Look at that! I’m going to have one of those someday, his dad’s response always was Not as long as I’m alive.

  One day, while our son was talking to a little friend, a motorcycle passed by. He excitedly pointed it out to the boy and exclaimed, Look at that! Look at that! I’m getting one of those as soon as my dad dies.


学习啦在线学习网   我五岁的儿子对摩托车有强烈的爱好。只要看见一辆摩托车,他就会高兴得哇哇直叫,并激动地说:瞧这辆!瞧这辆,我总有一天也要有一辆。他爸爸的回答老是只要我活着,你就别想有这玩艺儿。



学习啦在线学习网   A simple sense

学习啦在线学习网   Once upon a time, there were two hungry people got a gift: a senior and a basket fresh fishing huge fish. Among them, a person to a basket fish, another a rod, so they parted. Get the in situ fish sticks who build up a fish, and cook bonfires, yet he tasted the fish meat, fish soup, even in he ate, and soon, he starved to death in the empty fish basket. Another person is carrying rod to starve, step by step, hard to the edge, but when he has not seen the blue sea, he was the last bit of strength and make out, he can only with endless regret looking salto earth.

  And two hunger, they also received a gift elders and a basket fishing rod. But they did not each rush thing, but agreed together to find the sea, they only cook fish, they pass distant journey, came to the sea, and they began a fishing day, after a few years, they built a house, with their families, children, had built a boat, the well-being of life.

  A person only, get the immediate benefits will be short, One goal, but also to face the reality of life. Only the ideal and the reality, to combine may become a successful man. Sometimes, a simple, but enough to give people a meaningful life.



  BlackBerry or iPhone

  BlackBerry has just unveiled its new model handset, the Bold, in an effort to match the competition of Apple's

  iPhone. The latter's intuitive touch-sensitive screen has been a big selling point, but critics say the BlackBerry's

  keyboard makes it more user-friendly, especially for email. Which gadget tops your wishlist?


  A Half-price Ticket


学习啦在线学习网   "How much is the movie ticket?"


学习啦在线学习网   "Ten dollars, kid."


学习啦在线学习网   "I only have five dollars. Please let me in. I'll see it only with one eye."
